The Impeachment Thread

OK. I was sloppy in my language, but rarely do people talk about the "impeachment trial" they just assume that the impeachment process includes that. We always talk about the impeachment of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton ... not about the separate phases of the process.

BTW, I always thought that "impeaching" a witness meant tossing the witness ... not just accusing him. If so, would that mean the legal profession is a little guilty of imprecision, too?
I think the textbook definition of impeach is something like “to call into question.”

It’s not precisely analogous situation to a criminal proceeding but the house has oversight authority. Therefore, it conducts an investigation like the FBI/DOJ would do.

In this case, because the complaint came through the Intelligence Inspector General, it goes before the intelligence committee who is supposed to figure out if the complaint warrants impeachment. (This is where we are now.)

The Intelligence committee will make a recommendation to the full body, which will vote on articles of impeachment (like an indictment) sort of like a grand jury.

Those articles are then brought before the senate to hold a trial where the senate sets the rules and the Chief Justice presides.
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This was a great post. All of it. The part I placed in bold needs to be emphasized. In his tweets, Trump keeps saying that every American has the right to face his accuser. This is a reference to the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution which provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right... to be confronted with the witnesses against him." The right is to have a face-to-face confrontation with witnesses who are offering testimonial evidence against the accused in the form of cross-examination during a trial. This right only applies to criminal prosecutions, not civil cases or other proceedings.

In his impulsive tweets, Trump continues to display ignorance and outright stupidity with his fundamental failure to comprehend the Constitution. That is inexcusable coming from a sitting president.
Have you ever criticized a Democrat in any office?
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*cliff unless you and @RockyTop85 intend to make sweet music together? Not judging...

Still waiting for actual proof that the WH released transcript isn’t the official written record memorializing the call...

And I know I’m going to be waiting an eternity. Do back to your fapping, innuendo, and hyperbole!
That was kinda funny, I couldn't spell something I used 30 some years ago. I bet you have a stack of them in front of you.
*cliff unless you and @RockyTop85 intend to make sweet music together? Not judging...

Still waiting for actual proof that the WH released transcript isn’t the official written record memorializing the call...

And I know I’m going to be waiting an eternity. Do back to your fapping, innuendo, and hyperbole!
You are going to have to define "official written record" I bet It's not the memo that's on that double secrete server. I will bet your house for all of mine.
Well it has a roof. a door, and it’s own thermostat and air handler if thats what you call cubicles where you work ok. We have those here, just not at my location 😬
I should have added this:
Have you ever criticized a Democrat in any office?
Yes. I have been critical of many decisions that Barack Obama made. His foreign policy directives were almost as feckless as Trump's have been, except that he wasn't as enamored with dictators. There was a missed opportunity with the "Arab spring". The Affordable Care Act has had mixed results and he should have condemned Lois Lerner and IRS officials for targeting conservatives in much more harsher terms than was done. I was critical of the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner exchange and of his pardoning of Bradley/Chelsey Manning. Also, I have never defended Hillary or Bill Clinton for their moral shortcomings. I don't believe in the "Arka-cide" nonsense, but they are both reckless and entitled. One of Bill's last acts as President was to pardon a fugitive traitor named Marc Rich. That was ridiculous.

Have you ever criticized Trump?
Makes you wonder. It's not the calculus book I used decades ago, but the Engineering Circuit Analysis looks seriously familiar.

Based upon the font used, that data acquisition systems book looks like its pushing 40 years old.
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Makes you wonder. It's not the calculus book I used decades ago, but the Engineering Circuit Analysis looks seriously familiar.
That book is circa 1982. Third edition. It’s still the first EE circuits book from talking to our new hires but it’s gone thru quite a few more editions I’m sure. Hayt and Kemmerly was the first year EE bible in the early 80’s at UT.

Most of those books are text books I’ve bought since graduation as professional reference material.
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Based upon the font used, that data acquisition systems book looks like its pushing 40 years old.
Which one? The red spine one? That’s an old chip mfgr reference book they used to give out as nerd swag. I believe that’s the one that has some decent fundamentals on frequency domain sampling function models as some decent basic ADC and DAC architecture reference material. And it probably is at least 30 years old.
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Which one? The red spine one? That’s an old chip mfgr reference book they used to give out as nerd swag. I believe that’s the one that has some decent fundamentals on frequency domain sampling function models as some decent basic ADC and DAC architecture reference material. And it probably is at least 30 years old.

For those about to rock, we salute you, brother.

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