The Impeachment Thread

In other words..for the good of the party...we are gonna sacrifice Ole Joe

It won't matter. Just watching him try to be succinct and coherent in his own party debates tells you everything you need to know about how bad Trump would chew him up.
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It won't matter. Just watching him try to be succinct and coherent in his own party debates tells you everything you need to know about how bad Trump would chew him up.
Warren would be the one that Trump would chew up...she reminds me of Elizabeth Dole. She could do a stump speech but became rattled when it came to talk particulars
Can someone ELI5 why Schiff keeps getting called a liar? Is it because he parodied the phone call?

This is confusing because it's pretty widely accepted at this point that trump lied about the actual phone call and yet the right has yet to give him a nickname like 'tall tale Don' or 'lying sack of sh*t trump'. You know something befitting of his stature.

It's weird...
Can someone ELI5 why Schiff keeps getting called a liar? Is it because he parodied the phone call?

This is confusing because it's pretty widely accepted at this point that trump lied about the actual phone call and yet the right has yet to give him a nickname like 'tall tale Don' or 'lying sack of sh*t trump'. You know something befitting of his stature.

It's weird...
Don the Dictator thinks he is the only one who should be able to lie which is why he does it profusely.
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Can someone ELI5 why Schiff keeps getting called a liar? Is it because he parodied the phone call?

This is confusing because it's pretty widely accepted at this point that trump lied about the actual phone call and yet the right has yet to give him a nickname like 'tall tale Don' or 'lying sack of sh*t trump'. You know something befitting of his stature.

It's weird...

He's a successful businessman. Ergo, it's just puffery. Art of the deal, baby!
Can someone ELI5 why Schiff keeps getting called a liar? Is it because he parodied the phone call?

This is confusing because it's pretty widely accepted at this point that trump lied about the actual phone call and yet the right has yet to give him a nickname like 'tall tale Don' or 'lying sack of sh*t trump'. You know something befitting of his stature.

It's weird...
"I have proof Trump colluded with Russia"- Just one example
Warren would be the one that Trump would chew up...she reminds me of Elizabeth Dole. She could do a stump speech but became rattled when it came to talk particulars

Noticed that in last nights debate. Her delivery seems desperate, like she's pleading with you to just believe her every word and go with it. If they promote her to the ticket, which appears to be there motive currently, they are screwed. there are 2 or 3 dark horses on that ticket that could run circles around her. (Klobuchar, Gabby, and Butt Plug)

Her persistence to evade the tax hike question to the middle class for medicare for all will be her unraveling. that's where she developed that desperate plea voice last night. Every time that got raised. And they were pushing her hard on it in the post debate redemption interviews.
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Noticed that in last nights debate. Her delivery seems desperate, like she's pleading with you to just believe her every word and go with it. If they promote her to the ticket, which appears to be there motive currently, they are screwed. there are 2 or 3 dark horses on that ticket that could run circles around her. (Klobuchar, Gabby, and Butt Plug)

Her persistence to evade the tax hike question to the middle class for medicare for all will be her unraveling. that's where she developed that desperate plea voice last night. Every time that got raised. And they were pushing her hard on it in the post debate redemption interviews.
Gabby would be their best general election what do they do? Accuse her of being a closet republican and Russian they love to eat their own
Gabby would be their best general election what do they do? Accuse her of being a closet republican and Russian they love to eat their own

Absolutely, I agree. As a conservative watching their game out of interest and obligation, she is by far the strongest candidate they have. With a good nod to Klobuchar as well. They are stupid for black balling Tulsi. And an active Reservist. How could they not see her draw. A level headed Dem, Combat Vet, still active in the Guard, smoking hot curb appeal, well spoken, and pretty on point on Dem centrist ticket items. They could pull over quite a few GOP fence riders with her. Warren will send everyone back to Trump. The thing they don't want, but can't see.
Mick Mulvaney, 2016:

"Yes, I am supporting Donald Trump. I'm doing so as enthusiastically as I can given the fact that I think he's a terrible human being."
Love these hard-hitting breaking news tweets.

Ooooh, “career diplomats” were “mistreated” ?!?

Entilted bureaucrats lose their cushy gigs for undermining their boss. Scandalous!!!
The impeachment game is ended when the transcript was released but they want to act like they are doing investigation s to drive down polls and to appease their lunatic fringe base
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