The Impeachment Thread

No. It’s the ones who fail to realize how bad trump is. I gave him a shot. Approve of his tax cuts. Have layed out how it benefited the “common” people. Let’s review a brief list of lies:

Eliminate the debt. It’s exploded.

Where's Nancy's budget? You do know it all starts there, right?

Build a wall. Not happened. And no Mexico isn’t paying for it through trade deals.
Drain the swamp? More of a swap then Obama. Look at the number of lobbyists he has in the admin.
Surround himself with the best? They have all bailed.

On that last point it should really wake you up. When Matis, Kelly, Masterson bail we have a problem.

Look at the attached scorecard. You are focused on minutae. Trump is winning big time.


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Link? I have yet to see any obligation for Pelosi to hold a vote to “start” the proceedings? I see no reason for the Democrats not to play this as they please and on their own schedule.

I actually agree with this because , it’s just a political game for votes . Smok’em if you’ve got’em . The voters will determine if you played the game too long or not .
I see that the Libs have abandoned this thread to focus on their next shiny find...Trump's Taxes! Lol I'd hate to be so consumed with someone that it affects my attitude that much ..sad what TDS has done to people...the cure is to enjoy a good economy and no wars
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I see that the Libs have abandoned this thread to focus on their next shiny find...Trump's Taxes! Lol I'd hate to be so consumed with someone that it affects my attitude that much ..sad what TDS has done to people...the cure is to enjoy a good economy and no wars
They can't enjoy a good economy, that goes against everything they believe and want
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I see that the Libs have abandoned this thread to focus on their next shiny find...Trump's Taxes! Lol I'd hate to be so consumed with someone that it affects my attitude that much ..sad what TDS has done to people...the cure is to enjoy a good economy and no wars
Says the posters that bring up Hillary and Obama in every single thread.
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I actually agree with this because , it’s just a political game for votes . Smok’em if you’ve got’em . The voters will determine if you played the game too long or not .
Votes were part of it..but the biggest reason is that Pelosi was facing a revolt..led by AOC and The Squad that was threatening to challenge her for Speaker..they even called her a racist and was turning their minions against her for not starting impeachment
Opinion | Democrats Smear Democrats
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Uh, the process is ongoing. This “official impeachment inquiry vote” the right is talking about has no constitutional basis or meaning. It’s just something for the Hannity types to sell to the simple.

Simplicity is continuing to believe they have something when all they can do is hold private meetings away from the public eye. Many view that as the opportunity to continue fabricating false narrative. Some call them lies. Like the Kentucky shooting range video MSM (ABC) tried to pass off as the Turkish onslaught on the Kurds. Dems and MSM know no boundaries. The boy who cried Wolf.

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