The Impeachment Thread

Uh, because this is a silver spoon in mouth, entitled white dude that's never been in need of anything equating the use of a legal, constitutionally-mandated process for the removal of a president to an illegal activity historically used to kill black people.

so you hear the word lynching and immediately think black folks ? I think the witches, cowboys, outlaws , white folk and immigrants would call you an ignorant bigoted racist . But do go on with your emotional PC outrage .
Since this thread is winding down and getting boring thought I would liven it up with a little sexual harassment cover-up at CNN
Uh, because this is a silver spoon in mouth, entitled white dude that's never been in need of anything equating the use of a legal, constitutionally-mandated process for the removal of a president to an illegal activity historically used to kill black people.
Historically, black folks with guns has been the most effective way to kill black people.
Forgot about that. You are correct. Lynching is probably way down the list...…... after abortion, other young black folk with guns, war, Ebola, sickle cell, drug use, etc..

I just read where abortions of black babies are exceeding birth rates . That’s what is so ridiculous when I see or hear someone try to say that the right is racist in trying to outlaw abortion . If that was the truth the right would be promoting it . You just can’t fix stupid .
Talk about a poor choice of words.... "Most effective way"

Well, the Democrat Party is the biggest proponent of abortion, founding and recruiting of the KKK, sending poor black kids to Vietnam, and taking the black father out of the home through welfare. I just assumed they were looking for the most effective way to rid the country of them.
Well, the Democrat Party is the biggest proponent of abortion, founding and recruiting of the KKK, sending poor black kids to Vietnam, and taking the black father out of the home through welfare. I just assumed they were looking for the most effective way to rid the country of them.

Well, I'm glad you clarified..
What is "Grand Canyon University"? Never heard of it.
Grand Canyon University is a private, non-profit, Christian university in Phoenix, Arizona. Based on student enrollment, Grand Canyon University was the largest Christian university in the world with 70,000 students attending online and 20,000 attending on campus in 2018

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