The Impeachment Thread

I'm sorry what evidence of a crime do you, Trump or Ukraine have on Hunter Biden? If Trump had it, he wouldn't need Ukraine to start an investigation. Since he doesn't have probable cause that could warrant a legitimate US investigation, he is violating their civil rights. I guess the bar for FISA warrants are higher than you think.
Not to mention the biggest joke of a wussy President known to man....
Obama was a wussy, huh? Oh, really? What would you call Donald Trump then? He just reversed US policy in Syria, and in the process abandoned an American ally, who had helped us defeat ISIS, and we gained absolutely nothing in return for it. Those American troops aren't coming home. They are being deployed to either Iraq or Saudi Arabia, leaving Russia and Turkey to carve up Syria for their own control. That isn't strength. That is foolish cowardice in the face of authoritarian rule.
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The prosecutor (Shokin) was considered to be corrupt, and his firing was supported by the European Union and the IMF.

In fact, the investigation into Burisma was not occurring under Shokin (Link), and in any case, only concerned events that pre-dated Hunter Biden's involvement in the company (Link).

Now if you want to say that Biden's son getting a kush job he's not qualified far is swampy and a bad look, go for it. I would agree. But there is no evidence (and in fact, evidence to the contrary), that the prosecutor's firing was in no way related to protecting Hunter Biden.
He has been told this over a hundred times. He doesn't understand. He is fond of memes, so if you can create one that might help him out.
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The prosecutor (Shokin) was considered to be corrupt, and his firing was supported by the European Union and the IMF.

In fact, the investigation into Burisma was not occurring under Shokin (Link), and in any case, only concerned events that pre-dated Hunter Biden's involvement in the company (Link).

Now if you want to say that Biden's son getting a kush job he's not qualified far is swampy and a bad look, go for it. I would agree. But there is no evidence (and in fact, evidence to the contrary), that the prosecutor's firing was in no way related to protecting Hunter Biden.

Understand the point. However perspective judges the guilty. If you choose to believe anything from the EU and IMF that’s your call. I choose to believe they were neck deep in the corruption of stealing aide to these countries in need.

If I’m not mistaken wasn’t the former president of Ukraine just raided for suspicion of looting IMF aid funds? Seems I saw that recently somewhere.
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Obama was a wussy, huh? Oh, really? What would you call Donald Trump then? He just reversed US policy in Syria, and in the process abandoned an American ally, who had helped us defeat ISIS, and gained absolutely nothing in return. Those American troops aren't coming home. They are being deployed to either Iraq or Saudi Arabia, leaving Russia and Turkey to carve up Syria for their own control. That isn't strength. That is foolish cowardice in the face of authoritarian rule.
Trump also rolled over for Putin, Kim, and Erdogan - he folded like a cheap suit. The US is a laughingstock because of Trump's weakness.
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Trump also rolled over for Putin, Kim, and Erdogan - he folded like a cheap suit. The US is a laughingstock because of Trump's weakness.

The American people who are no longer burying their children for useless and endless wars would probably disagree. I buried 12 coworkers for it and none of their lives were worth the return on investment imo.
Trump also rolled over for Putin, Kim, and Erdogan - he folded like a cheap suit. The US is a laughingstock because of Trump's weakness.
Trump is a pacifist. We've never had a president who was such a non-interventionist, to this extreme. If it involves a dictator's request that we leave, and the option of pulling troops exists? We are tucking tail and running away as fast as we can under Trump. Trump is a coward.
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You fit in with the majority in this forum. The people that don't belong to the majority in this forum know how stupid you all can be.

You have got to be the most obtuse , single minded , self projecting person in this forum . Its both concerning and humorous to watch you try to fit square pegs in round holes , trying to convince yourself and others that you are right .
The American people who are no longer burying their children for useless and endless wars would probably disagree. I buried 12 coworkers for it and none of their lives were worth the return on investment imo.
Those troops leaving Syria aren't coming home. They are being deployed either to Iraq or Saudi Arabia... and besides, the people who join our armed forces are aware of what they are signing up for and that isn't just to be at home with their families. They want purpose and that often means protecting our interests and allies abroad.
You have got to be the most obtuse , single minded , self projecting person in this forum . Its both concerning and humorous to watch you try to fit square pegs in round holes , trying to convince yourself and others that you are right .

Trying too hard to convince himself he’s smart and special. No one here is buying what he’s selling.
Those troops leaving Syria aren't coming home. They are being deployed either to Iraq or Saudi Arabia... and besides, the people who join our armed forces are aware of what they are signing up for and that isn't just to be at home with their families. They want purpose and that often means protecting our interests and allies abroad.

Easy to say when you aren’t burying yours to guard poppy fields. Thanks for the lecture on our commitment though. I’m convinced it comes from real life experience of living it.

How many family members and friend have you buried for the cause your so proud of?
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You have got to be the most obtuse , single minded , self projecting person in this forum . Its both concerning and humorous to watch you try to fit square pegs in round holes , trying to convince yourself and others that you are right .
Actually I just watch which holes you jump in. You have failed at convincing anyone you're not a Trumper.
Easy to say when you aren’t burying yours to guard poppy fields. Thanks for the lecture on our commitment though. I’m convinced it comes from real life experience of living it.

How many family members and friend have you buried for the cause your so proud of?
Our armed forces are supplied only with volunteers. You can apply all the personal anecdotal tales of pity and sorrow you like... and it won't change the fact that members of our armed forces aren't signing up to spend more time with their families. Serving in combat alongside our allies comes with the territory.

Trump just allowed himself to be bullied by Erdogan and Putin, and they are carving up Syria for themselves, right this minute.
Trump is a pacifist. We've never had a president who was such a non-interventionist, to this extreme. If it involves a dictator's request that we leave, and the option of pulling troops exists? We are tucking tail and running away as fast as we can under Trump. Trump is a coward.
You Dems should love him then.
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Understand the point. However perspective judges the guilty. If you choose to believe anything from the EU and IMF that’s your call. I choose to believe they were neck deep in the corruption of stealing aide to these countries in need.

If I’m not mistaken wasn’t the former president of Ukraine just raided for suspicion of looting IMF aid funds? Seems I saw that recently somewhere.

WTF does this have to do with Trump? This is obfuscation and deflection. You are literally $hitting your pants because Trump has been caught doing something stupid. He will be impeached. I doubt he will be removed from office.

This whole mess can be blamed on Gullible Donny and his belief in Ukrainian conspiracy theories, which his staff tried to tell him were not true.

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