The Impeachment Thread

Lol. So lawyers make mock indictments of people not charged with any crime now comrade? Just when you think lawyers cant be more scumbaggy they go and prove everyone wrong.

You know what mock means right. It's like what Trump's lawyers did for him before the Mueller interview. The lawyers determined Trump would incriminate himself if he actually talked to Mueller.
Ditto. And I might add that if the Dems had managed the process correctly, and chosen someone besides Schiff to be the front man, the GOP might have rolled with it. IMO, the support is only for Trump on the face. This barging in yesterday and all the backlash over the privacy is a party thing. And a procedure thing. That's why they are balking and will likely block it in the Senate when it ever gets there.
It won't get there. This is for appearance and narrative. The Dems will never give away this ability to try Trump in the media. They'll never give the R senate control of this.


It's not about impeaching Trump. It's about damaging his image and politically neutralizing his administration.
It won't get there. This is for appearance and narrative. The Dems will never give away this ability to try Trump in the media. They'll never give the R senate control of this.


It's not about impeaching Trump. It's about damaging his image and politically neutralizing his administration.


This is about exposing the criminal Trump for what he is and getting him out of office ASAP so he can do no more harm. The man is an absolute embarrassment to the country and a menace to the world.
Lol. I find it funny you admit to moving the goal posts to fit your agenda. You should saunter on down to GaTech, they might want to study you.
When did I ever admit to that?
I may change the point from which I'm kicking, but the goal posts are firmly planted.

I hate the "moving the goal posts" phrase. It's worn out and meaningless.
It won't get there. This is for appearance and narrative. The Dems will never give away this ability to try Trump in the media. They'll never give the R senate control of this.


It's not about impeaching Trump. It's about damaging his image and politically neutralizing his administration.

True. Which is why this is going to backfire. The only hope was to do a "real" inquiry and send to the Senate and take their chances. Anything short of that in a expedient judicious manner, will only appear like a witch hunt and will be voted accordingly next fall. They could have laid it in the lap of the GOP and let them hang themselves. But, they thought they knew better and decided to shoot their own foot. None of this means squat without a vote. And at this point, the way they have conducted it, it would never have a successful trial in the Senate. It's no longer about supporting Trump for the GOP. It's about bucking the process as it has been conducted. Not a well thought out plan for the Dems. The longer this goes on like a monkey trial, the more they will embolden people to vote for trump again, for the mere fact of not voting for them. The major fallout will be the upcoming seats in the House and Senate. Majority is where the power is. Not the Oval Office.
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Oh, I'm not cranky. I got a lil' more pep in my step thinking about the demise of the orange man's administration.

🤔 I think there’s another thread around here somewhere if I remember correctly where you had that same “ pep “ , something something Trump , Putin , Russia . You sure do get excited over dog and pony shows .
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True. Which is why this is going to backfire. The only hope was to do a "real" inquiry and send to the Senate and take their chances. Anything short of that in a expedient judicious manner, will only appear like a witch hunt and will be voted accordingly next fall. They could have laid it in the lap of the GOP and let them hang themselves. But, they thought they knew better and decided to shoot their own foot. None of this means squat without a vote. And at this point, the way they have conducted it, it would never have a successful trial in the Senate. It's no longer about supporting Trump for the GOP. It's about bucking the process as it has been conducted. Not a well thought out plan for the Dems. The longer this goes on like a monkey trial, the more they will embolden people to vote for trump again, for the mere fact of not voting for them. The major fallout will be the upcoming seats in the House and Senate. Majority is where the power is. Not the Oval Office.

Are you thinking a "real inquiry", when it meets your standards, would compel Trump's administration to comply with Congressional subpoenas, or do you think they will just default back to "Witch hunt"?
Not even Trump thought he was going to win, nor did he want to.
It was PR as a springboard for the Trump Network he was putting together with Roger Ailes.
They were going to raid talent from Fox and position themselves even further right.
The Breitbart of TV.

When Trump won Pence’s wife refused to hug him and told him “You got what you want now leave me alone.” She’s never been a fun of Trump.

This is about exposing the criminal Trump for what he is and getting him out of office ASAP so he can do no more harm. The man is an absolute embarrassment to the country and a menace to the world.

That can be intelligently debated, and to the point you made. The rest is for narrative, as they seem to keep producing "witnesses" that continually contradict the Uke president himself. the only thing being aid that is criminal, is pre-scripted leaks from closed door interviews conducted by one of the biggest sleaze ball democrats in DC.
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🤔 I think there’s another thread around here somewhere if I remember correctly where you had that same “ pep “ , something something Trump , Putin , Russia . You sure do get excited over dog and pony shows .
It's all they have left, you have seen that group of nutjobs running for their nomination, if you were a dem would that group inspire hope with you?
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Are you thinking a "real inquiry", when it meets your standards, would compel Trump's administration to comply with Congressional subpoenas, or do you think they will just default back to "Witch hunt"?

No. I am talking about one that is conducted, judiciously, with due process, and without blatant appearances of impropriety or political stunt.

It should have been a moderately quick and simple process if he blatantly broke the law. If there was a case against Trump that did not need this much manufacturing of evidence, they could have had it through the house and to the Senate long before now. With the availability of documentation in today's world, this would/could have been a slam dunk.
No. I am talking about one that is conducted, judiciously, with due process, and without blatant appearances of impropriety or political stunt.

OK, but that says little if what you think that process would be. And still the question is, would Trump comply with that process?
You know what mock means right. It's like what Trump's lawyers did for him before the Mueller interview. The lawyers determined Trump would incriminate himself if he actually talked to Mueller.
You seem, again, to miss the point. This is about the whole innocent until proven guilty thing. Why wait for that when people can get ahead of the actual LEO types with their own mock indictments!
When did I ever admit to that?
I may change the point from which I'm kicking, but the goal posts are firmly planted.

I hate the "moving the goal posts" phrase. It's worn out and meaningless.
Just like the democrats baseless investigations..

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