The Impeachment Thread

If I had to choose between Warren, Sanders and Pence, I’m voting for Pence. Pence is more even keeled, rational and is smarter than most think. There is a book out about him that tells how him and his wife never thought Trump would win and they had planned on him losing so that he would be the favorite for the Republican nomination in 2020.
‎The Bulwark Podcast: Tom LoBianco on Pence's Chances of Becoming President on Apple Podcasts

He's also very adept at keeping his distance until he has to be a backdrop by obligation to the job. You don't hear much about of him support wise when Trump is in gear on twitter. And I've not seen a glimpse of him on this Syria pullout.
As I posted yesterday or the day before, this is one reason you're not seeing public hearings.

LOL.....yeah, this major BS coming from one of the biggest liars & deceivers that the Dims have in their sleazy hand bags can be trusted fully uh huh....Gotta run very fast to the nearest TV cameras & spout more untruths.
That guy Swallows very well can be trusted to always tell Americans the truth of what the dirty sleazy douchebag Dims are doing in secret.....Dimocrats are always counted on to tell the truth.....that's the biggest joke ever.
LOL.....yeah, this coming from one of the biggest liars & deceivers that the Dims have in their sleazy hand bags.
That guy Swallows very well can be trusted to always tell Americans the truth of what the dirty sleazy douchebag Dims are doing in secret.....Dimocrats are always counted on to tell the truth.....that's the biggest joke ever.

Someone's getting cranky.
How to treat a president? Your team spent a decade searching for a birth certificate because the black man had to be from Kenya 🤣

Who knows. But, it was never proven. So, it is what it is. Personally, never got a hang up on that issue anyways. He had enough other questionable things and associations in his past they could have spent better time on than the birth certificate, if the only purpose was to nail him like Trump is being pursued.
This is their only shot, so to speak. The Senate will not impeach him, but somehow they still cling to that. The meltdown will be epic.

Ditto. And I might add that if the Dems had managed the process correctly, and chosen someone besides Schiff to be the front man, the GOP might have rolled with it. IMO, the support is only for Trump on the face. This barging in yesterday and all the backlash over the privacy is a party thing. And a procedure thing. That's why they are balking and will likely block it in the Senate when it ever gets there.
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As I posted yesterday or the day before, this is one reason you're not seeing public hearings.

That dude got into government to try and pay off the massive debt he and his wife incurred through their own financial ineptitude..100% trustworthy I'm sure.
Just another failed fake "investigation" by your radical party.

I want you leftists to always remember this period in time, where you all set how to treat a President and it's perfectly fine to "investigate" simply because you can't handle losing. I can promise you all at some point this will come back around on one of your people
Only your type could call investigations that lead to indictments as failing.

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