The Impeachment Thread

It's sort of like when the police have two suspects that are accomplices. They interview them separately and use the two versions to better ascertain the truth. Otherwise, they would both be able to tell the same lies.
You talking about Nunes? He was some type of right wing hero when he leaked.
I get that. STFU or release it all and I'm talking both sides. Neither are innocent; both try to manipulate the "facts".
But now that one committee is doing so (a committee made up of republicans and democrats, mind you) it is suddenly a coup? Lmao
Also, it isn't just one committee. The House Intelligence, Oversight and Foreign Affairs Committees are privy to these depositions and they not only include Republican Party members, but some of Donald Trump's most ardent supporters in Congress, including Devin Nunes, Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan. The process is more than fair, it just isn't transparent to those who aren't in one of those committees, but that would include Democrats as well. Democrats, led by Adam Schiff are not allowing Republicans to insert their spin on the proceedings and that is what has them so frustrated. However, this is nothing new. Trey Gowdy handled matters similarly during the Benghazi investigation.
What's is the other curtain? Republicans in the CIA, FBI, DOJ told Mifsud that the Russians had dirt on Hillary. Then Mifsud told Papadopoulos about the emails knowing Papadopoulos would get drunk and relay that to the Australian ambassador. The Ambassador would then relay that back to our IC and the trap was sprung. Q would be proud that you put those drops together. A man hiding in Italy from the Russians is really a deep state operative.

If you slow down and read my posts I said bring it all out , ALL of it . Let’s see it all , no more hiding behind closed doors on anything . I want the truth to come out .
That's deplorable.
False equivalency. Context matters. Hillary Clinton was referring to the conspiracy theorists who were promoting the "PizzaGate" hoax and other such lies on the internet. Donald Trump was referring to anyone within the Republican Party who does not support him or unconditionally defend him publicly.
Nothing should be coming out of these closed session interviews or all of it should come out. This selective leaking is manipulative BS, no matter which side is doing it. These bastards talk so damn much they just can't help themselves. STFU or open it up.

I take your point but the "jury" is themselves so it's not a classic prejudice problem.
They can't defend Trump's actions, so they are trying to attack "the process".

I think most are not sure what we are supposed to defend in the first place. We read the transcript and the Ukrainian President said no quid pro quo. The President has a legal power to ask about foreign corruption and there is a mutual justice treaty. Other than that all we have are partisan leaks. Unless you are referencing Mulvaney's comment about quid pro quo, which is actually factual about all foreign aid.

I am ready for the proceedings, but he is not going to be impeached. You might as well mentally prepare yourself.
I think most are not sure what we are supposed to defend in the first place. We read the transcript and the Ukrainian President said no quid pro quo. The President has a legal power to ask about foreign corruption and there is a mutual justice treaty. Other than that all we have are partisan leaks. Unless you are referencing Mulvaney's comment about quid pro quo, which is actually factual about all foreign aid.

I am ready for the proceedings, but he is not going to be impeached. You might as well mentally prepare yourself.
I would expect Zelensky to defend Trump, as long as Trump is still in office. It doesn't matter what Zelensky says, we can read for ourselves what was going on here and you know damn well what you have to defend and so do Republicans in Congress. The President does NOT have the right to withhold military aid approved by Congress, as a means of having leverage over a foreign government assisting his personal reelection campaign. Trump wasn't seeking assistance for Americans, he was seeking assistance for himself by soliciting Zelensky for help with an investigation that would damage Joe Biden politically. Trump was asking Zelensky to help his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, not the Department of Justice. Also, in light of Bill Taylor's testimony that the Ukrainian government was well aware that the military aid had been withheld by Trump, and they knew the reason why, the quid-pro-quo understanding is crystal clear.

Trump will definitely be impeached. He just won't be removed from office. You are kidding yourself if you think otherwise.
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If you're leaking one-sided information it just undercuts the case later on, because eventually it's all going to be public.
I strongly disagree with you here. When Attorney General William Barr released his "summary of the Mueller report's principle findings", he successfully cast a narrative that held strong with the conservative base, who then didn't bother to read the Mueller report once it was released days later. Many people who only paid attention to the Barr summary, do believe that the Mueller report was a total exoneration of Donald Trump, even on the subject of obstruction - which was not the case. Sorry, but you are dead wrong about this.
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Bill Barr: Most corrupt AG ever?

He is Trump's new Roy Cohn. Congratulations, America.

And oh, by the way: Opening criminal investigations into Head-Spooks is pretty bad policy, IMO. Kind of like pissing off folks at a drive-through burger joint... ya never know what you're gonna end up eating.
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Nothing should be coming out of these closed session interviews or all of it should come out. This selective leaking is manipulative BS, no matter which side is doing it. These bastards talk so damn much they just can't help themselves. STFU or open it up.

When you say "bastards", presume you mean the Republicans in attendance. After all, if they had pro-Trump dirt gathered from these depositions, they'd be flinging it about.
I would expect Zelensky to defend Trump, as long as Trump is still in office. It doesn't matter what Zelensky says, we can read for ourselves what was going on here and you know damn well what you have to defend and so do Republicans in Congress. The President does NOT have the right to withhold military aid approved by Congress, as a means of having leverage over a foreign government assisting his personal reelection campaign. Trump wasn't seeking assistance for Americans, he was seeking assistance for himself by soliciting Zelensky for help with an investigation that would damage Joe Biden politically. Trump was asking Zelensky to help his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, not the Department of Justice. Also, in light of Bill Taylor's testimony that the Ukrainian government was well aware that the military aid had been withheld by Trump, and they knew the reason why, the quid-pro-quo understanding is crystal clear.

You stated that we have cowered to defend Trump's actions. We have been down this road weeks ago with regard to Rudy's role. A President can appoint an envoy at his discretion, or for that matter send his private attorney anywhere in the world.

You are playing connect the dots on the Taylor testimony. Trump said he withheld aid due to addressing corruption, just like Biden said.

Otherwise, it is all speculation atp. What is now known, Trump will not be removed.
Bill Barr: Most corrupt AG ever?

He is Trump's new Roy Cohn. Congratulations, America.

And oh, by the way: Opening criminal investigations into Head-Spooks is pretty bad policy, IMO. Kind of like pissing off folks at a drive-through burger joint... ya never know what you're gonna end up eating.

Bless your heart

Ever hear of a guy named Holder or woman named Lynch?
What Transcript?! Dems deep-six Deep State ‘Whistleblower’ Testimony
House Democrats believe there is sufficient evidence to advance their closed-door impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump without seeking testimony from the so-called “whistleblower,” whose complaint initially prompted the probe, according to a Thursday evening report.

The Washington Post, citing several House Democrats, reports that the so-called “whistleblower’s” testimony is no longer a priority in the wake of testimonies delivered by Ukraine’s top diplomat, William Taylor, and former National Security Council senior director Fiona Hill, before congressional investigators.

Taylor told lawmakers that Gordon Sondland, U.S. Ambassador to the European Union, notified Andriy Yermak, an aide to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, that military assistance would only be provided when Zelensky agreed to look into allegations of corruption against former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. Robert Luskin, an attorney for Sondland, said his client has no recollection of the alleged discussion.

“I think it’s quite clear we have a surfeit of evidence that corroborates in full every aspect of what happened and the policy they were pursuing,” Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA), a member of the House Oversight and Foreign Affairs committees, said in a statement to the Post.
The so-called “whistleblower,” whose report prompted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to launch an impeachment inquiry, has had their credibility called into question in recent weeks. According to CNN and the Washington Examiner, the anonymous individual is not only a registered Democrat, but also worked with Biden in the Obama White House.
You stated that we have cowered to defend Trump's actions. We have been down this road weeks ago with regard to Rudy's role. A President can appoint an envoy at his discretion, or for that matter send his private attorney anywhere in the world.

You are playing connect the dots on the Taylor testimony. Trump said he withheld aid due to addressing corruption, just like Biden said.

Otherwise, it is all speculation atp. What is now known, Trump will not be removed.
No, he changed his reasoning behind placing that hold. At first, Trump said that he had withheld the military aid because he wanted European countries to share in the burden but that wasn't going to fly because the European countries had not been made aware of the freeze in the first place... so, the very next day, Trump said that it was because of concerns over Ukrainian corruption but that doesn't fly either because Trump himself, as well as others in his administration, have conducted business in the Ukraine recently. The fact is, that there still hasn't been an explanation for the hold given (which had been approved by Congress, and may not have even been legal to withhold in the first place) that makes any sense - other than the obvious reason - it was leverage.

Finally, it was not legal for Trump (with assistance from Giuliani) to solicit a foreign government for assistance with his reelection campaign and that is exactly what he was doing. This entire thing is very simple... Trump wanted dirt on Joe Biden's son, because he wanted to damage a potential opponent in the 2020 general election. He withheld military aid that Congress had approved, in order to use it as leverage against this foreign government's willingness to assist him in this effort.
No, he changed his reasoning behind placing that hold. At first, Trump said that he had withheld the military aid because he wanted European countries to share in the burden but that wasn't going to fly because the European countries had not been made aware of the freeze in the first place... so, the very next day, Trump said that it was because of concerns over Ukrainian corruption but that doesn't fly either because Trump himself, as well as others in his administration, have conducted business in the Ukraine recently. The fact is, that there still hasn't been an explanation for the hold given (which had been approved by Congress, and may not have even been legal to withhold in the first place) that makes any sense - other than the obvious reason - it was leverage.

Finally, it was not legal for Trump (with assistance from Giuliani) to solicit a foreign government for assistance with his reelection campaign and that is exactly what he was doing. This entire thing is very simple... Trump wanted dirt on Joe Biden's son, because he wanted to damage a potential opponent in the 2020 general election. He withheld military aid that Congress had approved, in order to use it as leverage against this foreign government's willingness to assist him in this effort.
Everyone knows that this is true, but some will never admit that they know that this is true. We call them trupers or redhatters.
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Bill Barr: Most corrupt AG ever?

He is Trump's new Roy Cohn. Congratulations, America.

And oh, by the way: Opening criminal investigations into Head-Spooks is pretty bad policy, IMO. Kind of like pissing off folks at a drive-through burger joint... ya never know what you're gonna end up eating.

So you think Barr is corrupt and you have a problem, but the Intel agencies can threaten elected officials and appointees?

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