The Impeachment Thread

My man is getting more and more boxed in. He can't just say evil Democrats now, it's also evil Republicans who didn't support me (never Trumpers).
Yep. I think what they (the democrats) are doing now is potentially pretty smart. It’s Mueller 2.0, now with with selective leaks. You would hope that the prepared statements of these witnesses would be a fairly succinct synopsis of their testimony. Leaking it 5-15 pages at a time keeps it from being a huge information dump like the Mueller report. Trump can’t shout down the headlines as effectively as he could with a silent Mueller and it’s driving his sycophants nuts.

They’ll have to have hearings and call witnesses eventually but they have cooperative witnesses now, the importance of which cannot be overstated.
Next step, IMO, is getting that testimony out to the uninformed voter in digital and television ads, which I assume will happen around election time.
The bottom line is, that what Schiff and Pelosi are doing is working. Trump's approval rating has dropped 10 points in "Rasmussen Reports" in the last month and public approval for impeachment has been going up. Don't think for a minute that Trump and his supporters in Congress aren't aware of these things.
False equivalency. Context matters. Hillary Clinton was referring to the conspiracy theorists who were promoting the "PizzaGate" hoax and other such lies on the internet. Donald Trump was referring to anyone within the Republican Party who does not support him or unconditionally defend him publicly.

Pizzagate went public after Trump was elected.

Article in Time linked and quoted below from Sept 10, 2016

Read Hillary Clinton's 'Basket of Deplorables' Remarks on Trump Supporters

Speaking at a fundraiser in New York City on Friday, Hillary Clinton said half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” views.
My man is getting more and more boxed in. He can't just say evil Democrats now, it's also evil Republicans who didn't support me (never Trumpers).
Congrats on your big win
Seems we have heard that before

Probably that time when he had to change his story from "I don't see any reason it would be" Russia that meddled in the "I don't see any reason it wouldn't be", because it became obvious no one was buying it. Nothing has changed, BTW
This will be over with by the year...Dems will impeach in Nov Senate will acquit in Dec. Then for the whole election year we get to learn how the NSA, FBI, and CIA spied on Americans and took sides in an election. Lisa Page and Strzok have been caught lying under oath and falsfying Gen. Flynn's 302 form . They are going to jail would they like to go to jail for less time by telling on who directed them to do so? Which sounds worse "do us a favor?" or the state department, FBI, and CIA working together to destroy lives and affect the outcome of elections?
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This will be over with by the year...Dems will impeach in Nov Senate will acquit in Dec. Then for the whole election year we get to learn how the NSA, FBI, and CIA spied on Americans and took sides in an election. Lisa Page and Strzok have been caught lying under oath and falsfying Gen. Flynn's 302 form . They are going to jail would they like to go to jail for less time by telling on who directed them to do so? Which sounds worse "do us a favor?" or the state department, FBI, and CIA working together to destroy lives and affect the outcome of elections?

This is getting to be fun times.........for all concerned ....... TICK TOCK mofo's.
Probably that time when he had to change his story from "I don't see any reason it would be" Russia that meddled in the "I don't see any reason it wouldn't be", because it became obvious no one was buying it. Nothing has changed, BTW
Then why haven't we had a full House vote yet?
This will be over with by the year...Dems will impeach in Nov Senate will acquit in Dec. Then for the whole election year we get to learn how the NSA, FBI, and CIA spied on Americans and took sides in an election. Lisa Page and Strzok have been caught lying under oath and falsfying Gen. Flynn's 302 form . They are going to jail would they like to go to jail for less time by telling on who directed them to do so? Which sounds worse "do us a favor?" or the state department, FBI, and CIA working together to destroy lives and affect the outcome of elections?

So,, is this just hype, or are there some evidence provided?
Republicans have had closed door hearings in the House before. Didn't hear a peep about it then. But now that one committee is doing so (a committee made up of republicans and democrats, mind you) it is suddenly a coup? Lmao

**** boi Trey Gowdy already said there was a reason they didn't have open hearings. It was too distracting and the circus was too wild. So what makes it different now?

If that was their concern, why are they allowing leaks?

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