The Impeachment Thread

So,, is this just hype, or are there some evidence provided?
Good read here with documents If I ever get arrested and can afford her I'm hiring Sidney Powell..she has done so much for her client..who spent every dime he had trying to clear his name
Good read here with documents If I ever get arrested and can afford her I'm hiring Sidney Powell..she has done so much for her client..who spent every dime he had trying to clear his name

I'm seeing a whole lot of speculation and conjecture in there. Certainly nothing a grand jury would find convincing.... maybe I'm missing something though.
So, hold Trump accountable, but not Pelosi?

She was House Speaker while W was being accused of war crimes. She did nothing. She’s a political animal and knows her party would rather have the issue to bitch about than actually doing anything about it.
It's not deflection it's a DOJ criminal investigation not some fishing expedition in the House basement Also the Horowitz report will be released in 2 weeks on FBI abuses
Durham's investigation into possible FBI misconduct is now criminal probe, sources say
It is a fishing expedition which is being directed by AG Barr at the behest of the President. It's actually very similar to the fishing expedition that Trump wanted the Ukrainian government to participate in over his Biden fixation.

...and at this moment, it does amount to a deflection of Trump's issues. This does nothing to quell the belief that Trump is using the Department of Justice as a weapon to carry out vendettas against people who have either investigated him in the past, or cooperated with those who have investigated him in the past. All this does, is feed directly into the abuse of power narrative that has already been validated.

And I wouldn't count on Horowitz doing anything more than fully exonerating the FBI. He has done nothing but disappoint you guys up until now, after all.
This will be over with by the year...Dems will impeach in Nov Senate will acquit in Dec. Then for the whole election year we get to learn how the NSA, FBI, and CIA spied on Americans and took sides in an election. Lisa Page and Strzok have been caught lying under oath and falsfying Gen. Flynn's 302 form . They are going to jail would they like to go to jail for less time by telling on who directed them to do so? Which sounds worse "do us a favor?" or the state department, FBI, and CIA working together to destroy lives and affect the outcome of elections?

I'll make the same comment I made in the other thread.

The highlight phrase is "essentially fabricated evidence."

Now see, that sounds bad. That sounds really bad. But its not very specific, is it? Did they correct the time of the interview from 1:30 to 1:45? Or, did they claim he made statements he did not make? Big difference, obviously.

The problem I have is that I would not for one second put it above the intellectually dishonest Trump spin machine to take a time correction or some other innocuous and meaningless revision or what have you and characterize it as "essentially fabricated evidence." So if someone is going to say they "essentially fabricated evidence" they ought clarify what they mean by that. What evidence they fabricate and what is the significance of the evidence?
his alter didn't care for criticism and disagreement, either, but we can't mention him for some stupid reason.
Your group has mentioned him 1k times a day, every day, for 3 straight years
Your group has mentioned him 1k times a day, every day, for 3 straight years

Just like your “group” did for Teleprompter Jesus’ 8 years in office.
IMO, there’s nothing wrong with bringing up what a president’s predecessors did or didn’t do while in office. The issue I have is if a particular policy or action was bad then, and Trump does something similar, he should be taken to task. To do anything else is hypocritical.
well you certainly have been right about everything so far. You must be right about this too
Well, don't take my word for it. You won't argue that Fox News is biased against Donald Trump will you?

Paul Steinhauser / Fox News

A new national poll by Quinnipiac University indicates that 55 percent of registered voters support the House Democrats' impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump, with 43 percent opposed.

Support for impeachment is up 4 percentage points from a Quinnipiac poll a week ago, when the split stood at 51-45 percent, and marks a new high in the survey.
Well, don't take my word for it. You won't argue that Fox News is biased against Donald Trump will you?

Paul Steinhauser / Fox News

A new national poll by Quinnipiac University indicates that 55 percent of registered voters support the House Democrats' impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump, with 43 percent opposed.

Support for impeachment is up 4 percentage points from a Quinnipiac poll a week ago, when the split stood at 51-45 percent, and marks a new high in the survey.

And you accuse other of picking outliers.

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?
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Well, don't take my word for it. You won't argue that Fox News is biased against Donald Trump will you?

Paul Steinhauser / Fox News

A new national poll by Quinnipiac University indicates that 55 percent of registered voters support the House Democrats' impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump, with 43 percent opposed.

Support for impeachment is up 4 percentage points from a Quinnipiac poll a week ago, when the split stood at 51-45 percent, and marks a new high in the survey.
Listen closely and you will hear it:

It doesnt matter if the poll is taken by CNN, FOX, Trumps wife and kids......the polling is not getting answered by many many many many many many conservatives/republicans/independents.
Read that over and over please
How is the Quinnipiac poll an outlier? Every poll on 538 shows that a majority of Americans currently favor impeachment. Did you read what just posted? It proves my point, not yours.

I am not denying the flip but the 55% is an outlier compared to the 49% average.

Trump is certainly on the defensive and will be able to present his case in testimony as we move forward, for good or bad.

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