The Impeachment Thread

You do realize that not having a college degree and uneducated is not even close to the same thing right ? I mean do you even see how condescending that is ?
There are other forms of higher education beyond a college/university. Vocational training and on the job training. However, for the purposes of identifying segments of voters, this is applicable. Call it "stereotyping" if you like but the average Trump voter is less educated, less sophisticated and more susceptible to manipulation as a result.
There are other forms of higher education beyond a college/university. Vocational training and on the job training. However, for the purposes of identifying segments of voters, this is applicable. Call it "stereotyping" if you like but the average Trump voter is less educated, less sophisticated and more susceptible to manipulation as a result.

"Psycho" is what "Francis" from the movie Stripes preferred to be called, moron. ajvol01 had posted a Sergeant Hulka, gif.

Oh well, then I guess that makes a difference, huh? Well,.....excuse me for not having my decoder ring working.
Thanks for clearing that up for those without their decoder rings on today moron...
There are other forms of higher education beyond a college/university. Vocational training and on the job training. However, for the purposes of identifying segments of voters, this is applicable. Call it "stereotyping" if you like but the average Trump voter is less educated, less sophisticated and more susceptible to manipulation as a result.

There are other forms of higher education beyond a college/university. Vocational training and on the job training. However, for the purposes of identifying segments of voters, this is applicable. Call it "stereotyping" if you like but the average Trump voter is less educated, less sophisticated and more susceptible to manipulation as a result.

This is the very reason why there are Trump supporters . The humor in it is , you highly educated modern liberals can’t see it . Where did the party of the working class go ? You do know where your party’s root are don’t you ? I’m over forty I don’t have a college degree , my education is in the real world where real average people work manual labor jobs . I’ll stack my “ education “ against yours every day of the week . You can take it or leave it but the best advise I can offer is climbing down off that high horse you are sitting on and pay attention to how many people in this country do not have a college degree , they are the ones that keep the gears in motion in this big motor we have .
This is the very reason why there are Trump supporters . The humor in it is , you highly educated modern liberals can’t see it . Where did the party of the working class go ? You do know where your party’s root are don’t you ? I’m over forty I don’t have a college degree , my education is in the real world where real average people work manual labor jobs . I’ll stack my “ education “ against yours every day of the week . You can take it or leave it but the best advise I can offer is climbing down off that high horse you are sitting on and pay attention to how many people in this country do not have a college degree , they are the ones that keep the gears in motion in this big motor we have .
That is fine... but there is no question that Trump's largest demographic of voters are older white men without a college degree. That isn't meant to disparage anyone, it's just stating a fact.
That is fine... but there is no question that Trump's largest demographic of voters are older white men without a college degree. That isn't meant to disparage anyone, it's just stating a fact.
Who do the blacks without a college degree vote for at about a 95% rate? Mexicans without a college degree ?

And what you said is absolutely meant to disparage Trump and Trump voters. You are an arrogant elitist.
That is fine... but there is no question that Trump's largest demographic of voters are older white men without a college degree. That isn't meant to disparage anyone, it's just stating a fact.

Now do who the left panders to for a comparison . Let’s see how these politicians stack up .
Who do the blacks without a college degree vote for at about a 95% rate? Mexicans without a college degree ?

And what you said is absolutely meant to disparage Trump and Trump voters. You are an arrogant elitist.
They vote for Democrats... and no, I wasn't disparaging anyone, per se.
Do these uneducated blacks that vote for Democrats deserve representation ?

Why don't you look down on them, and criticize their elective choices, like you do on whites without a college degree?

Again, he's an elitist moron sitting on his moral high horse throwing out his insults thinking his sh!t don't stink.
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There are other forms of higher education beyond a college/university. Vocational training and on the job training. However, for the purposes of identifying segments of voters, this is applicable. Call it "stereotyping" if you like but the average Trump voter is less educated, less sophisticated and more susceptible to manipulation as a result.
Yeah all those educated folks who are continually begging for free stuff from the government.
There are other forms of higher education beyond a college/university. Vocational training and on the job training. However, for the purposes of identifying segments of voters, this is applicable. Call it "stereotyping" if you like but the average Trump voter is less educated, less sophisticated and more susceptible to manipulation as a result.
This is coming from the party that has always carried the black vote and poor vote through making promises to their communities and hasn’t helped them in decades. If that ain’t manipulation I don’t know what is.
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President Trump receiving an award for First Step Act...we gonna need more Whistleblowers and impeachment the Racist in Chief has got to go!
They vote for Democrats... and no, I wasn't disparaging anyone, per se.

Bowl straight up what do you do for a living?

How much do you make?

No bs just answer since you are talking so much smack.

Then we can do a compare and contrast with all the Trump voters on here and see where you fall.

You may not like the factual outcome though.
Bowl straight up what do you do for a living?

How much do you make?

No bs just answer since you are talking so much smack.

Then we can do a compare and contrast with all the Trump voters on here and see where you fall.

You may not like the factual outcome though.
I don't know how much money Bowl makes, however I do know Everytime he opens his mouth **** comes out.
This is all you’ve got. Personal attacks. Nothing. Nada.

Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents in American history.

If the coup I suspect is real, Trump will be right up there with Lincoln and Washington 100 years from now. He'll be seen as the president that saved the Republic. Otrherwise, history will show him to be one more corrupt, selfish politician in a sea of corrupt, selfish politicians that destroyed the Republic.
If the coup I suspect is real, Trump will be right up there with Lincoln and Washington 100 years from now. He'll be seen as the president that saved the Republic. Otrherwise, history will show him to be one more corrupt, selfish politician in a sea of corrupt, selfish politicians that destroyed the Republic.

Really, the key is whether some republicans will recognize that they cannot allow future presidents to do what trump has done and vote to remove.
Who do the blacks without a college degree vote for at about a 95% rate? Mexicans without a college degree ?

And what you said is absolutely meant to disparage Trump and Trump voters. You are an arrogant elitist.
BB is being about as condescending of an ass as one can imagine. He's just too cowardly to own it.

I wouldn't sweat too much that a glorified bank teller is smack talking education and intelligence, though. And the fact that he's simultaneously parroting liberal propaganda while accusing Trump supporters of being more easily manipulated.... Well, everyone should be relishing the sweet scent of that.
Bowl straight up what do you do for a living?

How much do you make?

No bs just answer since you are talking so much smack.

Then we can do a compare and contrast with all the Trump voters on here and see where you fall.

You may not like the factual outcome though.
I am currently a Financial Services Representative in Knoxville. I have worked for First Tennessee Bank since 2001 in differing capacities and in various parts of the state. I'm not going to tell you how much money I make because you shouldn't be asking. I will tell you that my income is heavily commission based, so it varies from year to year. That is a rude and brazen question to ask someone that you don't even know. I'm not talking smack or ridiculing anyone. I'm simply stating a fact that the largest constituency of support for Donald Trump is among white men without college degrees. You are choosing to read more into that, then what was intended.
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