The Impeachment Thread

She just may be one of those leftist co-conspirator reporters that will go down with the ship when AG Barr gets done.
WikiLeaks Outs NYT Maggie Haberman as Clinton Operative

WikiLeaks Outs NYT Maggie Haberman as Clinton Operative
John NolteOctober 10th, 2016

Maggie Haberman is one of the most dishonest journalists I have ever come across. Going back five years to when she was still with Politico, I have repeatedly exposed her lies and fraud. She is currently with the New York Times, and thanks to WikiLeaks, we now have incontrovertible proof that Haberman is nothing more than a spin doctor for Hillary Clinton and her campaign.

Glenn Greenwald:

One January 2015 strategy document — designed to plant stories on Clinton’s decision-making process about whether to run for president — singled out reporter Maggie Haberman, then of Politico, now covering the election for the New York Times, as a “friendly journalist” who has “teed up” stories for them in the past and “never disappointed” them. Nick Merrill, the campaign press secretary, produced the memo, according to the document metadata:

That strategy document plotted how Clinton aides could induce Haberman to write a story on the thoroughness and profound introspection involved in Clinton’s decision-making process. The following month, when she was at the Times, Haberman published two stories on Clinton’s vetting process; in this instance, Haberman’s stories were more sophisticated, nuanced, and even somewhat more critical than what the Clinton memo envisioned.
But they nonetheless accomplished the goal Clinton campaign aides wanted to fulfill of casting the appearance of transparency on Clinton’s vetting process in a way that made clear she was moving carefully but inexorably toward a presidential run.
For those who might not recall, at a public event, Haberman is the journalist who literally allowed the Clinton campaign to tie her up and restrict her movements with a rope.


It’s all rigged, folks, and it all needs to be torn to the ground.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC
Bye, Felicia!

Comey says he will move to New Zealand if Trump is re-elected to be our President again for 4 more years.
Says he will do this IF he's not in jail first. LOL......what a POS he is......go to jail first & stay there w/the other rats.
Will New Zealand even take him? Thought they had a problem with taking another country's trash.
No. Ignorant / dishonest leaders like Collins are America's worst problem. Collins knows the Impeachment Inquiry has followed all requirements of the House, as confirmed by the judge. If you don't see or acknowledge this fact, you're part of the problem.

The Judge in this case is an Obama appointed hold over & favors the Dims on all things in bringing down a duly elected President.The Dims don't need anymore access to secret material where they'll turn it around & misuse that to spread more disinformation & more lies to the American public. Dims are a danger to America. Schiff is a huge POS and needs to be investigated for treason. If you don't see that this is a fact, you're part of the problem..
The Judge in this case is an Obama appointed hold over & favors the Dims on all things in bringing down a duly elected President.The Dims don't need anymore access to secret material where they'll turn it around & misuse that to spread more disinformation & more lies to the American public. Dims are a danger to America. Schiff is a huge POS and needs to be investigated for treason. If you don't see that this is a fact, you're part of the problem..
Exactly...thankfully lots of these leftist judges are getting replaced by Trump...Every time I used to hear a ruling by the 9th circuit..I remember thinking...well that's gonna get overturned by SCOTUS
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The Judge in this case is an Obama appointed hold over & favors the Dims on all things in bringing down a duly elected President.The Dims don't need anymore access to secret material where they'll turn it around & misuse that to spread more disinformation & more lies to the American public. Dims are a danger to America. Schiff is a huge POS and needs to be investigated for treason. If you don't see that this is a fact, you're part of the problem..

Well, the good news for me is the Rule of Law persists in our fair land. There are consequences for corrupt actions, and Trump is not above the law.
Well, the good news for me is the Rule of Law persists in our fair land. There are consequences for corrupt actions, and Trump is not above the law.

Pelosi & Schiff.......their not above the law either but act as though they are. They're as corrupt as anyone up there. The day will come when charges will be knocking on the door for them to face.
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