The Impeachment Thread

The truly spineless Republican is Lindsey Graham. At least the others have been consistent in their unconditional support for all things Trump. During the Republican Party Primary of 2016, we got a glimpse of how Graham really feels about Trump. He called him a "jackass" and attacked his policies constantly and spoke of how bad and chaotic his presidency would be for our country. Graham was also good friends with John McCain and took offense to Trump's "I like heroes who weren't captured" line. Trump's pulling out of northern Syria also runs counter to what Graham believes... and he was critical of Trump over it, for about a week. However, Lindsey Graham knows that Trump is still very popular in South Carolina, and Graham cares more about keeping his Senate seat than he does being consistent and showing some integrity and backbone. Lindsey Graham is showing all the courage you would expect from a 68 year old, never-been-married, limp-wristed and closeted homosexual. He is the most effeminate p***y in Congress - women included.
Damn bro your homophobia is vile.
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reality star real estate agent with undeniable and established record of lying versus 21 year combat patriot who is versed in international diplomacy.

LOL, you sycophants never know when to stop digging. Rational American's aren't going to put up with Putin's testical warmer trashing a U.S. Soldier.
Faux outrage from the same group people who were overjoyed to trash General Flynn.
Was listening to Pod Save America the other day and this was exactly their take. Instead of admitting the facts upfront and trying to soften the blow they've retreated to extreme positions because the Trump code of bootlicking requires a concede nothing approach. That makes it hard to take serious any attempt to now soften the blow.

Trump's need for unwavering allegiance is definitely making their job of defending him harder. That, and his insane tweets.
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Faux outrage from the same group people who were overjoyed to trash General Flynn.

Didn't Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI? I'm no legal scholar, but I'm pretty sure that's not on a 'best practices' list for National Security advisors.

Let's not conflate what the felon did with what the Lt. Col. is doing.
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Didn't Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI? I'm no legal scholar, but I'm pretty sure that's not on a 'best practices' list for National Security advisors.

Let's not conflate what the felon did with what the Lt. Col. is doing.
I bet during an FBI interview they could get you to lie to them in 15 minutes, it's what they do.
The two most common Republican defenses from the start were:

1) The Ukraine government wasn't aware that Trump had placed a hold on the military aid prior to the July 25th phone call between Trump and Zelenskyy. So, that aid couldn't have ever been used as leverage to secure an investigation into the Bidens. However, Bill Taylor blew that one out of the water during his testimony.

2) The whistleblower complaint and all of the testimony given so far was based on hearsay. That has gone away now as well.

Yes, things are looking better and better.
Russian collusion. Soon.
Apparently not as the Republicans lost the house during the next election just as the Democrats are going to do this next election.
So you view the Clinton impeachment as unjustified? I'm curious if that was your take when it was happening.

I dont know about you guys, but I cant trust a 21yr serviceman who doesnt have the Army Good Conduct Medal.
He could have had one and in the last 3 years had it taken away i guess.......but then, I would wonder what he did to get it taken away.

Maybe my old eyes are just messing with me but I dont see one.

Im just going to go with he is untrustworthy.
Apparently not as the Republicans lost the house during the next election just as the Democrats are going to do this next election.
Have you noticed how many House Republicans are retiring now? Especially in Texas? It's unprecedented. There is no way Republicans are retaking the House. Democrats could pick up another 10 seats.

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