The Impeachment Thread

So is he saying the transcript wasn't actually a transcript? Imagine that.
The problem is now his testimony seems to contradict his own written statement where he said it was all in the memo and that we all know what was said. So was his written statement wrong? Or is he lying in his testimony? My guess is that yet again we are getting some spin and partial truths from Dems.
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It always seems like the Dems start the day off with "this is the one!" then release an opening statement only to have it discredited by the end of the day
Another swing and a miss...the transcript is correct according to Vindman...he would have only made minor changes that didn't add anything of value

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What say ye alleged pro military conservatives about the way Fox, Ingraham in particular, accused this guy of lack of patriotism when he won a purple heart and served with distinction ? To the point Liz Cheney defends him?

Trump and Fox, Ingraham in particular, should be roundly bashed by so-called pro military conservatives.

Look at what Trump has done to you !! You USED to be about service, integrity, and honor. Now you mindlessly defend a guy that cheats on his wife, pays them off, uses bone spurs to avoid service but questions the patriotism of someone who has sacrificed so much in our uniform??

What is wrong with you that you would sell your souls for this cheap, carnival barker, con artist?

You're a lunatic....You should worry about your own dirty filthy laundry that's not washed clean just yet. You worry too much about the Republicans and what's wrong w/them way too much in life. Your own stinking garbage party is trash and a big steaming pile OS & you need to clean that up first before you talk smack about the other side. Do that first & then we can talk like adults at the table having coffee in the cool morning time.

You broke him lawgator. He went off the deep end.

Yet another day in the Trump administration and another decorated veteran gets trashed.
When one talking point is destroyed, they simply take a step back and say this is the new bar. Soon, it may well be "well he was just investigating Hunter Biden, not Joe Biden. Find me evidence he mentioned Joe Biden by name."
You summed up Democrats versus Trump since 2016 very well. Gold star!
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What say ye alleged pro military conservatives about the way Fox, Ingraham in particular, accused this guy of lack of patriotism when he won a purple heart and served with distinction ? To the point Liz Cheney defends him?

Trump and Fox, Ingraham in particular, should be roundly bashed by so-called pro military conservatives.

Look at what Trump has done to you !! You USED to be about service, integrity, and honor. Now you mindlessly defend a guy that cheats on his wife, pays them off, uses bone spurs to avoid service but questions the patriotism of someone who has sacrificed so much in our uniform??

What is wrong with you that you would sell your souls for this cheap, carnival barker, con artist?
You dont f##king win a purple heart.
Its like Trump's border inconvenience, an 8 year old climbed over it like it was a slide in Chick-fil-A's play area.
Yeah that was amazing! What was even more amazing is that it was a replica in a guys yard designed with a climbing system so the 8 year old, or anyone who could attach themselves to the climbing apparatus, could go over it. Totally proves it could happen in the field...
The only thing about the Army witness I find odd is that for an officer with 22 years in the service is that I had more medals than him in 8 years..and in the Air Force.

But the dude is doing the right thing, sworn to protect the constitution and obey the orders of the President. If he thought something was up he was supposed to up channel it.

Sadly though he will be serving in Thule after this.
Lol sure. This country is way better off than it was under your hero and that makes you socialists sick. No more record unemployment and no more record amounts of Americans on food stamps. Suck it up and find a candidate who’s not a complete nut job to run in 2020
They’re about out of people who aren’t but jobs because they let people like AOC and their Twitter kingdom push them so far left that they can’t even see the middle anymore. Anyone that is less crazy than AOC is considered a Russian asset.
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First I will trust Jim Jordan of the likes of crazy eyes Schiff. The Ukrainians have even said they certainly didn’t feel pressured. You all have officially lost your minds

You trust the guy who looked the other way while athletes were being molested at Ohio State?

You are either the most gullible person on earth, or you need psychiatric assistance.
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Ones who are falsely convicted and imprisoned shouldn’t appeal because the truth is on their side?

So they should just take their lumps until the court system wises up to their mistake?

The only thing horrendously despicable, is you having the right to vote.
WTH???? Why would you wish to suppress testimony if the truth is on your side.
That's the debate, try to stay up.
Trump is trying all within his means to suppress testimony. (actions of a guilty man)
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I got some bad news for you , there’s a lot of people / countries in the world that think we suck now , have sucked in the past and will always suck . Well except for when we drag our big stick out and beat the people that need beat with it or when we give money to the people they think we should . We are different that other countries in almost every way . That’s only bad if you want to be like them .
Thanks for the news update. I got news for you. America has long been respected by many, deservedly so.
America is losing that respect among the ones who most matter, deservedly so.
Twist and turn any way you wish. Doesn't change the facts....Trump is poison and he's poisoning America's image.
So mean tweets is more significant than anything else he has done or will do as POTUS?

I feel sorry for you.
I return and raise your pity.
I've always been curious about the self valuation of integrity. Some of you have an amazingly low price tag.
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The problem is now his testimony seems to contradict his own written statement where he said it was all in the memo and that we all know what was said. So was his written statement wrong? Or is he lying in his testimony? My guess is that yet again we are getting some spin and partial truths from Dems.
I'm sure he was asked and explained any perceived contradictions.
Thanks for the news update. I got news for you. America has long been respected by many, deservedly so.
America is losing that respect among the ones who most matter, deservedly so.
Twist and turn any way you wish. Doesn't change the facts....Trump is poison and he's poisoning America's image.

You haven’t talked to many Europeans over the years have you ? There are several that “ matter the most “ that have had a dim view of America for a long time and it’s not because of any president , it’s our actions and the way we think . What we do and say here on the daily , our overall demeanor , our boasting , our loudness when talking , always asking questions seeking out information, always thinking we are number 1 ( even if we are ) . These are things that we do and think nothing about but is ummm off putting to them . I have several friends i talk to from other countries and they just about to the person all say the same things . They also have no concept of firearms or a true 1a without penalties and or fines . We have much bigger fish to fry in this country and are failing miserably at instead of worrying about what other countries think of us . Debt on a massive scale , collapsing infrastructure, hell we have people in this country today that believes there’s more that two biological sex’s and that men can have periods like women . We have huge problems and we have a congress
right now that thinks passing a resolution declaring an Armenian genocide that happened in 1915 is what they should be focused on . We have 99 problems but what other countries think about us isn’t one .

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