The Impeachment Thread

They are right , you have gotten testy here lately . You ok ? That metal plate in your noggin bothering you again ? šŸ˜Š
Heā€™s bitter, the media he worships and political hacks like little Schiff keep tricking him and heā€™s ignorant enough to keep falling for it
We have listened to ā€œtoxicā€ from your side at an unprecedented level for about 3 years now and Iā€™m sick to death of it
if thatā€™s true you should stop tuning in to Fox entertainment. Take up a hobby other than getting riled up over what people are telling you on a screen. Get outside, enjoy life. One day you will look back on your life and see how much of a waste it was.
Thereā€™s some funny people up in this thread . Who here seriously thinks this is going to turn out any other way but with a no vote in the senate ? Dog and pony show again . Just like the whole Russia gate show . Trump isnā€™t going to care if the house impeached him , this whole show is going to bore the voters and nobody is changing their vote over it .
The harder it is for the senate to vote no the better. Repub senators are already living in shame, and it will be interesting to see how much more they're willing to bear in order to keep the dwindling number of trumpers placated.
Plus it needs to be broadcast 24-7 that Trump is horrendously despicable and undeserving of support.
Vindman tried to correct an ellipses where Trump was talking about investigating Biden, by name.

Trump will be impeached. Any Republican Senator who declines to vote to remove is going to have a lot to answer for.
They will have a helluva lot more to answer for if they take him down.
if thatā€™s true you should stop tuning in to Fox entertainment. Take up a hobby other than getting riled up over what people are telling you on a screen. Get outside, enjoy life. One day you will look back on your life and see how much of a waste it was.
I watch about 1 hour of Fox a week and have plenty of hobbies and a great life.
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Vindman tried to correct an ellipses where Trump was talking about investigating Biden, by name.

Trump will be impeached. Any Republican Senator who declines to vote to remove is going to have a lot to answer for.
It's just more made up lies LG. The left is scrambling to try to cover for Obama, Clinton, DOJ, FBI, ect.
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They have to find someone not under Trump's control and willing to testify. Just assume that everyone dodging testifying would corroborate.

Now they have had a vote they have subpoena power the courts will enforce so enough with the excuses, get on with it.
The harder it is for the senate to vote no the better. Repub senators are already living in shame, and it will be interesting to see how much more they're willing to bear in order to keep the dwindling number of trumpers placated.
Plus it needs to be broadcast 24-7 that Trump is horrendously despicable and undeserving of support.

Me thinks you project to much . You are using your logic to determine what the other side will do . Thatā€™s the old playbook . This is uncharted waters with Trump . I donā€™t think it will play out like you want it to .
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So his brother is the whistleblower??

There is a fair chance of that Vindeman was going behind Trump's back and having discussions with the Ukrainians....much like the Dems did in looking for dirt with them during the 2016 election...we should cut off all aid to them until they hand over all evidence that they have been holding
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Problem is when you get a guy like Sonderland who is a Trump acolyte and willing to perjure himself in that role. Then you get GOPers, who really do know better, touting the lie.

Not everyone listening to that call would perjure themselves to save Trump. Call them in and match up the stories. Could be done before Thanksgiving.
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Now they have had a vote they have subpoena power the courts will enforce so enough with the excuses, get on with it.
Watch how hard Trump continues to fight the courts; unless of course, they rule in his favor. Trump knows the truth is his damnation.
There is a fair chance of that Vindeman was going behind Trump's back and having discussions with the Ukrainians....much like the Dems did in looking for dirt with them during the 2016 election...we should cut off all aid to them until they hand over all evidence that they have been holding
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So he blew the whistle on Rudy too? Then there is no doubt he is a true blue American patriot.
The harder it is for the senate to vote no the better. Repub senators are already living in shame, and it will be interesting to see how much more they're willing to bear in order to keep the dwindling number of trumpers placated.
Plus it needs to be broadcast 24-7 that Trump is horrendously despicable and undeserving of support.'re such a puppet of the loony left. CNN pulls your strings & you just blabber blabber nonsense
I don't know any Repubs senators living in shame or even talk about that....CNN must have told you another lie.
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So he blew the whistle on Rudy too? Then there is no doubt he is a true blue American patriot.
Funny we call going to a foreign country to take down constitutionally elected leaders treason where I come from........he had policy differences with Trump if he thought there was a crime he should report it to the FBI not Ukraine
I suspect they did not deliberately omit any big bombshells. I mean, what they released was pretty bad.

This is a plausible theory:

What they released allowed them to try that theory about Trump just being an International Crime Stopper. That he specifically wanted them to investigate Biden is proof that claim was false. Always has been.
Me thinks you project to much . You are using your logic to determine what the other side will do . Thatā€™s the old playbook . This is uncharted waters with Trump . I donā€™t think it will play out like you want it to .
I've been saying for some time now that I'm ready to put all the cards on the table. If we are a country that would reelect Trump, so be it; we will officially suck, the world needs to know it, and we will deserve whatever ramifications come our way.

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