The Impeachment Thread

Funny we call going to a foreign country to take down constitutionally elected leaders treason where I come from........he had policy differences with Trump if he thought there was a crime he should report it to the FBI not Ukraine

So, who went to Ukraine to do what?
The modern day democrats aka socialists are the lowest life form on the planet, pathetic worthless trash every single one of them and that includes the losers here

Cool story bro. So I'll accept your social security checks when you retire. Damn dirty ape socialist money. HUZZAH!
But why would you if the truth is on your side?

Ones who are falsely convicted and imprisoned shouldn’t appeal because the truth is on their side?

So they should just take their lumps until the court system wises up to their mistake?

The only thing horrendously despicable, is you having the right to vote.
I've been saying for some time now that I'm ready to put all the cards on the table. If we are a country that would reelect Trump, so be it; we will officially suck, the world needs to know it, and we will deserve whatever ramifications come our way.

I got some bad news for you , there’s a lot of people / countries in the world that think we suck now , have sucked in the past and will always suck . Well except for when we drag our big stick out and beat the people that need beat with it or when we give money to the people they think we should . We are different that other countries in almost every way . That’s only bad if you want to be like them .
What say ye alleged pro military conservatives about the way Fox, Ingraham in particular, accused this guy of lack of patriotism when he won a purple heart and served with distinction ? To the point Liz Cheney defends him?

Trump and Fox, Ingraham in particular, should be roundly bashed by so-called pro military conservatives.

Look at what Trump has done to you !! You USED to be about service, integrity, and honor. Now you mindlessly defend a guy that cheats on his wife, pays them off, uses bone spurs to avoid service but questions the patriotism of someone who has sacrificed so much in our uniform??

What is wrong with you that you would sell your souls for this cheap, carnival barker, con artist?
What say ye alleged pro military conservatives about the way Fox, Ingraham in particular, accused this guy of lack of patriotism when he won a purple heart and served with distinction ? To the point Liz Cheney defends him?

Trump and Fox, Ingraham in particular, should be roundly bashed by so-called pro military conservatives.

Look at what Trump has done to you !! You USED to be about service, integrity, and honor. Now you mindlessly defend a guy that cheats on his wife, pays them off, uses bone spurs to avoid service but questions the patriotism of someone who has sacrificed so much in our uniform??

What is wrong with you that you would sell your souls for this cheap, carnival barker, con artist?
And your side used to be anti-war and anti- big brother spying on citizens.
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What say ye alleged pro military conservatives about the way Fox, Ingraham in particular, accused this guy of lack of patriotism when he won a purple heart and served with distinction ? To the point Liz Cheney defends him?

Trump and Fox, Ingraham in particular, should be roundly bashed by so-called pro military conservatives.

Look at what Trump has done to you !! You USED to be about service, integrity, and honor. Now you mindlessly defend a guy that cheats on his wife, pays them off, uses bone spurs to avoid service but questions the patriotism of someone who has sacrificed so much in our uniform??

What is wrong with you that you would sell your souls for this cheap, carnival barker, con artist?

Most here will fall in line, even if and when it's Kelly, Mattis, McMaster.. whoever. Maybe I'm wrong, though.
What say ye alleged pro military conservatives about the way Fox, Ingraham in particular, accused this guy of lack of patriotism when he won a purple heart and served with distinction ? To the point Liz Cheney defends him?

Trump and Fox, Ingraham in particular, should be roundly bashed by so-called pro military conservatives.

Look at what Trump has done to you !! You USED to be about service, integrity, and honor. Now you mindlessly defend a guy that cheats on his wife, pays them off, uses bone spurs to avoid service but questions the patriotism of someone who has sacrificed so much in our uniform??

What is wrong with you that you would sell your souls for this cheap, carnival barker, con artist?

You're a lunatic....You should worry about your own dirty filthy laundry that's not washed clean just yet. You worry too much about the Republicans and what's wrong w/them way too much in life. Your own stinking garbage party is trash and a big steaming pile OS & you need to clean that up first before you talk smack about the other side. Do that first & then we can talk like adults at the table having coffee in the cool morning time.
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We see Trump doing and saying things that Dem leadership said years ago and Trump is called out, like a border wall which was approved by the Dems. We recently heard the word lynching and Trump was attacked while Biden and the Dems called Clintons impeachment a lynching. Turning the Baghdadi killing into a political issue. Just off top of my head and the hypocritical stances and statements can be found every week.

And a big one. Most believe Obama illegally spied on Trump.
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What say ye alleged pro military conservatives about the way Fox, Ingraham in particular, accused this guy of lack of patriotism when he won a purple heart and served with distinction ? To the point Liz Cheney defends him?

Trump and Fox, Ingraham in particular, should be roundly bashed by so-called pro military conservatives.

Look at what Trump has done to you !! You USED to be about service, integrity, and honor. Now you mindlessly defend a guy that cheats on his wife, pays them off, uses bone spurs to avoid service but questions the patriotism of someone who has sacrificed so much in our uniform??

What is wrong with you that you would sell your souls for this cheap, carnival barker, con artist?

Says the puss that never served
He called repubs. who do not bow to him human scum. That's Trump in a nutshell and it's an automatic disqualifier regardless of his policies and results. There are way to many others that have the same policies to settle for that type of crap from the POTUS. I find people who support him increasingly hard to understand. What more need be said.

So mean tweets is more significant than anything else he has done or will do as POTUS?

I feel sorry for you.

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