The Impeachment Thread

And they also rank CNN and MSNBC as left bias...not even left center bias
They also rate CNN as "mostly factual" and MSNBC as "usually factual". Real Clear Investigations, they rated as mixed for utilizing several sources which have failed fact checks.

Also, this was the take down of Fox News:

"Overall we rate Fox News strongly Right-Biased due to editorial positions and story selection that favors the right. We also rate them "Mixed" factually based on poor-sourcing and the spreading of conspiracy theories that later must be retracted after being widely shared. Further, Fox News would be rated a "Questionable source" based on numerous failed fact checks by hosts and pundits, however straight news reporting is generally reliable, therefore we rate them "Mixed" for factual reporting."
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The outing of the whistleblower is pretty funny. Sowing the seeds of doubt.
It's possibly alot more than that...this guy had his hands all over everything...possibly the 2016 meddling....he leaked info from the early days of the WH..he went to Ukraine with Biden...this could easily be an attempt by Biden to take down a duly elected President for political gain
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It’s the smart thing to do regardless of guilt. I had a civil matter once where I had done absolutely nothing wrong. We tried cooperating at first and that got us nothing except huge legal bills because the other party was never satisfied. After that I said screw you and see you in court. They had the burden of proof and I had the facts on my side. The other side finally came up with something tolerable just before court but after 2+ years. We never should’ve cooperated even though I was innocent of all their charges. We really need to move to a loser pays system.
So you didn't want the people who knew the truth to testify?
Yep from here on out if Pelosi goes forward this is no longer an impeachment investigation but an attempted coup that might go back as far as the early days of Trump's presidency

So, have you guys have settled on the whistleblower's identity, or are you still flexible?
Yep from here on out if Pelosi goes forward this is no longer an impeachment investigation but an attempted coup that might go back as far as the early days of Trump's presidency
That is stupid. You don't have to take the whistleblower's word for anything anymore. That person's motive and credibility are irrelevant now. His/her claims have been confirmed by someone with firsthand knowledge.
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So, you guys have settled on the whistleblower's identity, or are you still flexible?
We have known who the Whistleblower is from the beginning..Schiff and the NY Times gave his identity we have to see who else was involved like Biden and the DNC
If the whistleblower turned out to be Mother Mary the slander machine would be out in full force. The whistleblower is hardly even relevant at this point. All the blanks are being filled in by others.
Exactly. This is an outdated attack. Nobody is talking about the whistleblower's complaint anymore. We have firsthand testimony now.
We have known who the Whistleblower is from the beginning..Schiff and the NY Times gave his identity we have to see who else was involved like Biden and the DNC

I could have swore that yesterday, someone reported it was Vindman's brother.

Anyway, so what is it alleged that he did? I see the claim he worked for Obama, Biden, and Brennan. Is he suspected of doing something illegal, or is it a guilt by association sort of thing.
You can call yourself anything you want to. The Fox News slogan has always been "Fair and Balanced". Is that reality?

I think they dropped that slogan in '17, even they couldn't keep a straight face when it flashed on the screen.

It no longer matters. You don't have to take the whistleblower's word for anything. This person's credibility is irrelevant. Their motives are irrelevant as long as they were telling the truth - which they were. The allegations in the complaint have been confirmed under oath by someone with firsthand knowledge.
We have known who the Whistleblower is from the beginning..Schiff and the NY Times gave his identity we have to see who else was involved like Biden and the DNC

Pretty sure that trump blew the whistle on himself. Everyone else is just coming forward to corroborate what he's admitted. The differences now are that the trumpers don't seem to understand what he's admitted to.
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Exactly. This is an outdated attack. Nobody is talking about the whistleblower's complaint anymore. We have firsthand testimony now.

That’s seems eerily like the Steele dossier , we aren’t talking about how the investigation started only what is relevant now . Same game different ball park .
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That’s seems eerily like the Steele dossier , we aren’t talking about how the investigation started only what is relevant now . Same game different ball park .
If Donald Trump had uncovered a smoking gun of corruption on Joe Biden, by way of an investigation conducted by the Ukrainian government, he would be doing the same thing. How the investigation was initiated, would be irrelevant. The only thing that would matter is the facts that were uncovered from the investigation. Are the allegations true or not? That would be his rallying cry, because that is what Trump did with the WikiLeaks releases.. It didn't matter that they were obtained illegally. It only mattered that they showed shady conduct on the part of Podesta and Hillary Clinton. "I love WikiLeaks!" Your complaint is hypocrisy.

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