The Impeachment Thread

That’s seems eerily like the Steele dossier , we aren’t talking about how the investigation started only what is relevant now . Same game different ball park .
Yep and the Steele Dossier was put together with the help of Blumenthal.. everyone talks about Rudy..but no one mentions Slimy Sid...that guy has never had an official government position but has his hands in everything Clinton.. he's back btw threatening journalists on behalf of Hillary
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If Donald Trump had uncovered a smoking gun of corruption on Joe Biden, by way of an investigation conducted by the Ukrainian government, he would be doing the same thing. How the investigation was initiated, would be irrelevant. The only thing that would matter is the facts that were uncovered from the investigation. Are the allegations true or not? That would be his rallying cry, because that is what Trump did with the WikiLeaks releases.. It didn't matter how they were obtained. It only mattered that they showed shady conduct on the part of Podesta and Hillary Clinton. "I love WikiLeaks!" Your complaint is hypocrisy.

No it’s not , you are trying way to hard to convince people the whistle blower no longer matters in a politically motivated impeachment to garner votes . It won’t work , every detail matters now when you are trying to gain votes . I only pointed out the fact that this little game is eerily similar in the way it was started .
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In this case , like the other case , as I said it’s how it was started .
No, it's not. Watergate began with an article in the Washington Post two days after the attempted burglary that nobody paid any attention to. Donald Trump read releases from WikiLeaks at his campaign rallies even though they had been stolen. All that matters: Are the allegations true or false?
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Yep and the Steele Dossier was put together with the help of Blumenthal.. everyone talks about Rudy..but no one mentions Slimy Sid...that guy has never had an official government position but has his hands in everything Clinton.. he's back btw threatening journalists on behalf of Hillary
View attachment 234992

The dots are easier to connect than all that jazz...

Trump asked the Ukranian President to investigate Joe Biden, while holding up military aid, and he got tattled on.
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No, it's not. Watergate began with an article in the Washington Post two days after the attempted burglary that nobody paid any attention to. Donald Trump read releases from WikiLeaks at his campaigns even though they had been stolen. All the matters: are the allegations true of false?

So the last one into Trump wasn’t started by a made up dossier that was used to get the investigation going then pushed to the side as something that didn’t matter anymore because we now have Trump did blah blah blah ? Like I said you are trying way too hard here .
So the last one into Trump wasn’t started by a made up dossier that was used to get the investigation going then pushed to the side as something that didn’t matter anymore because we now have Trump did blah blah blah ? Like I said you are trying way too hard here .
It doesn't matter how an investigation starts. It only matters if the allegations of misconduct on the part of the President are true, and whether or not they can be proven.
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For what it is worth, rates "RealClearInvestigations" as being:

"Right-Center Biased based on story selections that moderately favors the Right and Mixed for factual reporting due to utilizing several sources that have failed fact checks."

Also, the motives behind the "whistleblower" and their credibility are no longer relevant, now that a person with firsthand knowledge of both the July 25th phone call between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy and of Trump and Rudy Giuliani's pressure campaign against the Ukrainian government has come forward (Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman yesterday). This article is passe.
I haven't seen one these in a while. Thanks. It's the old "I have nothing of substance to say, but feel a need to say something anyway." reply. It is also far and away the most common post among the conservatives on this forum. No substance.

Don't anger him.. he'll post a barrage of "funny" Shifty Schiff vids.
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It doesn't matter how an investigation starts. It only matters if the allegations of misconduct on the part of the President are true, and whether or not they can be proven.

Which is exactly what I said in my first post . Eerily familiar in the way it started , but not relevant now . Look over here , not over there . Still the same game just a different version . I think I’ll call it Political Peek A Boo 2.0
Which is exactly what I said in my first post . Eerily familiar in the way it started , but not relevant now . Look over here , not over there . Still the same game just a different version . I think I’ll call it Political Peek A Boo 2.0
...and my point is that Republicans are very much the same way. If the Ukrainian government had uncovered smoking gun evidence of corruption against Joe Biden, as Donald Trump was hoping for, it would not matter to Republicans that the Ukrainian investigation had started with a July 25th phone call from Trump to Zelenskyy. It would only matter to Republicans that Biden had been found to have committed acts of corruption.
Which is exactly what I said in my first post . Eerily familiar in the way it started , but not relevant now . Look over here , not over there . Still the same game just a different version . I think I’ll call it Political Peek A Boo 2.0
It's always been the same game. Trump is a horrendously despicable human, who should have never been nominated, should have never been elected, and now should be removed by any legal means available.

Nothing has changed.
It no longer matters. You don't have to take the whistleblower's word for anything. This person's credibility is irrelevant. Their motives are irrelevant as long as they were telling the truth - which they were. The allegations in the complaint have been confirmed under oath by someone with firsthand knowledge.
Of a never Trumper who didn’t agree with President Trumps policy towards Ukraine so his testimony means nothing. Just another left wing hoax
It's always been the same game. Trump is a horrendously despicable human, who should have never been nominated, should have never been elected, and now should be removed by any legal means available.

Nothing has changed.

I know I know .. the world hates us because of Trump and we need to get back to them loving us again like they did during ww2 . Lol
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What evidence do you have that Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is a "never Trumper"? Should we just take Donald Trump's word for it?
His actions prove it, just another deep state never Trumper. Time to move on to the next hoax. vindman is working with losers like schiff to over throw a President. Screw him and every other dem
It doesn't matter how an investigation starts. It only matters if the allegations of misconduct on the part of the President are true, and whether or not they can be proven.
Are you serious? You’re going with this BS narrative?

In a perfect world, an investigation only starts after law enforcement is informed that a crime has been committed.
His actions prove it, just another deep state never Trumper. Time to move on to the next hoax. vindman is working with losers like schiff to over throw a President. Screw him and every other dem
His actions prove it? So, anyone who is either critical of, or says anything at all which is damaging to Donald Trump (even if it is the truth) is automatically guilty of having a political bias? No additional evidence required. Even if they are a decorated career military officer (not a bureaucrat, or a politician)? That is circular logic at work.
Are you serious? You’re going with this BS narrative?

In a perfect world, an investigation only starts after law enforcement is informed that a crime has been committed.
A crime was committed. You don't consider the act of hurting liberals' feelings a crime? That is all they have.
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Are you serious? You’re going with this BS narrative?

In a perfect world, an investigation only starts after law enforcement is informed that a crime has been committed.
Then why did Trump pursue an investigation of an American citizen (Joe Biden) by contacting the leader of a foreign government? It's not a perfect world. You are kidding yourself if you think that Republicans would handle this situation any differently.

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