The Impeachment Thread

Then why did Trump pursue an investigation of an American citizen (Joe Biden) by contacting the leader of a foreign government? It's not a perfect world. You are kidding yourself if you think that Republicans would handle this situation any differently.
They screech FISA abuse and illegal investigations but bypassing that all together to get a foreign government to investigate one of our citizens is allowed.
And all Republicans in Congress can do is attack "the process" because they can't defend Trump's actions against the testimony of witnesses.
Damning testimony, according to Schifferbrains and the crew. They may have pictures of Trump holding a gun to the head of the Ukraine President if they can drag this out. This is Mueller 2.0, and will wind up in the same sh!tcan.
His actions prove it? So, anyone who is either critical of, or says anything at all which is damaging to Donald Trump (even if it is the truth) is automatically guilty of having a political bias? No additional evidence required. Even if they are a decorated career military officer (not a bureaucrat, or a politician)? That is circular logic at work.
Funny you all worship this war vet but bash others, guess as long as they are working with bug eyed Schiff to try to over throw this President then you all are good with it. By any means necessary. Going to be fun one day when these roles are reversed
Then why did Trump pursue an investigation of an American citizen (Joe Biden) by contacting the leader of a foreign government? It's not a perfect world. You are kidding yourself if you think that Republicans would handle this situation any differently.

You left out the most important word “ongoing” investigation. One which was being blocked by the point person working out of the embassy. It didn’t start with Trump.
They screech FISA abuse and illegal investigations but bypassing that all together to get a foreign government to investigate one of our citizens is allowed.
Exactly. Can you imagine the outcry from the right if Barack Obama had called the leader of a foreign government in 2015 to request that they investigate Donald Trump? Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity would have both given birth to full grown cows on the air.
Exactly. Can you imagine the outcry from the right if Barack Obama had called the leader of a foreign government in 2015 to request that they investigate Donald Trump? Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity would have both given birth to full grown cows on the air.
I can also the imagine the silence from you, Schiff, CNN and MSNBC
Funny you all worship this war vet but bash others, guess as long as they are working with bug eyed Schiff to try to over throw this President then you all are good with it. By any means necessary. Going to be fun one day when these roles are reversed

Trump trying to stay in office by any means necessary is why he's being impeached. He'll be answering for.hia actions.
You left out the most important word “ongoing” investigation. One which was being blocked by the point person working out of the embassy. It didn’t start with Trump.
There was not an investigation underway of either Burisma Holdings or of Hunter Biden as of July 25th.
Exactly. Can you imagine the outcry from the right if Barack Obama had called the leader of a foreign government in 2015 to request that they investigate Donald Trump? Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity would have both given birth to full grown cows on the air.
I remember exactly how they acted when trump suggested Obama did just that. "Obama had British Foreign Intelligence "SPYING" on Trump".
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Exactly. Can you imagine the outcry from the right if Barack Obama had called the leader of a foreign government in 2015 to request that they investigate Donald Trump? Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity would have both given birth to full grown cows on the air.
All the Obama/Clinton cabal did was to go around the law by using foreign intelligence to spy on and try to set up the Trump campaign.
Then why did Trump pursue an investigation of an American citizen (Joe Biden) by contacting the leader of a foreign government? It's not a perfect world. You are kidding yourself if you think that Republicans would handle this situation any differently.
You’re conflating a political issue with a legal one.

Trump isn’t in law enforcement - he doesn’t decide what cases the FBI investigates.

If the counterintelligence investigation into Trump was opened with no crime ever being committed/reported, do you sincerely not understand why that is a problem?
And all Republicans in Congress can do is attack "the process" because they can't defend Trump's actions against the testimony of witnesses.

It's pretty obvious that they're heading down a road that keeps narrowing. When we get to the end they will left with no real defense except.....ok, he did it but we're not removing him.
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All the Obama/Clinton cabal did was to go around the law by using foreign intelligence to spy on and try to set up the Trump campaign.
Even if what you say is true (and it is debatable, but I don't feel like arguing over such an insignificant figure as Carter Page) ... is what Trump did any different? Seriously, he asked the leader of a foreign government to investigate an American citizen for allegedly criminal activity. There is no reason for an American President to ever search outside the United States Department of Justice to investigate criminal activity involving an American citizen. Now, if the United States Department of Justice considers it necessary to seek the cooperation of the leaders of a foreign government in an investigation? Fine, but that is not what happened here. President Trump made the July 25th phone call to Zelenskyy. Attorney General William Barr was not even on the call. That was completely inappropriate.
Even if what you say is true (and it is debatable, but I don't feel like arguing over such an insignificant figure as Carter Page) ... is what Trump did any different? Seriously, he asked the leader of a foreign government to investigate an American citizen for allegedly criminal activity. There is no reason for an American President to ever search outside the United States Department of Justice to investigate criminal activity involving an American citizen. Now, if the United States Department of Justice considers it necessary to seek the cooperation of the leaders of a foreign government in an investigation? Fine, but that is not what happened here. President Trump made the July 25th phone call to Zelenskyy. Attorney General William Barr was not even on the call. That was completely inappropriate.
Don't forget Papadopolous, Flynn, etc. They were all set up. Trump Tower....all of it. You will see.
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Dude, really?
Yeah, I posted that and it may have been out of line but I have no respect for Graham... and yes, I think he is very effeminate... "light in the loafers". I'm not homophobic and have worked with gays and had gay friends but something about Graham bothers me. He reminds me of guys who got bullied in school... but I didn't feel sorry for them because they had earned it. However, I do apologize to anyone offended by that post.
You’re conflating a political issue with a legal one.

Trump isn’t in law enforcement - he doesn’t decide what cases the FBI investigates.

If the counterintelligence investigation into Trump was opened with no crime ever being committed/reported, do you sincerely not understand why that is a problem?

Seems you are confusimg a counterintelligence operation with a criminal investigation. I guessn if you are in denial of a Russian effort that needed countering, then you never will.
Yeah, I posted that and it may have been out of line but I have no respect for Graham... and yes, I think he is very effeminate... "light in the loafers". I'm not homophobic and have worked with gays and had gay friends but something about Graham bothers me. He reminds me of guys who got bullied in school... but I didn't feel sorry for them because they had earned it. However, I do apologize to anyone offended by that post.

I’m not racist I have a black friend 🙄
Yeah, I posted that and it may have been out of line but I have no respect for Graham... and yes, I think he is very effeminate... "light in the loafers". I'm not homophobic and have worked with gays and had gay friends but something about Graham bothers me. He reminds me of guys who got bullied in school... but I didn't feel sorry for them because they had earned it. However, I do apologize to anyone offended by that post.
He’s a Republican
Seems you are confusimg a counterintelligence operation with a criminal investigation. I guessn if you are in denial of a Russian effort that needed countering, then you never will.
So the Carter Page FISA warrant and 3 extensions were totally on the up and up - all evidence verified per the Woods Procedures?

What if there were 3 other FISA warrants on American citizens? What would you think about that?

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