The Impeachment Thread

Is he Ukrainian?
It's only about removing Trump

And anyone else who may stand in the way of achieving the left's goal. Take the White House back by any means necessary other than elections.

If the Democrats win the 2020 elections and gain the Senate and WH back, at least it was done the right way. This current circus may prevent that from happening.
And anyone else who may stand in the way of achieving the left's goal. Take the White House back by any means necessary other than elections.

If the Democrats win the 2020 elections and gain the Senate and WH back, at least it was done the right way. This current circus may prevent that from happening.
That's complete nonsense. Talk about your right wing propaganda.
This has always been about nothing but Trump.
Again, how you guys didn't understand this from the minute you nominated the moron escapes me.
Had Hillary won, I knew fully well that the right would do everything within their power to end/ruin her presidency starting on the night of the election. That's why I didn't support her in the primary. I knew 30 years of right wing propaganda had taken its toll.

The difference is, Trump is actually worse than what you wrongly believed Hillary to be.
There is none so blind as he who refuses to see.
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That's complete nonsense. Talk about your right wing propaganda.
This has always been about nothing but Trump.
Again, how you guys didn't understand this from the minute you nominated the moron escapes me.
Had Hillary won, I knew fully well that the right would do everything within their power to end/ruin her presidency starting on the night of the election. That's why I didn't support her in the primary. I knew 30 years of right wing propaganda had taken its toll.

The difference is, Trump is actually worse than what you wrongly believed Hillary to be.
There is none so blind as he who refuses to see.
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He is of Ukrainian descent but he is an American citizen. He has lived in the United States since he was 3 years old. These efforts to cast a conflicted loyalty on him, just because he has testified to information damaging to Trump are petty and despicable. He has served 21 years as an officer in the United States Army. Your only problem with him, is that he has cooperated with an investigation into Donald Trump, who dodged service in the Vietnam War with a ridiculous and contrived excuse. Are you really this tribal? It's disgusting.
I asked a relevant question.

You proceeded to assign motives to my question.

Are you Adam Schiff?
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Pretty sure that trump blew the whistle on himself. Everyone else is just coming forward to corroborate what he's admitted. The differences now are that the trumpers don't seem to understand what he's admitted to.
This. Trumps a dumbsh!t and causes almost all of his problems with his mouth and tweets. He could have sailed through this term and the next if he surrounded himself with decent advisors. He didnt and now he will be drug through an impeachment and will have fits. Doubt he is convicted of anything though.
So, you are saying that the favorable information for Trump that he provided is credible? Just not the information which was damaging? Gotcha. For a minute there, I thought you were trying to have it both ways.
I haven't followed closely. What information was damaging to Trump? My understanding is that he testified that the transcript is accurate, and he had assumptions and feelings about what happened.
Yes, this is what Republicans want you to believe. They know Trump looks like **** here, so they are hoping they can just slander the whistleblower. But after the president and his chief of staff basically admitted wrongdoing, and multiple people have apparently testified that the president tried to strongarm Ukraine to help his presidential campaign, the identity of the whistleblower is no longer important.
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