The Impeachment Thread

Proof of an actual crime that reaches the threshold of impeachment. And by proof, I mean more than speculation and opinion. More than politically biased interpretation of his actions. He may very well be guilty, it wouldn't surprise me, but it has to be proven. And the Dems are a long way from actually proving it.

Even then, I think history could present a problem. Clinton was dead to rights guilty and yet avoided removal from office. So being guilty may not be enough to remove Trump from office. I think it highly probable that it will come down to what the people decide in 2020.
I think this is the way it will go for everything, not just Trump. This stuff about "just wait until Barr drops the hammer" stuff is the same honestly.

I firmly believe Trump committed multiple felonies bordering on treason. But I don't see enough evidence so far to convict him of anything. Same with this Barr nonsense our friends on the Right seem convinced that will result in Obama and pals doing the perp walk. Not. Gonna. Happen.

There isn't enough proof so far for any of it to amount to anything. That might change, but I doubt it.

I'd much rather Trump be absolutely embarrassed next November at the ballot box and drug out of the White House kicking and screaming.

Trump isn't getting convicted by the Senate, the Barr investigation and Deep State nonsense won't go anywhere either. Nobody is going to jail except for a few patsies thrown under the bus. And around and around we go.
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Oh, God........I totally forgot about that big POS. That guy is a mental case walking FREE in Memphis.
He’s the POTUS. He’s the Commander in Chief.

In your world a Democrat that works for NSC gets to disobey an order from the POTUS?

Are you serious with this crap?

The first thing you are thought in the military is that is you see something that may be improper or illegal you should report it no matter the persons rank or authority. Or at least that what has been thought in the last 10 years.
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Proof of an actual crime that reaches the threshold of impeachment. And by proof, I mean more than speculation and opinion. More than politically biased interpretation of his actions. He may very well be guilty, it wouldn't surprise me, but it has to be proven. And the Dems are a long way from actually proving it.

Even then, I think history could present a problem. Clinton was dead to rights guilty and yet avoided removal from office. So being guilty may not be enough to remove Trump from office. I think it highly probable that it will come down to what the people decide in 2020.
So it needs to meet the elements of a crime?

But it needs to be more than obstruction of justice.
And you think lying under oath should have been sufficient.

Is that correct or no?
So it needs to meet the elements of a crime?

But it needs to be more than obstruction of justice.
And you think lying under oath should have been sufficient.

Is that correct or no?
Clinton committed perjury and obstruction, yet somehow, even with factual evidence supporting his crime, remained in office. Some people are apparently above the law.

Does indisputable evidence, I stress indisputable, exist that Trump has committed a crime? If so, impeach him. I honestly don't care anymore. I'm still highly doubtful the GOP Senate will convict and remove, even with what some would see as strong evidence. It needs to be irrefutable if you expect the GOP to convict. It's not about what I want or you want or what anyone else wants. Both parties are going to spin like hell to look like they are the good guys and the other side the bad guys.

My honest opinion, the Dems have yet to produce irrefutable evidence of guilt. Maybe they have it and are sitting on it. Maybe they don't have it and are hoping they can bluff their way through. I don't know. What I do know is it's time to **** or get off the pot. If they have as strong a case as they believe, they need to present it in the House and allow the public to hear it as well. The public needs to know this is above board and legit, and not some political sham.
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Clinton committed perjury and obstruction, yet somehow, even with factual evidence supporting his crime, remained in office. Some people are apparently above the law.

Does indisputable evidence, I stress indisputable, exist that Trump has committed a crime? If so, impeach him. I honestly don't care anymore. I'm still highly doubtful the GOP Senate will convict and remove, even with what some would see as strong evidence. It needs to be irrefutable if you expect the GOP to convict. It's not about what I want or you want or what anyone else wants. Both parties are going to spin like hell to look like they are the good guys and the other side the bad guys.

My honest opinion, the Dems have yet to produce irrefutable evidence of guilt. Maybe they have it and are sitting on it. Maybe they don't have it and are hoping they can bluff their way through. I don't know. What I do know is it's time to **** or get off the pot. If they have as strong a case as they believe, they need to present it in the House and allow the public to hear it as well. The public needs to know this is above board and legit, and not some political sham.
They have nothing but seething hate.
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Nancy says Quid is sufficient... don’t need pro or quo.

Next step... we just need a consonant... preferably a q.
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Clinton committed perjury and obstruction, yet somehow, even with factual evidence supporting his crime, remained in office. Some people are apparently above the law.

Does indisputable evidence, I stress indisputable, exist that Trump has committed a crime? If so, impeach him. I honestly don't care anymore. I'm still highly doubtful the GOP Senate will convict and remove, even with what some would see as strong evidence. It needs to be irrefutable if you expect the GOP to convict. It's not about what I want or you want or what anyone else wants. Both parties are going to spin like hell to look like they are the good guys and the other side the bad guys.

My honest opinion, the Dems have yet to produce irrefutable evidence of guilt. Maybe they have it and are sitting on it. Maybe they don't have it and are hoping they can bluff their way through. I don't know. What I do know is it's time to **** or get off the pot. If they have as strong a case as they believe, they need to present it in the House and allow the public to hear it as well. The public needs to know this is above board and legit, and not some political sham.
The GOP will never convict, regardless of any proof.

Dems just voted yesterday to make everything public, like you have wanted. We will see what comes of it.
They have nothing but seething hate.
The seething hate flows both ways, yet both sides pretend to be above it. Just look at VN as an example. It's not one side taking shots at the other. Barbs are routinely exchanged in favor of actual conversation.
The GOP will never convict, regardless of any proof.

Dems just voted yesterday to make everything public, like you have wanted. We will see what comes of it.
Highly probable. At the same time, I firmly believe the Dems would do the same if the situation was reversed. That is what politics has become.
Clinton committed perjury and obstruction, yet somehow, even with factual evidence supporting his crime, remained in office. Some people are apparently above the law.

Does indisputable evidence, I stress indisputable, exist that Trump has committed a crime? If so, impeach him. I honestly don't care anymore. I'm still highly doubtful the GOP Senate will convict and remove, even with what some would see as strong evidence. It needs to be irrefutable if you expect the GOP to convict. It's not about what I want or you want or what anyone else wants. Both parties are going to spin like hell to look like they are the good guys and the other side the bad guys.

My honest opinion, the Dems have yet to produce irrefutable evidence of guilt. Maybe they have it and are sitting on it. Maybe they don't have it and are hoping they can bluff their way through. I don't know. What I do know is it's time to **** or get off the pot. If they have as strong a case as they believe, they need to present it in the House and allow the public to hear it as well. The public needs to know this is above board and legit, and not some political sham.
I understand you don’t think it’s been proven. I guess, to the extent that you’re saying it has to be a crime then I guess I don’t see anything wrong with that.

I’m trying to understand the parameters of what, if fully proven, you would find to be impeachable. Like the lowest bar.

You said it needed to be a crime.
You seem bitter about Clinton not being impeached so I assume you think perjury is in.
I’d say a obstruction or attempt obstruction was pretty thoroughly proven by Mueller so I’d say you think it needs to be more than that.

I’d say there’s only an angel’s fart worth of difference, if any, between those two so that narrows it down, but I don’t know if I’m inferring too much from your post.

Does right and wrong play no part in it?
This stuff can pretty easily be turned around, based on your last post, can’t it?

Trump fan boys have been saying there’s going to be a reckoning for three years now and all that’s happened is you’ve had more than a dozen Republican legislators retire and more than two dozen more get retired by the electorate?

The Mueller report was too big and too jumbled to move the needle for low information voters but you think FISA and QAnon is going to sink the democrats?

It’s not happening so far. It’s not happening because he’s such an ugly, hateful person. I suspect that’s part of what you admire about him, but politics is definitionally about uniting different groups of people towards a common goal. Trump’s rhetoric or at least his base is all about uniformity.

His approval ratings aren’t climbing anywhere. Impeachment support was climbing everywhere, last I saw.

The only thing that’s going well for him right now is that the radical wing of the Democratic Party is doing the exact same thing, giving moderates the Heisman when the swing states they need to win expressed overwhelmingly in 2018 that they prefer moderate candidates to people like Warren and Trump.
I understand you don’t think it’s been proven. I guess, to the extent that you’re saying it has to be a crime then I guess I don’t see anything wrong with that.

I’m trying to understand the parameters of what, if fully proven, you would find to be impeachable. Like the lowest bar.

You said it needed to be a crime.
You seem bitter about Clinton not being impeached so I assume you think perjury is in.
I’d say a obstruction or attempt obstruction was pretty thoroughly proven by Mueller so I’d say you think it needs to be more than that.

I’d say there’s only an angel’s fart worth of difference, if any, between those two so that narrows it down, but I don’t know if I’m inferring too much from your post.

Does right and wrong play no part in it?
Hillary makes me bitter, but Bill, not so much. I'm just confused how he so obviously committed a crime that others would get punished for, but not him. I don't understand the reasoning.

Obstruction probably should be enough, but precedent set by the Clinton case suggests it isn't enough. Putting aside personal bias, don't you think precedent should carry some weight?

As far as right and wrong, it plays a part in my life, in the world I live in. I don't think it matters much in the world of politics. Most politicians face zero consequence for doing wrong. Just for an example, Elizabeth Warren lied for years about her heritage. Is her punishment running for President?

As I've stated before, I believe both sides are corrupt. So how do you hold any one person accountable when the system refuses to hold every one accountable? Who gets to pick and choose who has to follow the rules, and who slides?
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