The Impeachment Thread

The main difference would be the GOP absolute meltdown.

I'm sure they would. But I also think your personal bias prevents you from seeing the Dems meltdown with some of their shenanigans. I believe the parties are mirror images of each other. Most of what one side accuses the other of doing, they do as well. I'm not a believer that one side is better than the other. They both play in the mud and stink to high hell IMO.
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I'm sure they would. But I also think your personal bias prevents you from seeing the Dems meltdown with some of their shenanigans. I believe the parties are mirror images of each other. Most of what one side accuses the other of doing, they do as well. I'm not a believer that one side is better than the other. They both play in the mud and stink to high hell IMO.
Sort of like Switzerland claiming the US and Germany were equally bad so as not to have to pick a side.
They were both evil, power hungry countries looking to enrich themselves, basically mirror images.
I think your desire to claim neutrality is blinding you to some obvious realities.
But we've been down this road a hundred times.
Sort of like Switzerland claiming the US and Germany were equally bad so as not to have to pick a side.
They were both evil, power hungry countries looking to enrich themselves, basically mirror images.
I think your desire to claim neutrality is blinding you to some obvious realities.
But we've been down this road a hundred times.

Who gets to decide which side is which? And truthfully, a more accurate depiction would be one side as Hitler's Germany and the other as Stalin's Russia. Neither is on the side of the people, though both claim to be.
This impeachment inquiry involves more than just the July 25th phone call, but even the transcript of that call includes this ominous statement from Trump that suggests a quid-pro-quo: "We need you to do us a favor, though." Though? The inclusion of that word implies that there were conditions being placed on the military aid, which Trump had already withheld from the Ukraine.
Wait a minute, I thought this wasn’t about a quid pro quo? I keep hearing different things from the group that thinks there’s more than just conjecture here. You all at least need to get on the same page regarding what exactly Trump did wrong here.
Republicans can try and subpoena witnesses but the Democrats can vote those recommendations down by a committee vote. I guarantee you that whoever the whistleblower is, they will not have to testify. The Democrats have control of the House and make the rules, remember? That whole elections have consequences thing.
The Dems are learning that the hard way with Trump. Too bad for them it’ll be a lesson 5 more years in length.
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Sort of like Switzerland claiming the US and Germany were equally bad so as not to have to pick a side.
They were both evil, power hungry countries looking to enrich themselves, basically mirror images.
I think your desire to claim neutrality is blinding you to some obvious realities.
But we've been down this road a hundred times.
Stupid analogy. Switzerland was Europe's bank and it wasn't even the US and Germany. Do you even History, Bro?
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Who gets to decide which side is which? And truthfully, a more accurate depiction would be one side as Hitler's Germany and the other as Stalin's Russia. Neither is on the side of the people, though both claim to be.
Everyone decides which side is which.
Is this the same British Gvt that begged/pressured Trump not to declassify the information about the Russian investigation, and have been rumored to be implicated in the scandal?

Say it ain't so.
Everyone decides which side is which.
See, that's the problem you've painted yourself into. You claim there is no standard of right and wrong--that it's societally decided. Yet you also say that society is evil if enough people pick Trump (disagree with you), just like Nazi society was more evil than American society.

You're a blithering lunatic.
The first thing you are thought in the military is that is you see something that may be improper or illegal you should report it no matter the persons rank or authority. Or at least that what has been thought in the last 10 years.

That must be new. The first thing I was taught was to keep my mouth shut and do what I was told.

Might be why they have the discipline problems they do.
After Rudy Giuliani's two Ukrainian associates were arrested, Donald Trump claimed that he had never met either one of them and they were not members of his administration and had not campaigned for him either. However, video has just surfaced and is currently on, which shows Lev Parnas standing right behind Trump at a campaign rally just last year. Both Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman are alleged by prosecutors to have illegally funded donations from foreign nationals to Republican political campaigns in an attempt to buy influence. They are also alleged to have been Rudy Giuliani's point men in the Ukraine, to help dig up dirt on Joe Biden.

At one point in the video, Parnas is seen exiting the stage and waving directly to Trump, who immediately smiles and waves back to him. Parnas and Fruman are seen on many videos and pictures throughout 2018 and 2019, with Rudy Giuliani, and in many different cities.
So what I hear you saying is you want 9 years of Pence. Got it.
Real Clear Investigations is not a credible source of news per media bias fact check and there has never been anything to substantiate the conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election to begin with. That is a lot of surmising and conjecture, on top of an unproven conspiracy theory. And it has still not been confirmed who the whistleblower was, but even to that end, his credibility and motives are no longer relevant. Lt. Col. Vindman, Bill Taylor and Kurt Volker have already confirmed everything alleged in the complaint, and Volker has testified that there is no evidence that Joe Biden had done anything illegal in the Ukraine.
Why don’t you apply the same standards to everyone? You blindly believe those that testify what you believe and ignore those that don’t.
That must be new. The first thing I was taught was to keep my mouth shut and do what I was told.

Might be why they have the discipline problems they do.

Well things changed after the MPs committed war crimes and the Marines raped and burned an entire family and burned the bodies in Iraq.
Why don’t you apply the same standards to everyone? You blindly believe those that testify what you believe and ignore those that don’t.

It's always been his way of approval or go pound sand.....Liberals think they make all the rules so it only applies to their favor/makes them look good and it only fits to their agenda/narrative. Conservatives can have the best & most reliable news source but if it doesn't fit the left's narrative they shout & scream to the heavens above that it's not trustworthy enough & then make fun/jokes of the reliable source as a news stand tabloid.
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It's always been his way of approval or go pound sand.....Liberals think they make all the rules so it only applies to their favor/makes them look good and it only fits to their agenda/narrative. Conservatives can have the best & most reliable news source but if it doesn't fit the left's narrative they shout & scream to the heavens above that it's not trustworthy enough & then make fun/jokes of the source as a news stand tabloid.
The bottom line is there is absolutely no evidence I’ve seen of any wrongdoing. All of these supposed attorneys on here are either lying or they are the worst attorneys in the world. I’m going with lying because if they are actual attorneys then they have to see this entire nonsense is based on opinions and conjecture. There is nothing of substance yet. It’s hilarious that they are accusing the Ukrainian President and the POTUS of lying but automatically believe anyone, including characters like Schiff, when those people say something they like.
NEWT GINGRICH: Why Pelosi’s Halloween impeachment vote was an enormous strategic defeat
The Halloween vote for impeachment was an enormous strategic defeat for Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
She admitted seven months ago, in a March 6 interview with The Washington Post, that a purely partisan impeachment vote was wrong and dangerous. She was right. Here are her own words:
“I’m not for impeachment. This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”
Measured by that standard, the Thursday vote was a terrible failure. The House voted in an entirely partisan manner except for two Democrats who split to vote no with the Republicans.
Months of leaks, secret investigations, news media hysteria, and a parade of witnesses failed to move a single Republican to vote yes.
The so-called whistleblower has decayed into a potential liability so much the Democrats are now talking about never bringing him to testify.
Senate Republicans have been so turned off by the House Democrats that Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, one of President Trump’s more outspoken Republican members, has called their effort “a partisan clown show.”
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