The Impeachment Thread

Yeah, that's my point.. I couldn't find the "lie", I thought maybe you could.
It's in there you just do not want to find it evidently. She claimed to have never corresponded with the individual in her testimony and then Tucker shows the email where she actually did. You have to watch to the end.
It's in there you just do not want to find it evidently. She claimed to have never corresponded with the individual in her testimony and then Tucker shows the email where she actually did. You have to watch to the end.

More faith based news.. come on make me a believer!
Yes, that’s why we rely on testimony from those who know.
Testimony has gone both ways. The actual President of Ukraine even said no Quid Pro Quo but you guys do not want to believe him. Even Bill Taylor admitted that he got his information from the NYT. The NYT, really? That is exactly how the FISA warrant was obtained. The FBI planted a story for the news media to report and then used those very reports to aid in obtaining a FISA Warrant. That is illegal no matter how you spin it. These are the facts you Trump haters love to ignore.
Jail her for spying on conservative journalists and perjury

She's a good little Obama hold-over trying to have Trump's Presidency fail....Obama still has the best Traitors to America on the payroll and there's still places in the government chocked up full of the resistance of the new Sheriff in town......The sooner these Dim traitors are in jail behind bars eating their cold Cheerios the better.
She's a good little Obama hold-over trying to have Trump's Presidency fail....Obama still has the best Traitors to America on the payroll and there's still places in the government chocked up full of the resistance of the new Sheriff in town......The sooner these Dim traitors are in jail behind bars eating their cold Cheerios the better.
Traitors used to hang for sedition.
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Every President does and has especially when the other side is trying so hard to get you.

Always love the "every president does this" line to excuse trumps BS behavior. Unless you have evidence of it, it can just as easily countered with... no they don't.

Trump has broken every convention, looked like an idiot doing so, alienated our allies, sowed division domestically, wiped his ass with the constitution, used his position to line his and his family's nepotistic pockets, stolen money from charity and attempted to weaponize taxpayer dollars for dirt on a political rival in order to maintain power.

You can't blame this sht on the media, hillary, MS13 or any other conjured up boogeyman - he did this sht and was stupid enough to hire the dumbest attorney on the planet to handle it. There's no 4d chess going on, if you guys had a lick of intellectual honesty - if a democrat had done all of the things we KNOW trump did, your head would have exploded a year ago. But F the libs, right? American's shouldn't trust trump to count the money drawer as the night shift manager at Arby's in Hoboken.
Always love the "every president does this" line to excuse trumps BS behavior. Unless you have evidence of it, it can just as easily countered with... no they don't.

Trump has broken every convention, looked like an idiot doing so, alienated our allies, sowed division domestically, wiped his ass with the constitution, used his position to line his and his family's nepotistic pockets, steal money from charity and now attempt to weaponize taxpayer dollars for dirt on a political rival in order to maintain power.

You can't blame this sht on the media, hillary, MS13 or any other conjured up boogeyman - he did this sht and was stupid enough to hire the dumbest attorney on the planet to handle it. There's no 4d chess going on, if you guys had a lick of intellectual honesty - if a democrat had done all of the things we KNOW trump did, your head would have exploded a year ago. But F the libs, right? American's shouldn't trust trump to count the money drawer as the night shift manager at Arby's in Hoboken.
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