The Impeachment Thread

Behind the scenes Pelosi has to be furious with Schiff....she was told that just like Russian collusion this was a slam dunk now it's going on it's 100th day and ppl are losing interest

Lots of wishin' and hopin' from our Trump leg-humping brethren

Yep and his hardest part is winning the primary..they are literally socialists on the lunatic fringe

To win their nomination they have to appeal to the most radical people in the country, then try to convince the rest of the country they really aren't as wacky as they showed for the last year. Good luck.
Behind the scenes Pelosi has to be furious with Schiff....she was told that just like Russian collusion this was a slam dunk now it's going on it's 100th day and ppl are losing interest

Lying Schifty. The DIMs Great White Hope.
At first, Schiff wanted the faux “whistleblower” who triggered the impeachment farce to testify. Then, suddenly, he didn’t. What changed? In the interim, evidence emerged that Schiff and/or his staff colluded with the “whistleblower” before the complaint was ever filed and then lied about it, earning Schiff “Four Pinocchios” from The Washington Post.
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LOL.........Triggered I see.....first to try and shoot it down.


I don't need to shoot it down, anyone dumb enough to try and extrapolate a twitter poll into the beliefs of the American electorate doesn't need me to tell them they are low IQ, they wouldn't understand what I was saying.
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I don't need to shoot it down, anyone dumb enough to try and extrapolate a twitter poll into the beliefs of the American electorate doesn't need me to tell them they are low IQ, they wouldn't understand what I was saying.

LOL.....I got you so aggravated early today...Your wonderful Dims are full of hoaxes going on 3-4 years now....but you're OK with all that though.....believes lying by the Dims as true stuff...
Your low-rent & low IQ Dim voters as yourself believe everything Adam Schitt tells you believing it as fact.

Funny you keep trying to convince everyone here that the Dims are so true and loyal to the Country though....
Your wonderful Dims are full of hoaxes going on 3-4 years now....but youy're OK with all that though...
Your low-rent & low IQ Dim voters as yourself believe everything Adam Schitt tells you believing it as fact.

Calm down Chief.

Your personal accusations in an attempt to deflect from your moronic twitter poll are noted.
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LOL. Tiptoeing so very carefully so as to not offend His Orangeness.

Does she have a book coming out?

For somebody who walked over the flames of the Trumpster fire relatively unscathed the first time, this seems like a remarkably strange time to start giving these backhanded defenses of him.

Maybe he is looking for a new VP?
Have a very nice day.....Keep believing in those weak Dim lies as Truth & you'll find yourself in a straight jacket.

And you keep on believing that trump is just a 'dindonuffin'.

I'm sure Brietbart reporters and the Hannity fan club have some internal polling you could dig up and post here to shore up your twitter poll.
Who were you calling triggered again? LOL

I wouldn't say I'm triggered over that little meme. But, stay triggered more than anyone except maybe BB85. If we show a parody of a poll that shows any kind of good favor to Republicans you're so quick to come here & shout Hoax Hoax my Dim's a Hoax. So scared of seeing any kind of a meme that's good for conservatives triggers you to a nose funny.
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We all know the truth:

1) Trump instituted a quid pro quo whereby the Ukrainians would not get the designated money or meeting with the President unless they agreed to reopen investigations into Biden's son and publicly say that Ukraine had some linkage to 2016 election interference.

2) This correctly alarmed a number of career service professionals who reported it to various degrees.

3) When it became clear that Trump's actions were going public, the aid was released and efforts made to minimize the damage.

4) He will be impeached for this.

5) He will not be removed for it.

6) At the conclusion of that process, the Democrats will complain that the failure to remove was partisan and the Republicans will claim that the impeachment was partisan. Trump will claim victory and vindication.
Welp..that's the final nail in the coffin for the Russian Collusion hoax...u would have thought the Dems would learn their lesson but now they are pushing bribery and extortion lol..kinda hard to do that when the other side didn't know and they didn't have to do anything to get their aid
Welp..that's the final nail in the coffin for the Russian Collusion hoax...u would have thought the Dems would learn their lesson but now they are pushing bribery and extortion lol..kinda hard to do that when the other side didn't know and they didn't have to do anything to get their aid
I’m sure the democrats are devastated by this tweet.

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