The Impeachment Thread

FOX NEWS EXCLUSIVE: New IG complaint alleges improper fundraising by Ukraine whistleblower

A newly filed complaint to the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) alleges that the whistleblower whose allegations touched off House Democrats' impeachment inquiry may have violated federal law by indirectly soliciting more than a quarter-million dollars from mostly anonymous sources via a GoFundMe page.
The complaint, which was filed last week and obtained by Fox News, alleged the donations from roughly 6,000 individuals "clearly constitute" gifts to a current intelligence official that may be restricted because of the employee's official position pursuant to 5 CFR 2635.203 and other statutes. To date, the GoFundMe has raised over $227,000.
Some lefty-loonies on here would tell ya he has the same doctor as bone spurs does.... :rolleyes:
My oldest brother got out of Vietnam and the military for having flat feet. To this day I really don't know what flat feet are and why they would preclude someone from serving but I glad he didn't have to go. My Father and other brother weren't so lucky.
My oldest brother got out of Vietnam and the military for having flat feet. To this day I really don't know what flat feet are and why they would preclude someone from serving but I glad he didn't have to go. My Father and other brother weren't so lucky.
I was all set to join the Marines out of high school but they found out I was allergic to bee stings and rejected me to my mom's joy btw lol
Thanks for the update. Sounds like someone is trying to support the whistleblowers lawyer. No money is going to the whistleblower. It appears any funds that may be left over will go to aide other whistleblowers.

I believe this a nothing burger but Fox will run with it.
Maybe he can use the money to get more guys with child porn issues clearance Pro 20191112_141554.jpgBono
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