The Impeachment Thread

That has always been one of the great ironies. The people who worship Trump the most are the very people Trump holds in lowest regard. Trump has always hated all things rural, southern, and fly over.
Well since the most educated man? on this board says so. It must be true. gtfo
I think she is a patriot. However, she serves at the pleasure of the president. Trump is bombastic and juvenile at times. She got caught up in it. I am sure it wasn't personal, but it is no big deal to anyone but her. She had a great career. Time to move on. I would wager she could write a very interesting book.
It's obvious to all with a brain why Trump wanted her out.
Did you get a FISA order to spy on Jack Posibiec?

You can plead the fifth.
Nope and neither did she. I don't think Jack was on the list. I know Sara Carter and John Soloman were illegally spied on...think there were a total of 13...some of them were libs too.. she is also behind the do not prosecute list for the Soros backed companies...she earned her firing
That has always been one of the great ironies. The people who worship Trump the most are the very people Trump holds in lowest regard. Trump has always hated all things rural, southern, and fly over.

He does like fried chicken, but I have yet to meet a person who doesn't like good fried chicken.
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Nope and neither did she. I don't think Jack was on the list. I know Sara Carter and John Soloman were illegally spied on...think there were a total of 13...some of them were libs too.. she is also behind the do not prosecute list for the Soros backed companies...she earned her firing
Wow. Do you think what you’re doing is spying on Posobiec?
The CNN interview which had been set up for months and then "fell apart" once the aid was released verifies what Taylor told the congressmen. Trump is blocking the people who could give evidence, which IMO is obstruction and should also be illegal and an impeachable offense. (Even the hated Hilary sat before the congress for hours and gave testimony) If what Kent and Taylor testified is true, I do think this is far more serious than anything either Clinton, Nixon or Andrew Johnson did, but if you are a Republican in the house or Senate, that fool can do whatever he wants, which is disgusting and sets a terrible precedent.
Could be verification, could be circumstance. Where's the hard evidence to prove either way?

I agree that people shouldn't be blocked from testifying. What I disagree with is the partisan slant you slipped in. Obama used EP as well to prevent testifying in front of Congress, most notably with Holder in the Fast and Furious investigation. So while I agree it's wrong, let's not pretend it's a tactic only one side uses.

IF what Kent and Taylor testified to is true... Having to say "if" shows there's no definitive proof IMO. I won't argue that they seem like credible witnesses, they do, but as I said previous, I think you need something more concrete than "if".

As for the last line, again, partisan slant. Let's not pretend the Dems haven't engaged in the same behavior in the past. They have. I'm not looking to pick partisan fights. I view both parties with disdain willing to do whatever it takes to seize power. There are no good guys in partisan politics for me.
So how is it unthinkable that Ukraine would want to say “the stuff he likes” to use Sondland’s words?

I think if “you can’t fight corruption without pissing off some corrupt people” was the potent quotable from Wednesday, her comments about spending years trying to get Ukraine to stop using selective prosecution as a political weapon is it from today.
I’m sure they would say stuff he likes. It’s fairly plain to see Trump responds favorably to that. However extending that idea to qualify their whole public on the record response to this fiasco is a ridiculous stretch which is what it reads to me like you’re doing?
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So if it's proven beyond reasonable doubt that President Trump bribed / extorted / quid pro quo'd Ukraine for his own political benefit, you do NOT believe Trump should be removed?
If concrete evidence is provided he did it, such as a recording, or an actual signed memo, then I'll support impeachment and removal from office. Never said I wouldn't. But I've yet to see anything that conclusively leads to a Trump QPQ. Right now, everything is circumstantial IMO.
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I’m sure they would say stuff he likes. It’s fairly plain to see Trump responds favorably to that. However extending that idea to qualify their whole public on the record response to this fiasco is a ridiculous stretch which is what it reads to me like you’re doing?
So they would do it but it’s ridiculous to say they would do it? That doesn’t make sense.

Look at how he treated/treats Jeff Sessions. All Sessions did was fail to get in the way.

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