The Impeachment Thread

I stated accused by Lewinsky very clearly. I know Paula Jones had filed charges. So we agree about Clinton. I said he should have been impeached and never argued the question he was asked were inappropriate. In fact I've never discussed the questions he was asked. You misread my post and felt a need to call me out. You need to slow down and read more clearly.
You said he lied to Congress. He did not lie to Congress. You should read what you post a little slower.
Are you seriously this dishonest?

If you’re not on the call you can’t hear what was said by anyone else but the person you’re eavesdropping on.

Orange man bad justifies anything I guess.
Are you really that dense. Everyone knows the person can only hear one end of the conversation unless the call is on speaker.
What they hear on that one end is a first hand account, not hearsay. jeesh people.

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