The Impeachment Thread

Good narrative for the GOP, but when the same lady had 5 minutes later to question the witness, she simply read headlines for 3 minutes and gave her remaining time up.

That was death for this narrative.

The GOP incompetence here is stunning.

They just want enough soundpounds to fill a 45 second segment on foxnews Tonight
Good narrative for the GOP, but when the same lady had 5 minutes later to question the witness, she simply read headlines for 3 minutes and gave her remaining time up.

That was death for this narrative.

The GOP incompetence here is stunning.
And she got Yovanovitch to perjure herself. 🙃
Another article of impeachment v. Trump: Witness Tampering.

THANKS DONALD!!! You, indeed, are a stable genius.

Oh, and btw, Pelosi totally called it... the man is self-impeaching.

God bless America!
Instead of regurgitating Red State and Daily Caller headlines to defend Trump, no matter what, maybe you ought to take some time and consider what it means for the party when you think lifelong conservatives are “butthurt” over Trump. What it means that the party is losing control of State governments. What it means when the presidential candidate underperformed down-ballot republicans in some swing states on Election Day.

Control of the presidency isn’t the only measure of party health. You can’t get your agenda through by bullying anybody who doesn’t agree with you. That’s just the definitional nature of politics.
Are you seriously this dishonest?

If you’re not on the call you can’t hear what was said by anyone else but the person you’re eavesdropping on.

Orange man bad justifies anything I guess.
Luther has already made that quite clear. No price is too high to remove Mr Trump
This is how the legal process works - even in a quasi-legal case like impeachment. For starters, any potentially classified information needs to be shared in private. Second, the deposition process allows both parties the ability to do a deep dive into establishing material facts in the case.

This is the proper protocol.
Now wait a minute. Haven’t you all been saying we aren’t in a trial? Protocol went out the window when they started all this in the basement. How can you say we are following proper protocol here but then not care about Schiff blocking witnesses? Also, the contents of the call are already known. Apparently there’s no such thing as classified when it comes to Trump’s conversations with foreign leaders so why now?
Another article of impeachment v. Trump: Witness Tampering.

THANKS DONALD!!! You, indeed, are a stable genius.

Oh, and btw, Pelosi totally called it... the man is self-impeaching.

God bless America!
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