The Impeachment Thread

I can see why you libs like to cite Politico as a source for the witch hunt now..any further Tweets or links from them will result in eye roll emojis and Nelson laughing gifs

Most important statement in the piece you linked:

Patel is a former staffer to the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA)

A little more on Patel:

Prior to joining the administration, Patel was lionized by conservatives for authoring the infamous 2018 “Nunes Memo,” which alleged that the FBI intentionally misled a FISA court judge regarding the origins of the “Steele Dossier” in an effort to unlawfully surveil the Trump campaign and help Hillary Clinton win the 2016 presidential election.
The memo was roundly mocked by legal professionals and law enforcement officers. Even Trump’s hand-picked FBI director Christopher Wray issued a statement saying the bureau had “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

So I don't know if I'd give Patel the benefit of the doubt on being an honest broker. He's more of the Roger Stone mold.
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Most important statement in the piece you linked:

Patel is a former staffer to the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA)

A little more on Patel:

Prior to joining the administration, Patel was lionized by conservatives for authoring the infamous 2018 “Nunes Memo,” which alleged that the FBI intentionally misled a FISA court judge regarding the origins of the “Steele Dossier” in an effort to unlawfully surveil the Trump campaign and help Hillary Clinton win the 2016 presidential election.
The memo was roundly mocked by legal professionals and law enforcement officers. Even Trump’s hand-picked FBI director Christopher Wray issued a statement saying the bureau had “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

So I don't know if I'd give Patel the benefit of the doubt on being an honest broker. He's more of the Roger Stone mold.
He trashes a news site while citing breitbart.
The truth and facts related to Trumps taxes is hell will freeze over before he releases them. And there is no federal election statute requiring him to do so. The butt hurt **** show effort by the libs related to forcing this is just another example of government over reach and the whole country can clearly see it. The ones that want to get Trump easily reconcile it. The rest see it for what it is. And that plays right into the GOP hands.

And finally nice deflection to Stone since you know your weak ass reply was a weak ass reply. Toodles.
I think what a lot of the country clearly sees is a liar who looked the American public directly in the eye on multiple occasions and said he would release his taxes.
What a lot of the country also clearly sees is that the most probable explanation for someone being willing to so blatantly lie is that they have something they are desperately trying to hide.

Otherwise, why lie about it? (there is the whole habitual liar angle, he just can't open his mouth without lying)
I didn’t even vote for him the first time.

But the more over reach you idiots keep pulling to “get him” created me supporting him and you create more and more of us every damn day.
For every one of you created, two move to the good side. I'll take that ratio all day long.
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That's rich..the NY Times whining because no one believes them...if they hadn't have employed liars and plagiarists and chosen sides then maybe just maybe they would still be taken seriously

No doubt Maggie Haberman is in the process of receiving a scoop from a leaker at any time now.
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