The Impeachment Thread

The Right has been squawking for three weeks about hearsay. Now you are quoting someone who tweets "Suspicions grow on Hill that Vindman was the source of a leak" without even naming a source.

At least the witnesses giving depositions named names.
Trump defenders have been trying to diminish him ever since he came forward. So far the people testifying worked with both Republicans and Democrats for many years. I guess you are a never Trumper if you are not corrupt enough to break the law for him.
Most important statement in the piece you linked:

Patel is a former staffer to the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA)

A little more on Patel:

Prior to joining the administration, Patel was lionized by conservatives for authoring the infamous 2018 “Nunes Memo,” which alleged that the FBI intentionally misled a FISA court judge regarding the origins of the “Steele Dossier” in an effort to unlawfully surveil the Trump campaign and help Hillary Clinton win the 2016 presidential election.
The memo was roundly mocked by legal professionals and law enforcement officers. Even Trump’s hand-picked FBI director Christopher Wray issued a statement saying the bureau had “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

So I don't know if I'd give Patel the benefit of the doubt on being an honest broker. He's more of the Roger Stone mold.

Patel is nothing

Associate of Spaceship Nunes. Nuff said
Trump defenders have been trying to diminish him ever since he came forward. So far the people testifying worked with both Republicans and Democrats for many years. I guess you are a never Trumper if you are not corrupt enough to break the law for him.

The obsession with finding the whistleblower is getting a little Frank Costello-ish

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Holmes testifying Thursday. Should be good.
First hand account of Trump asking about the investigation.
Lol......imagine that.....nobody on here would've known that.
I hope everyone knew. I've tried to be direct and forthcoming.
Since I haven't said it in days............
Trump is a horrendously despicable human who should have never been nominated, should have never won the election, and should be removed from office by any legal means available ASAP.
I hope everyone knew. I've tried to be direct and forthcoming.
Since I haven't said it in days............
Trump is a horrendously despicable human who should have never been nominated, should have never won the election, and should be removed from office by any legal means available ASAP.'re too dense to recognize the sarcasm when it's offered to ya....there wasn't a need to answer back w/a word salad.
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