The Impeachment Thread

Here’s the deal on the classification squabble. This was direct communication between POTUS and a foreign HoS. Based on yearly security clearance training I’ve gotten for 30 years I do not know how that doesn’t automatically fall under TS/FOREIGN GOVERNMENT INTELLIGENCE automatically. It SCREAMS that marking to me frankly even if it was a discussion of where they were going to meet for lunch in DC or Kiev. And don’t forget that ultimate classification authority lies with POTUS or his designee by law. So if he said classify it that’s it.

Unless somebody rapidly produces a conflicting transcript or states under oath that is not the original transcript then the Dims have majorly crapped the bed on this fiasco.
Copy/Past if you can because you are just being completely dishonest. You have such a fragile argument you have to make up complete lies.
On my phone... so I cant but something tells me this is just like posting Mueller report snippets and you being unable or unwilling to read them to digest the information. Let's just say that I said the ukraine can investigate US citizens and you said I dont know our laws about investigating our citizens.....but I'm talking to a brick wall.
Or because you idiots don’t know what the law is. Here’s a tip. Just because it hurts your feelings doesn’t make it illegal

As much as you guys cried about Obama saying he'd be more flexible after the elections, it's a bit ironic that you'd confuse what most people heard as 'common sense' as being illegal.

Maybe this is an instance where you refrain from throwing stones from your glass outhouse?
On my phone... so I cant but something tells me this is just like posting Mueller report snippets and you being unable or unwilling to read them to digest the information. Let's just say that I said the ukraine can investigate US citizens and you said I dont know our laws about investigating our citizens.....but I'm talking to a brick wall.
Didn't you know that tourist season is like "The Purge" when Americans hit Paris since France can't investigate or charge Americans, and the US won't do it? I have a murder spree scheduled for Halloween week. Well worth the airfare and hostel.
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As much as you guys cried about Obama saying he'd be more flexible after the elections, it's a bit ironic that you'd confuse what most people heard as 'common sense' as being illegal.

Maybe this is an instance where you refrain from throwing stones from your glass outhouse?
But wait, wasn't there some other implied message there? Were there any ellipses?
Totally. You idiots really whiffed on not impeaching him, it would have been a slam dunk because it was exactly the same thing!

And Rep Murphy? He totally bragged about it. And Biden?
So, if it is so illegal to make such comments to Ukraine's leaders, then why did you not speak up when Obama and Murphy and Biden did it ? Or, are you only morally and legally against Trump ? Your guys are above the law? Or, are you just that bipartisan? You are OK with the fact that millions and millions of taxpayer dollars have gone to these people's salaried and their investigations, and they have done 0% of their elected job in the last 3 yeas. ?? Any answer other than the obvious and your just a political flip flopper. You say Obama was illegal in his comment, but you had no problem looking the other way, cause we were the idiots for not calling that out. But, this time it's Trump. That's way different.

I guess you guys win this one. You had 3 politicians use foreign aid to influence the Ukraine. We only had 1.
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As much as you guys cried about Obama saying he'd be more flexible after the elections, it's a bit ironic that you'd confuse what most people heard as 'common sense' as being illegal.

Maybe this is an instance where you refrain from throwing stones from your glass outhouse?
Libs think if you disagree with their policies that your lives should be ruined and/or thrown jail. Trump belongs in jail! Kavanaugh belongs in jail! All because the left disagrees with them
If the call and the overture were okay, why did WH officials take the transcript out of the ordinary loop and go put it on a secure national security server to limit access AFTER hearing that other officials were shocked by what Trump had done?
If the call and the overture were okay, why did WH officials take the transcript out of the ordinary loop and go put it on a secure national security server to limit access AFTER hearing that other officials were shocked by what Trump had done?
Prevent wasting tax payer dollars on yet another vapid witchhunt.
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As much as you guys cried about Obama saying he'd be more flexible after the elections, it's a bit ironic that you'd confuse what most people heard as 'common sense' as being illegal.

Maybe this is an instance where you refrain from throwing stones from your glass outho
Totally. You idiots really whiffed on not impeaching him, it would have been a slam dunk because it was exactly the same thing!

So, Mr. Septic, are you a flipper, or a flopper. You are not even consistent within two pages of the thread. I got a good idea where the name Septic came from.....
And Rep Murphy? He totally bragged about it. And Biden?
So, if it is so illegal to make such comments to Ukraine's leaders, then why did you not speak up when Obama and Murphy and Biden did it ? Or, are you only morally and legally against Trump ? Your guys are above the law? Or, are you just that bipartisan? You are OK with the fact that millions and millions of taxpayer dollars have gone to these people's salaried and their investigations, and they have done 0% of their elected job in the last 3 yeas. ?? Any answer other than the obvious and your just a political flip flopper. You say Obama was illegal in his comment, but you had no problem looking the other way, cause we were the idiots for not calling that out. But, this time it's Trump. That's way different.

I guess you guys win this one. You had 3 politicians use foreign aid to influence the Ukraine. We only had 1.

The whataboutisim isn't going to get traction no matter how bad you want it to. Nothing that either of the Biden's did sought help from a foreign country to influence our elections.... You know, the thing our democracy is built around? The "bbbuuuutttt Biden" defense isn't going to help your cause, get ahead of the rush and abandon it now.

Secondly, I was being sarcastic in my comment about Obama. No rational person would equate Obama stating the obvious with Trump strong arming a HoS for dirt on a political foe.
On my phone... so I cant but something tells me this is just like posting Mueller report snippets and you being unable or unwilling to read them to digest the information. Let's just say that I said the ukraine can investigate US citizens and you said I dont know our laws about investigating our citizens.....but I'm talking to a brick wall.
Let me help you with your misunderstanding:
If biden was doing something illegal, it's the American justice system that needs to handle it, not the Ukraine. We have procedures for investigating American Citizens. There is no grey area unless there is an open investigation into Biden by the United States Government.
But but but someone said bidens kid wasnt under investigation! It's a moot point now.

And fyi..other countries can investigate American citizens if they are involved in crimes in that country. The more you know!
You clearly don't have an understanding of OUR LAWS about investigating OUR CITIZENS.

If the US , State or local government wanted to investigate an american citizen there is a legal process which must be followed. Only after that process if followed and an investigation is opened up (usually with probable cause), can the governing body collect information on that individual. Yes they can seek information from other countries after that process has started but not until OUR LAWS about investigating OUR CITIZENS are adhered to.
Prevent wasting tax payer dollars on yet another vapid witchhunt.

As much as you guys cried about Obama saying he'd be more flexible after the elections, it's a bit ironic that you'd confuse what most people heard as 'common sense' as being illegal.

Maybe this is an instance where you refrain from throwing stones from your glass outhouse?
Literally no different if not worse than what Trump has said. Better squeegee your glass sh!tter..
The public appointment of counsel to investigate the president is uncommon. My understanding is that screening the president from investigations to prevent an appearance of impropriety is commonplace.

We have an independent special prosecutor investigating the FISA process right now. Pretty sure Trump isn’t involved in that.

I recollect ole Bill made sure the appearance of improprieties was well established. And Mrs. SOS as well.
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If the call and the overture were okay, why did WH officials take the transcript out of the ordinary loop and go put it on a secure national security server to limit access AFTER hearing that other officials were shocked by what Trump had done?
I'd say, in an effort to get Congress to start an investigation into Ukrainian improprieties. lol

You guys have been claiming "Trump is done" for how long now? Seriously. Answer the question. Every time you run with un-sourced claims, and source them with "then why did Trump...?" it blows up in your face. Every time. Just see TrumputinGate... The Stripper. The tax returns... The Mueller report. The Mueller interviews. lol Let's go ahead and add the Supreme Court rape parties.

I've seriously begun thinking moron Trump has been beating you all at 4-D chess this entire time. Doesn't say much for you and your crew.
If the call and the overture were okay, why did WH officials take the transcript out of the ordinary loop and go put it on a secure national security server to limit access AFTER hearing that other officials were shocked by what Trump had done?
They didn’t want the Dumbs getting their dirty little hands on it and edit it.
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Libs think if you disagree with their policies that your lives should be ruined and/or thrown jail. Trump belongs in jail! Kavanaugh belongs in jail! All because the left disagrees with them

Yes, all of them - it's true. Every single person not a trumper thinks they should all be hung from the highest gallow. There are no exceptions. On the flip side, every single trumper is a racist nazi. Stereotyping and speaking in absolutes is fun, can we keep playing?

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