The Impeachment Thread

It’s out! Read the whole thing!


Nothing but hyperbole and conflation on a squabble related to how to classify and log a phone transcript between POTUS and a foreign HoS as well a recitation of public domain news reports!

The Dims went all in and crapped the bed on this one! 🤣🤣🤣

Unless somebody can produce a conflicting transcript version of the phone call or is willing to testify that the published transcript is not factual and the original log then this is the latest complete failure to pin Trump by the Dims.

And it’s clear the WH needs to setup a black hat operation ASAP frankly.

In closing....


Is it soliciting a foreign government to tamper with an election if Biden truly was doing something illegal?

We're in a huge gray area here.

It’s a shame that in 243 years we haven’t developed any legal process for setting up an independent investigation that’s outside the influence of the president, that can be used in situations where the president’s involvement creates an appearance of impropriety.

They should really get on that. We could call it... independent counsel? That seems kind of obvious, maybe the special counsel.
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So the whistleblower report was far more damning than I expected.

*If true*

There are so many abuses of power here, I'm not sure where to begin. For starters, for all Trump's talk about a "Deep State" against him, it would appear that he, in fact, manufactured his own deep state regarding Ukraine: Rudy. Rudy led a Trump-ordered quest to force Ukraine to get dirt on Biden. In effect, Rudy was his own "country" acting on behalf of the President - as his *personal attorney* - while our official State Department and other government employees were acting on behalf of the US. Ukraine was left in a quandary: Do we listen to Rudy or do we listen to the State Dept.? Why are we dealing with two different parties here? This shows that Trump was pursuing his own track for his own purposes, while using taxpayer money to force his will upon the Ukrainians.

GA Barr is another curious and potentially devastating factor in this equation: Clearly, he was involved with Trump's efforts for months. For Trump to claim that Barr is lily white and not part of these shenanigans is likely to prove completely false. Barr has already clearly demonstrated his unfettered adulation for Trump and his willingness to lie, steal and cheat for his ends.

There appears to be even more here once threads begin to pull. The fact that the WH was caught trying to cover this up from the get-go speaks volumes.

I'm now of the opinion that the House will definitely impeach Trump ultimately. We'll see through the course of the investigation just how low-down, rotten and corrupt that Trump really is, I suppose. Ask yourself: Does any of this really surprise you? Says alot about how far our Office of the Presidency has sunk.

Gonna be an ugly 3+ months while this onion peels away. Grab your popcorn.
Let's get real: Democrats were first to enlist Ukraine in US elections

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) delivered a pointed message to Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky.

Murphy boasted after the meeting that he told the new Ukrainian leader that U.S. aid was his country’s “most important asset” and it would be viewed as election meddling and “disastrous for long-term U.S.-Ukraine relations” to bend to the wishes of Trump and Giuliani.

"I told Zelensky that he should not insert himself or his government into American politics. I cautioned him that complying with the demands of the President's campaign representatives to investigate a political rival of the President would gravely damage the U.S.-Ukraine relationship. There are few things that Republicans and Democrats agree on in Washington these days, and support for Ukraine is one of them," Murphy told me today, confirming what he told Ukraine's leader.

The implied message did not require an interpreter for Zelensky to understand: Investigate the Ukraine dealings of Joe Biden and his son Hunter, and you jeopardize Democrats' support for future U.S. aid to Kiev.

The Murphy anecdote is a powerful reminder that, since at least 2016, Democrats repeatedly have exerted pressure on Ukraine, a key U.S. ally for buffering Russia, to meddle in U.S. politics and elections.

Maybe some of the quack dems on this board (including a certain lawyer), should read this article without their Trump blinders on. And then tell us how Murphy is not guilty, but Trump is.
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So the whistleblower report was far more damning than I expected.

*If true*

There are so many abuses of power here, I'm not sure where to begin. For starters, for all Trump's talk about a "Deep State" against him, it would appear that he, in fact, manufactured his own deep state regarding Ukraine: Rudy. Rudy led a Trump-ordered quest to force Ukraine to get dirt on Biden. In effect, Rudy was his own "country" acting on behalf of the President - as his *personal attorney* - while our official State Department and other government employees were acting on behalf of the US. Ukraine was left in a quandary: Do we listen to Rudy or do we listen to the State Dept.? Why are we dealing with two different parties here? This shows that Trump was pursuing his own track for his own purposes, while using taxpayer money to force his will upon the Ukrainians.

GA Barr is another curious and potentially devastating factor in this equation: Clearly, he was involved with Trump's efforts for months. For Trump to claim that Barr is lily white and not part of these shenanigans is likely to prove completely false. Barr has already clearly demonstrated his unfettered adulation for Trump and his willingness to lie, steal and cheat for his ends.

There appears to be even more here once threads begin to pull. The fact that the WH was caught trying to cover this up from the get-go speaks volumes.

I'm now of the opinion that the House will definitely impeach Trump ultimately. We'll see through the course of the investigation just how low-down, rotten and corrupt that Trump really is, I suppose. Ask yourself: Does any of this really surprise you? Says alot about how far our Office of the Presidency has sunk.

Gonna be an ugly 3+ months while this onion peels away. Grab your popcorn.

Or do they listen to Murphy?? Let's not forget, there are 3 parties here and the Dems were the first ones in on the Ukraine.
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The Dims know they can’t beat Donny in 2020 so they have to make sh!t up and get their media to brainwash the idiots that believes their garbage.

But we Patriots love watching you peasants go through your meltdowns. Please don’t stop.
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As I have reported, the pressure began at least as early as January 2016, when the Obama White House unexpectedly invited Ukraine’s top prosecutors to Washington to discuss fighting corruption in the country.

The meeting, promised as training, turned out to be more of a pretext for the Obama administration to pressure Ukraine’s prosecutors to drop an investigation into the Burisma Holdings gas company that employed Hunter Biden and to look for new evidence in a then-dormant criminal case against eventual Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, a GOP lobbyist.

U.S. officials “kept talking about how important it was that all of our anti-corruption efforts be united,” said Andrii Telizhenko, the former political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington who organized and attended the meetings.

Nazar Kholodnytsky, Ukraine’s chief anti-corruption prosecutor, told me that, soon after he returned from the Washington meeting, he saw evidence in Ukraine of
political meddling in the U.S. election. That's when two top Ukrainian officials released secret evidence to the American media, smearing Manafort.

The release of the evidence forced Manafort to step down as Trump’s top campaign adviser. A Ukrainian court concluded last December that the release of the evidence amounted to an unlawful intervention in the U.S. election by Kiev’s government, although that ruling has since been overturned on a technicality.

Shortly after the Ukrainian prosecutors returned from their Washington meeting, a new round of Democratic pressure was exerted on Ukraine — this time via its embassy in Washington.

Valeriy Chaly, the Ukrainian ambassador to the United States at the time, confirmed to me in a statement issued by his office that, in March 2016, a contractor for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) pressed his embassy to try to find any Russian dirt on Trump and Manafort that might reside in Ukraine’s intelligence files.

The DNC contractor also asked Chaly's team to try to persuade Ukraine’s president at the time, Petro Poroshenko, to make a statement disparaging Manafort when the Ukrainian leader visited the United States during the 2016 election.

Chaly said his embassy rebuffed both requests because it recognized they were improper efforts to get a foreign government to try to influence the election against Trump and for Hillary Clinton.

Let's get real: Democrats were first to enlist Ukraine in US elections
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The Dims know they can’t beat Donny in 2020 so they have to make sh!t up and get their media to brainwash the idiots that believes their garbage.

But we Patriots love watching you peasants go through your meltdowns. Please don’t stop.
Literally, how many times have the stooges on here ran with unsourced claims that "Trump will never survive; never!", just to slink away quietly a couple of days later when it blows up in their faces?
It’s a shame that in 243 years we haven’t developed any legal process for setting up an independent investigation that’s outside the influence of the president, that can be used in situations where the president’s involvement creates an appearance of impropriety.

They should really get on that. We could call it... independent counsel? That seems kind of obvious, maybe the special counsel.
So are you actually recommending the appointment of an IC to investigate the involvement of former Vice President Biden in this whole Ukraine issue?
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It’s a shame that in 243 years we haven’t developed any legal process for setting up an independent investigation that’s outside the influence of the president, that can be used in situations where the president’s involvement creates an appearance of impropriety.

They should really get on that. We could call it... independent counsel? That seems kind of obvious, maybe the special counsel.

Isn't that independent counsel process how Ken Starr was born. Of course, all that was squashed out by politics. I know Pelosi says no one is above the law, but even she knows to leave a Clinton Cur on the porch.
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The Dossier 2.0 will have the same outcome as the first one.

The dems are so clueless. This is the epitome of attempting to dig your way out of a hole. They are gift wrapping the 2020 election for Trump.
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The political pressure continued. Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in crucial U.S. aid to Kiev if Poroshenko did not fire the country’s chief prosecutor. Ukraine would have been bankrupted without the aid, so Poroshenko obliged on March 29, 2016, and fired Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

At the time, Biden was aware that Shokin’s office was investigating Burisma, the firm employing Hunter Biden, after a December 2015 New York Times article.

What wasn’t known at the time, Shokin told me recently, was that Ukrainian prosecutors were preparing a request to interview Hunter Biden about his activities and the monies he was receiving from Ukraine. If such an interview became public during the middle of the 2016 election, it could have had enormous negative implications for Democrats.

Let's get real: Democrats were first to enlist Ukraine in US elections
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So are you actually recommending the appointment of an IC to investigate the involvement of former Vice President Biden in this whole Ukraine issue?
Yeah. Why wouldn't I? It beats the hell out of this mob boss banana republic **** show.

Leaving it up to the Ukrainians with this “veiled” financial incentive to find something just means any result is untrustworthy.
So are you actually recommending the appointment of an IC to investigate the involvement of former Vice President Biden in this whole Ukraine issue?

Or re-opening investigations into all of HRC's "carelessness" as SOS. And tracing the origins of all the foundation donations.
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