You are full of faulty assumptions and it is quite apparent you have no clue what you support.
You are what we call a "crap stirrer" in the civilian world and a "Bullet Stopper" in the military world. Opened Eyes, but yet you choose to see reality and instead you select a childish combative personality. Keep trying, be part of the solution vs the problem. Age and real world approaches to solving problems will finally catch up with you and you will have regrets for the things you say. Your 2nd grade tactics are not working. 3/4 think about it, pretty much an uphill battle for you.
OBTW, Lindsey Graham gave Trump the credit for the passing of this bill. That is a huge Splint for Trump and Graham. The world in which we live. So Trump is a Splinter as well or is he just a joke. Tell the people what they want to hear and then do what you want type.
Trump the RINO MAGA without a Solid Platform to stand upon.