One expert just said that were his name not Baby Donnie Trump, he would absolutely fall into the 20-30 percent category of individuals
with these Class E felony convictions who would be sentenced to prison, because of his three other pending felony cases in three other jurisdictions plus the 10 times he was cited for contempt of court and other factors. Judges take into account before sentencing whether a convicted felon expresses remorse or not---ha, ha, ha. Community service--picking up trash in the NYC subways. THAT would be delicious....
Sadly, Republican primary voters, starting with Iowans, opted to act like idiots and vote for the criminal clown again. They were numerous other Republicans they could have voted for--and should have voted for (except for DeSantis--what a loser)---and yet they chose not to. Part of the problem is that the Republican Party nowadays is just chock full of crackpots and idiots. Haley would have been a wise choice--and probably would have won the election, but Republicans are not very smart.
Trump is a bad guy---but Republicans are too stupid and clueless these days to nominate and choose solid, classy candidates at all levels.