Lots of good info on where to set up shop to see some the best action. Thanks for posting those of you that are down there now and the ones that have been before.
Anybody know for sure what time the gates open on Thursday? I would love to see the opening ceremony.
I would recommend any of these 3 spots, based on watching the last 2 days..
- The bleachers on the 15th green (on the side closest to the 16th tee), you see the approach on 15, the 15 green, and can turn to watch them play the 16th
- Behind the green at 7, you can see them coming down 2, tee off on 3, then their approach and green at 7.
- the bleachers on 12, up top and on the side closest to 11...You see, the 11, green, and then them playing par 3 12th.
- I also liked behind the green at 10, but you only get to see that one hole, but it's impressive to see the elevation change on 10, and the players coming up to the 10th green
For food:
Everybody talks about the pimento cheese sandwiches, but the egg salad, and BBQ are better
Enjoy it, it's phenominal