The new NIL norm?

These kids are SO uninformed it's criminal. Not saying they are here, but apparently at schools all around the country there are similar issues. Somebody should tell this UNLV kid that if he doesn't follow through with agreed upon commitments, or leaves his team hanging... the NFL won't touch you. He MAY be costing himself millions over a couple thousand. So many of these kids don't have the guidance they really need. A lot of these "parents" and "agents" are just looking for the gravy train. It's sad.
This QB isn’t an NFL prospect
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IMO, I think all collectives need to end. Players should be paid directly by the school they committed to. The State of Georgia just passed a law that will allow this and others should follow. It will eliminate a lot of the issues we’re seeing now.

For example, if an athlete tries to leverage his play and leave the school, he should have to pay the school back whatever amount was paid to them (or left in the contract). Plus, take the # of games remaining in the season that he’ll miss and make him ineligible the same # of games next season.

This gives the athlete legal protection that the NIL terms/amount are adhered to according to the contract, and the school protection that the scholarship is not wasted and poaching is limited. It may not be the perfect solution but at least it levels the playing field. No pun intended. Lastly, players… don’t accept anything that’s not in writing.
Yea! Let’s beat up the players and protect the institutions making $millions off of the players!

Is blue font needed for any of you?
Who knows where it goes from here. This certainly isn't the way I thought NIL would be run. I saw it as a way for player to receive money from their endorsements, etc. Maybe revenue sharing remedies some of player's beefs but it will not fix them all. As much as it sucks I think DW's 10% talent fee is the way to go.
It's going exactly like I thought it would. With no oversight or ground-rules, why it wouldn't it be a cluster-f&*k?
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For one, NIL deals are through a collective, not directly through the school. How can UNLV meet the financial obligations of an NIL deal, when they can't be involved in it?

That's why they worded it that way.
We are getting unsubstantiated reports, one of which claims that the coaches spoke directly to him about numbers. The reports are conflicting and unverified, so this might not be a good time to voice opinions about the situation.
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It depends on how good he really is. But like someone said (Saban?) "Players are in the portal for a reason"
He was their leading rusher and had solid passing stats. UNLV had never been 4-0 before he arrived on campus and that school has been around for awhile.
It's the same tweet as before.

UNLV is playing damage control. Do you know how much trouble they would be in if it turned out coaches were making monetary offers to recruits and transfers?

We have no clue who is telling the truth. But it's unlikely this kid would risk his football future for this. Meanwhile, we have a ton of evidence of teams around the the country not meeting their NIL promises.
THIS! They already said at the outset to pay him what he wanted would have violated Nevada state law. This is damage control. The bad thing is if UNLV can't get $100K with a phone call their AD is trash. You have people that live there and love that school that light their cigars with that kind of money. Those old guys (75 and up) in limos that roll up to Caesar's every Saturday night with 3 Playboy quality models escorting them is who I'm talking about and there's more than one of them.
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