The New War On Terror

As to trying at every moment to shut him down and dismiss the voters that put him into office? I beg to disagree.

The GOP fundamentally changed from the paradigm of "you will vote for who we tell you to because we picked them" to a party that wasn't accepting the norm any longer. They can't stand people like Cruz, Paul and maybe even Lindsey Graham because they go against the grain of what to believe. Some only supported Cruz because "he's not Trump" at the end of the primaries.

If you don't think there's a reckoning being planned in the GOP, you're not looking deep enough. They said Trump would fracture the Republican party in 2016. They were four years early on that prediction.
Great point. The establishment didn’t choose Trump the people chose him. Unlike the dems who didnt let the people have a voice and rammed Hillary and Joe down their bases pie holes. They all act like Joe was the choice except Bernie was on a path for nomination both times. Now the DNC is running everything. Soooo, who runs the DNC?
Great point. The establishment didn’t choose Trump the people chose him. Unlike the dems who didnt let the people have a voice and rammed Hillary and Joe down their bases pie holes. They all act like Joe was the choice except Bernie was on a path for nomination both times. Now the DNC is running everything. Soooo, who runs the DNC?
The CCP.
Great point. The establishment didn’t choose Trump the people chose him. Unlike the dems who didnt let the people have a voice and rammed Hillary and Joe down their bases pie holes. They all act like Joe was the choice except Bernie was on a path for nomination both times. Now the DNC is running everything. Soooo, who runs the DNC?

How dare the people make a choice!
How dare the people make a choice!

The people will have to come together and decide what the direction of this country is going to be. I personally feel like there is no politician out there right now that is for the people. Regardless, if elections stay like they are now, we will always have a chosen dictator. I feel like the only choice right now is to try and get good candidates at your state and local level.
Looking forward to the coming FBI/CIA infiltration of Supremacist and militant groups. About time the skinheads and gravy seals had some monitoring.
Lol true sovereign citizens and neo nazis are already under surveillance. Just like antifa, isis type groups and several cartels and gangs
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Setting policy and pushing through laws at the peak of intense emotions is a terrible idea, but Democrats of course won’t let any crisis go to waste. And if you’re not for them, then that means you’re not against “domestic terrorism” which makes you an extremist.

I expect they’re going to use the events at the Capitol as justification to go after Trump supporters and conservative groups. Which of course is not unprecedented. The Obama admin did it, and will probably now look like child’s play.
How long before the Coronavirus BS of doing things in the name of public health and public safety becomes imprisoning anyone who says MAGA and anything like it?
You don’t consider dims elected to Congress prominent?
Did any of them advocate marching on the very center of our democracy to try to block a constitutionally required exercise while putting the entire Congress and the VP in danger? If that isn’t inciting insurgency against this country, I don’t know what is. Just from their speeches this week, if Trump, Giuliani, and Mo Brooks aren’t guilty of it, they might as well not have the statute.
Trump Republicans were perfectly fine to live and let live with moderates and centrists until the Never Trumpers started acting more like liberals than conservatives.

I look at it this way, if the left suddenly embraces someone like Bill Kristol, you know there's something very wrong.
Horse 💩. Trump Republicans didn’t want anything to do with a moderate in either party. If your politics aren’t in the vicinity of Atilla the Hun, you have no place in the Trump Republican Party.
Horse 💩. Trump Republicans didn’t want anything to do with a moderate in either party. If your politics aren’t in the vicinity of Atilla the Hun, you have no place in the Trump Republican Party.

In what ways is Trump so right wing and differing?
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Horse 💩. Trump Republicans didn’t want anything to do with a moderate in either party. If your politics aren’t in the vicinity of Atilla the Hun, you have no place in the Trump Republican Party.
What specific policies or actions of the Trump administration are you referring to?
Did any of them advocate marching on the very center of our democracy to try to block a constitutionally required exercise while putting the entire Congress and the VP in danger? If that isn’t inciting insurgency against this country, I don’t know what is. Just from their speeches this week, if Trump, Giuliani, and Mo Brooks aren’t guilty of it, they might as well not have the statute.

They advocated burning down cities, looting, and violence.
Did any of them advocate marching on the very center of our democracy to try to block a constitutionally required exercise while putting the entire Congress and the VP in danger? If that isn’t inciting insurgency against this country, I don’t know what is. Just from their speeches this week, if Trump, Giuliani, and Mo Brooks aren’t guilty of it, they might as well not have the statute.

they called for the assignation of the mother ****ing president.
There’s no difference between them and tyranny is running wild on the left and spreading right.
Biden is fanning the flames so it’s likely to get a lot worse under his “leadership “
Setting policy and pushing through laws at the peak of intense emotions is a terrible idea, but Democrats of course won’t let any crisis go to waste. And if you’re not for them, then that means you’re not against “domestic terrorism” which makes you an extremist.

I expect they’re going to use the events at the Capitol as justification to go after Trump supporters and conservative groups. Which of course is not unprecedented. The Obama admin did it, and will probably now look like child’s play.
Could back fire on them as the left has plenty that fit the Bill.
Could back fire on them as the left has plenty that fit the Bill.
Typical of our political figures. They never think how things can be used against themselves. Democrats change the rules for simple majority to confirm judges. They’re warned they won’t like it when it’s used against them. Then Trump loads up on judges. Now they talk of stacking the courts like this whole thing can’t come back to bite them in 2 short years
Typical of our political figures. They never think how things can be used against themselves. Democrats change the rules for simple majority to confirm judges. They’re warned they won’t like it when it’s used against them. Then Trump loads up on judges. Now they talk of stacking the courts like this whole thing can’t come back to bite them in 2 short years
And that’s why republicans are so stupid. They’ll fight this, but instead should jump behind it with full support. Hell, they should write the legislation amd use the domestic terror we saw across the country this past 8 months as examples.
It would kill it in its tracks.

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