The Obama bubble has burst.

These Obama haters continue to reach in trying to paint him in a negative light. Your efforts could be put into much better use. Such as trying to improve your country rather than constantly tear it down... Refusal to admit when you have been wrong is a pretty crappy character trait.

This is exclusive to the republican party?


You really can't judge a lawyer by who he represents. I wonder what we'd find if we looked at highly placed Republican staff attorneys and their client lists. That's just rarely going to be a good measure.
You really can't judge a lawyer by who he represents. I wonder what we'd find if we looked at highly placed Republican staff attorneys and their client lists. That's just rarely going to be a good measure.
seriously? He couldn't have opted not to represent porn outfits?

These Obama haters continue to reach in trying to paint him in a negative light. Your efforts could be put into much better use. Such as trying to improve your country rather than constantly tear it down... Refusal to admit when you have been wrong is a pretty crappy character trait.

The fact that pointing out flaws in our leader is frowned upon and is looked at as 'tearing our country down' is very scary, and very sad. Since when is Obama the country?
You really can't judge a lawyer by who he represents. I wonder what we'd find if we looked at highly placed Republican staff attorneys and their client lists. That's just rarely going to be a good measure.

Pieces of dog poop like every other lawyer!

It is funny that all the people that pissed and moaned about the Bush bashers over the past 8 years are now doing the same thing to Obama. I think it is fine, people have the right to voice their opinion but it's just funny that no one seems to see how both sides are more alike than different. I'm starting to see the light OE, they're all trash, government is trash. :)
It is funny that all the people that pissed and moaned about the Bush bashers over the past 8 years are now doing the same thing to Obama. I think it is fine, people have the right to voice their opinion but it's just funny that no one seems to see how both sides are more alike than different. I'm starting to see the light OE, they're all trash, government is trash. :)

There is no difference between an ass and a elephant.

Either hate personal liberty and want government control of your life!

There is no such thing as equality through government!

That is completely assinine!
You mentioned fact checking. All I'm saying is what he said is, indeed, fact.

Facts are irritating little things that interfere with emain's understanding of newspeak.

Sounds like you might want to pray for him. Go do it and stop with the incessant complaints

Who the heck appointed you Lord and Master?

I don't see where you have the right to tell anyone else on this board where to go or what to do!!

Is English you're mother tongue??

He didn't complain, he only stated a fact, you have some sort of problem with facts???
If Pornography Law was a real field then it would be a fact, however, it isn't. If you have information to the contrary I would love to see it. A much more accurate way of putting it would be Media Law or Constitutional Law, as this has more to do with First Amendment rights and censorship.

FUUUNNNNNNYYYY!!!!! :lolabove:

Why can't the Obama supportors just admit it when he totally blows it. To support someone like this for such an important post is beyond rediculous.
David W. Ogden | WilmerHale

that took all of 4 seconds of fact checking.

Maybe you should spend eight seconds next time.

"A man's got to know his limitations."
Clint Eastwood

There are a bunch of other facts in that link, did you google all of those facts too???

Where do you stand on the issue of pornography being allowed on American library and school computers????

What did you think of Castro jailing 75 librarians without trial, and do you think gitmo detainees should receive trials in American with all the rights of American citizens??

More on that topic.

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
- Article 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

"Sometimes certain books have been published, the number does not matter. But as a matter of principle not a single book of such kind should be printed, not a single chapter, not a single page, not a single letter!"
- President Fidel Castro, speech before the National Congress on Culture and Education, April 30,1971

Since you fact checked the low life deputy AG, did you also fact check the Attorney General, Eric Holder???

What do you think of him???

If you can say you are happy with the cabinet Obama is putting together then you and I have nothing really to discuss, I consider you my mortal enemy and you should consider me the same.

Fact check that!!!!
Maybe you should spend eight seconds next time.

"A man's got to know his limitations."
Clint Eastwood

There are a bunch of other facts in that link, did you google all of those facts too???

Where do you stand on the issue of pornography being allowed on American library and school computers????

What did you think of Castro jailing 75 librarians without trial, and do you think gitmo detainees should receive trials in American with all the rights of American citizens??

More on that topic.

Since you fact checked the low life deputy AG, did you also fact check the Attorney General, Eric Holder???

What do you think of him???

If you can say you are happy with the cabinet Obama is putting together then you and I have nothing really to discuss, I consider you my mortal enemy and you should consider me the same.

Fact check that!!!!
And thats where you lost me:crazy:
Addendum on Eric Holder, our new Attorney General.

I noticed there were 21 votes not to confirm him and there was no attempt to filibuster the nomination and I also noticed that the Tennessee senators, Alexander and Corker voted to confirm.

How can anyone support this man to be the Attorney General of the United States?????

If we thought Ramsey Clarrk or janet Reno were bad, what are we in for now? I put nothing past this insane ideological misfit!!

"This is more than executive overreach. This is contempt of the circuit court of appeals order. This is a high class kidnapping is what it is, sanctioned by no law, sanctioned by no judge..."

Napolitano: Tell me, Mr. Holder, why did you not get a court order authorizing you to go in and get the boy?

Holder: Because we didn't need a court order. INS can do this on its own.

Napolitano: You know that a court order would have given you the cloak of respectability to have seized the boy.

Holder: We didn't need an order.

Napolitano: Then why did you ask the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals for such an order if you didn't need one?

Holder: [Silence]

Napolitano: The fact is, for the first time in history you have taken a child from his residence at gunpoint to enforce your custody position, even though you did not have an order authorizing it.

Napolitano: When is the last time a boy, a child, was taken at the point of a gun without an order of a judge. Unprecedented in American history."

Holder: "He was not taken at the point of a gun."


Napolitano: "We have a photograph showing he was taken at the point of a gun."

Holder: "They were armed agents who went in there who acted very sensitively..."

How can one read this and not be moved??

"The attorney general nominee’s egregious recommendation for playing Russian roulette by unleashing unrepentant terrorists on the American people against the advice of the FBI, Bureau of Prisons, prosecutors, even Janet Reno herself should disqualify him on its own merit."

Fact check that you obamaphiles!!!!
It's congressional testimony!!!!

"The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted."
— D.H. Lawrence
FUUUNNNNNNYYYY!!!!! :lolabove:

Why can't the Obama supportors just admit it when he totally blows it. To support someone like this for such an important post is beyond rediculous.

I don't believe a said anything about supporting Ogden, I only said that calling him a porn lawyer is a mischaracterization.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I don't believe a said anything about supporting Ogden, I only said that calling him a porn lawyer is a mischaracterization.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
come on emain. The guy's a sleazeball attorney trying to stand behind free speech as the reason to support slimeballs like Larry Flynt.

The other gsvol posting regarding hauling the kid out at gunpoint is a substantial issue. The guy's a sleazeball, but being a former Harvard Law Review editor helped him a load here.

So why did you stop supporting Bush??

When it became apparent he had no exit strategy for Iraq coupled with his weekly change in reasoning as to why we were there. Also, his unwillingness to take advice from those with more experience.

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