I don't believe a said anything about supporting Ogden, I only said that calling him a porn lawyer is a mischaracterization.
No that isn't what you said, you said it was absolutely not factual.
What do you actually think about Holder and Ogden as AG and asst AG???
Do you think they will pull a Reno and fire all the regional AGs??
YOu need to read and research on military strategy and tactics.
YOU need to stop trying to tell other people what to do.
FYI, I've made a living in the past as a military intelligence analyst with a top secret cryptographic clearance. I've read more on the topic already than you ever will in your whole life unless you perhaps intend to make that your career.
What do you think of Obama's plan to send 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan??
Colin Powell, Generals Casey, Zinni, Abistaid, George HW Buch, James Baker and the list goes on. If you didn't already know this then you must not keep up current events on a regular basis and derive the news for yourself. All of these guys told W NOT to go into Iraq UNLESS there was an exit strategy. There was none and if you fail to recognze this fact it only makes you look more ignorant. Certainly any argument you might have for this will be further proof of your unwillingness to see the facts of history.
It turned out though that Bush was right, he trusted the advice of his generals in the field, wore the enemy down and finally a surge of troops was successful in finishing the job, more and more of the different regions of Iraq are able maintain order with the training wheels off, after the next national election there, they should be well on their way to going it on their own.
From my standpoint it appears that you are the one who is ignorant of history, from recent to ancient.
BTW, while we are on the topic, the behavior of the Democrat Party during this whole episode is reprehensible enough to characterize as sleazy!!
From Jay Rockefeller, head of senate intelligence going to Syria and Saudi Arabia months prior to the war and tipping our hand, to Nancy's trip to Damascus to Murtha back stabbing the Marines at Haditha, who were eventually exonerated BTW, to all the undermining they did throughout the campaign.
That was all cynical political crap to get more votes playing off of anti-war sentiment.
From way back in '98 when the "Iraqi Regime change" act was passed and signed into law by Clinton right up until the day we went into Iraq, democrat leaders were screaming for Hussein's head but the minute we did do it, they turned into total crybabies, Majority leader Reid even claimed we had lost the war at one point, thank God he will never be president.
(If you doubt what I said about the fact that Democrats advocated for the invasion of Iraq, just let me know, I have a whole file from the Congressional record on what democrats said!!)
BTW what do you think of our bombing campaign in Yugoslavia??? General McKenzie said we bombed the wrong side.