Ahh...the commercials with the guys tail-gating. Missed the reference...my apologies.
Now you get it, after I wracked my brain for two hours trying to remember that is a State Farm commercial.
Well, hold the tat-tar.
I think this topic has been beaten to death and if the man wasn't a citizen it would have been discovered long ago. AZ trying to enact some law to require Obama to show his BC is, indeed, going full retard.
But hey, if that's what they want to do, let them go for it. It won't make a damned bit of difference to what Obama does in 2012. There could be a high definition full color video of his birth with the logo of the hospital in HI all over the sheets and the star spangled banner playing in the background and people like you still wouldn't believe it. I'm sure Obama realizes that as well so I wouldn't look for him to come running with whatever birth certificate you'd deem legal and proper in hand anytime soon.
The only source you quote is your own power of reasoning and of all the sources I've come accross on the internet that has to be a top rival as the most suspect of all.
You know you don't have a lot of room for the use the word 'retard.'
The only thing clear about this matter is that Obama hasn't done the first thing to clear it up, all he has done is obfuscate and evade.
One can't get the least shred of information about Obama's history, his college transcripts, the subject or content of any university thesis written or even his travel records.
One can get an idea of where he stands by his current actions though.
Conservative News: Spencer - Obama is reaching out to Hamas-linked groups in the United States. - HUMAN EVENTS
And as for Muslim charitable giving, the Times quotes John Brennan, Obamas chief counterterrorism adviser, telling a Muslim audience that there has been an unhelpful atmosphere around many Muslim charities.
He didnt mean that the fact that Islamic charities such as the Holy Land Foundation (once the largest Islamic charity in the U.S.) were passing charitable contributions on to jihad terrorist groups had created an unhelpful atmosphere of legitimate suspicion of the charities intentions. He meant that it was unhelpful of the U.S. government to want to stop that money flow. And so it will, presumably, soon flow again.
Islamic groups in America are doing exactly nothing to teach their people against the jihad doctrine of warfare against unbelievers and their subjugation under the rule of Islamic law.
Surveys have shown that such material is taught in a large majority of mosques in America.
(about 80% subscribe to the radical Wahibbi slant)gs
Yet instead of calling Islamic groups in America to account, Obama is relaxing airport security and busying himself finding new ways to placate Muslims in the U.S., who are so skilled at playing the aggrieved victim card.
Then there was the passport record breech which implicated Brennan.
John Brennan Involved in Obama Passport Breach - Atlas Shrugs
While Brennan was working for obama as a campaign consultant, one of his employees illegally accessed and tampered with state department passport files having to do with obama's travel history.
Barack Obama -- John Brennan
And then Quarles Harris who also worked for Brennan and was cooperating with investigators ended up with a bullet in the head.
Quarles Harris: Obama’s “Vince Foster”? Just Americans Making Ethical Statements Weblog
Someone remarked the other day that we now have the first president in history to have flunked kindergarten, I don't know if that's so but I wouldn't doubt it.
It is very clear though that it is extremely difficult to get any real information about his life story, other than from his propaganda department.