On this board, specifically, but even in general I dunno that our loonies are as....well....loony as some of the far, far right ones. Maybe they're just more vocal so they get noticed more easily.
I would suggest they are more noticeable to you since they are further removed from your POV. Likewise, I probably see more loony leftycrats than you.
I mean, you (not you, specifically) may not like Obama or his ideas but do you really think the man wants to destroy the country or take away everyone's guns or make us all puppets of his regime? Even if he did, he's the president, not the king, ferchrissakes. He can't just enact laws to take everyone's money and give it to everyone else.
Do you remember the rhetoric against Bush e.g. King George? Enriching his oil buddies, in league with Satan, modern-day Hitler, hell-bent on destroying everyone's civil rights, hates black people enough to cause hurricanes, was behind 9/11 to justify is his oil war, need I continue?
I appreciate that we have political differences here, but reality should still play a role, yanno?