rjd970, many on the left have waged war against manufacturing, oil, coal, and other production/resource related industries for years. I would be willing to wager that most of the people in this protest would advocate even more strict regulations of those things...
... then out of the other sides of their mouths they want to complain about a lack of good jobs and corporate investment in the domestic economy.
In essence, those holding these left wing ideals created this problem and now they protest the consequences.
I love how all college kids get lumped into all this. I'm about as liberal a person as you can find at UTK, but these protests piss me off. I'll tell you why these kids can't find jobs, because they're annoying bratty tools with an extremely warped view of reality. If they want jobs then appeal to employers, don't run around protesting corporations on national TV.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
well guess what, those actions are becoming the face of this movement.
say what you will about the Tea Party, they did not become defined by their lunatic fringe despite the best efforts of people like you. The OWS is defined by it's fringe, perhaps because, at it's core, the OWS is little more than the anti-war movement of a few years ago.
Funny how that so-called movement protested Iraq,
which was advocated by ALL leadin democraps btw,
but initiated by Bush but not a peep when we bomebed
Serbia into the stone age or did the same in Libya!
They are the "face" of the movement because the GOP has knee-jerk reacted to make it about them. Its not nearly as partisan as it is being made out to be. Fox is basically 24/7 mocking them because they don't get it, at all.
Its not a pro-Democrat thing. Not remotely.
Get what?????
Video Exposing How Occupy Wall Street Was Organized
From Day One by SEIU/ACORN Front The Working
Family Party, and How They
All Tie to the Obama Administration, DNC, Democratic Socialists of
America, Tides and George SoreA$$:
Video Exposing How ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Was Organized From Day One by SEIU / ACORN Front – The Working Family Party, and How They All Tie to the Obama Administration, DNC, Democratic Socialists of America, Tides and George Soros | V...
or they just don't believe that what one person earns actually belongs to another
Why the merge of my shtead starter into this glob
of gobblygook?
The OWS fiasco is clearly meant to detract from the
Tea Party movement, which along with Beck is the
first conservate protests in the history of America.
Even now we have Iran claiming all these protests,
including the Tea Party are the American autumn
answer to the arab spring.
You have Wapo, aka pravda on the Potomac and the
flaming bundle of twigs at the NY Slims trying to
cast blame on the conservates/GOP for the whole
There needs to be a clear distinction drawns between
the wholly seperate movements, if you can actually
call OWS a movement.
I suppose you are going to let ACLG's new thread stand