The "Occupy" Rallies

No more lobbying? So I can't talk to my representatives about my situation and try to persuade them?

It's our new non-representative government. Matches perfectly with the newly suspended elections.
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It's our new non-representative government. Matches perfectly with the newly suspended elections.
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You forgot to add that your money no longer belongs to you. Once the "occupiers" take what's fair, then you can have the leftovers.
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You guys can ignore this all you want. It's not going to end anytime soon, especially with the crack downs and censoring in Boston, SanFran, and other places. The abuse from the law enforcement agencies is only going to provide more fuel for the fire.
You forgot to add that your money no longer belongs to you. Once the "occupiers" take what's fair, then you can have the leftovers.
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now that's what I call fair. Can't get there on your own, get you some guv'mint cheese.
You guys can ignore this all you want. It's not going to end anytime soon, especially with the crack downs and censoring in Boston, SanFran, and other places. The abuse from the law enforcement agencies is only going to provide more fuel for the fire.

Who's ignoring it? I understand folks are angry but that doesn't mean I have to agree with what I think are dumb arse solutions.
Who's ignoring it? I understand folks are angry but that doesn't mean I have to agree with what I think are dumb arse solutions.

Solutions? Hell, not even LG could pull any solutions out of these clowns' asses.
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You guys can ignore this all you want. It's not going to end anytime soon, especially with the crack downs and censoring in Boston, SanFran, and other places. The abuse from the law enforcement agencies is only going to provide more fuel for the fire.

Thanks Hugo
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You guys can ignore this all you want. It's not going to end anytime soon, especially with the crack downs and censoring in Boston, SanFran, and other places. The abuse from the law enforcement agencies is only going to provide more fuel for the fire.

The protest won't end until we figure out what we want!
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The protest won't end until we figure out what we want!
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Someone is paying all these college kids to protest?



I linked that earlier.

Look on Craiglist for offers of $350 to $650 per week
to protest, funded by a Soros outfit.

Face it, OWS is just another socialist front group,
in this case composed mostly of imbeciles!


Wow. Those people *****ing about job prospects really do suck.
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Don't your heart just bleed for them??



Let's assume that your thinking as to the merit of their underlying argument were correct.

Is it not also the case that they have some good reason to be ticked?


Lobbying is legal, why is this Wall Street/Big Corp's fault?


While these dumbasses were hanging out in the
park Barry shook down Wall St for $2.5 mil in
campaign contributions on the upper East Side.

CDO market was the vehicle and the underwriters of those issues jaw some culpability, but they believed in the SWAPs as insurance (which stupid) and sold it to the buyers (and they were stupid for accepting unregulated securities as credit enhancement), but market wide the lack of underwriting was ignored. That was the death knell, consisting the utter trash that Fannie and Freddie were promoting.
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Clinton killing Glass Stegal was the lynch pin that
brought all this on.

I know a guy who was fined $200 mil because his
analysts didn't get off recommending F&F soon

But hey, Fwank and Dudd told us there was no

I guess if his analysts told customeres to sell
F&F then he would have gotten fined $200 mil
for insider trading?

You got your winners and you got your losers,
we're all losers as long as Obama is in office,
whether we know it or not.

You guys can ignore this all you want. It's not going to end anytime soon, especially with the crack downs and censoring in Boston, SanFran, and other places. The abuse from the law enforcement agencies is only going to provide more fuel for the fire.

No one is ignoring it. We are giving it the proper attention it deserves.
The PJ Tatler Occupy L.A. Speaker: Violence will be Necessary to Achieve Our Goals

Occupy L.A. Speaker: “One of the speakers said the solution is nonviolent movement. No, my friend. I’ll give you two examples: French Revolution, and Indian so-called Revolution.

Gandhi, Gandhi today is, with respect to all of you, Gandhi today is a tumor that the ruling class is using constantly to mislead us. French Revolution made fundamental transformation. But it was bloody.

India, the result of Gandhi, is 600 million people living in maximum poverty.

So, ultimately, the bourgeosie won’t go without violent means. Revolution! Yes, revolution that is led by the working class.

Long live revolution! Long live socialism!”
interesting (and sounds familiar)
Anyone who points to the French Revolution as some kind of ideal is a complete fool. People were eating each other in the streets, ffs.
You guys can ignore this all you want. It's not going to end anytime soon, especially with the crack downs and censoring in Boston, SanFran, and other places. The abuse from the law enforcement agencies is only going to provide more fuel for the fire.

They cannot be taken seriously unless they at least "occupy" Pennsylvania Ave. and the entirety of DC as well.

Who did Wall Street give the most money to last election - Obama. Who is on the other side of corporations lobbying - politicians. Who allows the lobbying to influence their votes - politicians.

All their grievances center on DC not Wall Street. Until they protest the people that are the actual source of their grievances, they will be just a bunch of lazy, worthless, whiners obviously organized and paid for by the left as part of their class warfare strategy.
No more lobbying? So I can't talk to my representatives about my situation and try to persuade them?

You can lobby. Corporations can lobby. But there needs to be some attention and possible reform to the manner of lobbying, if you $ know what $ I mean $.

Did BHO not PROMISE that there would be no lobbying OF his administration, then proceed to hire several lobbiest IN his administration?

The OWS protesters in ATL are demanding that the park, that they are being allowed to camp in, be renamed for an executed cop killer. BRILLIANT!
Did BHO not PROMISE that there would be no lobbying OF his administration, then proceed to hire several lobbiest IN his administration?

The OWS protesters in ATL are demanding that the park, that they are being allowed to camp in, be renamed for an executed cop killer. BRILLIANT!

Links to these claims? read for your self about the protesters in ATL.

BHO made that promise multiple times during his campaign and then hired some of the people that he said would have NO access to his administration. You have selective memory if you do not remember him saying that. Gooogle "Obama hires lobbyists" and have fun. One of the articles critical of BHO is by MSNBC, go figure.
Last edited: read for your self about the protesters in ATL.

Ok, that is just idiotic. I mean, that execution was controversial, yes, and if someone wants to promote some sort of name change, that's their business and they are free to do so. But tying that to the occupy protests just distorts and diffuses the original message.
You can lobby. Corporations can lobby. But there needs to be some attention and possible reform to the manner of lobbying, if you $ know what $ I mean $.


A reasonable fix is to limit the amount of money a campaign can make and spend in any given four year period. Limit the influence that money has in the election process. Leave it to the press and Internet to get candidate messages out. Don't let them buy ad time. I understand that it's against our principle of freedom to some degree, but this is a special case and we need to have money removed from the process.

The downside is that there is no high end offset to the blatant vote buying that has become standard fare over the past 50 years.
A reasonable fix is to limit the amount of money a campaign can make and spend in any given four year period. Limit the influence that money has in the election process. Leave it to the press and Internet to get candidate messages out. Don't let them buy ad time. I understand that it's against our principle of freedom to some degree, but this is a special case and we need to have money removed from the process.

The downside is that there is no high end offset to the blatant vote buying that has become standard fare over the past 50 years.

The Supreme Court decision in Citizens United basically shot that in the head.

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