The "Occupy" Rallies

If you make less than $500,000 then you are part of the 99%

I for one, will not stand for this injustice!
Washington DC is the wealthiest metropolitan area and yet the Occupy movement hasn't marched on the Capitol with the same zeal as they have Wall Street.

Instapundit Blog Archive WASHINGTON FAT CATS: Top Income in U.S. Is…Gasp!…Wash. D.C. Area. “Federal employees whose com…

Cannot compute.
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Its insane the amount of $$ in the DC area. The real estate market in DC is crazy because eveyeone is making really good money working for the govt.

The funny thing is that A) most Govt workers think they can just walk out of their job and go work in the private sector for double what they currently make B) They dont work a minute past 40 hours a week. Its 5pm and every light in the govt office is off. C) If there is a problem, "its not my problem"
The funny thing is that A) most Govt workers think they can just walk out of their job and go work in the private sector for double what they currently make B) They dont work a minute past 40 hours a week. Its 5pm and every light in the govt office is off. C) If there is a problem, "its not my problem"

In other words, they are grossly overpaid while providing little, if any, value to the taxpayer.
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In other words, they are grossly overpaid while providing little, if any, value to the taxpayer.
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I hate to dawg fed employees b/c my brother and many close friends work for the fed govt, but there are many who take advantage of the kindness of the govt.

My brother is always complaining b/c he used to work in the private sector and sees the ridiculous things that go on. My friends tell me that when they don't hire a veteran (god bless them) they have to fill out a report stating why they didn't hire a veteran.

The federal reserve when they release their "minutes" aka notes on their latest meeting, they fax it to a room where reporters are waiting, then a fed employee makes copies for each reporter on a copier and then distributes them. Last month the copier jammed. Literally billions of $ move on these minutes and we have to wait on a jammed copier? What decade are we in? 1980? Just make a PDF and post it on your website or email it to everyone who wants it
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Reid signals government jobs must take priority over private-sector jobs - The Hill's Floor Action

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday indicated Congress needs to worry about government jobs more than private-sector jobs, and that this is why Senate Democrats are pushing a bill aimed at shoring up teachers and first-responders.

"It's very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine; it's the public-sector jobs where we've lost huge numbers, and that's what this legislation is all about," Reid said on the Senate floor.
there will always be those who take advantage of the system. always. To me, the argument is: is the percentage of people high enough to justify the cost in changing legislation/removing social programs?
there will always be those who take advantage of the system. always. To me, the argument is: is the percentage of people high enough to justify the cost in changing legislation/removing social programs?

certainly that number can be increased dramatically by inducements and we've proven it for 75 years now.
Problems with federal employees (limited to administrative, bureaucratic positions):
- Difficult, if not impossible, to fire.
- Many positions are redundant or flat unnecessary.
- Their work environment offers no incentive to work hard.
- Any value they might provide is offset by the fact that their employment costs taxpayers money.
- Lockstep promotions and pay raises.
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The federal reserve when they release their "minutes" aka notes on their latest meeting, they fax it to a room where reporters are waiting, then a fed employee makes copies for each reporter on a copier and then distributes them. Last month the copier jammed. Literally billions of $ move on these minutes and we have to wait on a jammed copier? What decade are we in? 1980? Just make a PDF and post it on your website or email it to everyone who wants itPosted via VolNation Mobile


The government is in the business of job creation, so unless you want to hire a new employee to distribute that email, this is a no go. After all, he might be a people person.

(shamelessly enter Office Space quote because I suck at smoothly alluding to these things)

Well look, I already told you! I deal with the damn customers so the engineers don't have to! I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people! Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?

The government is in the business of job creation, so unless you want to hire a new employee to distribute that email, this is a no go. After all, he might be a people person.

(shamelessly enter Office Space quote because I suck at smoothly alluding to these things)

Just like Jesse Jackson Jr. said about iPads - destroying jobs.
Interviewed some of the local Nashville 'Occupiers' for a news package I did today. Interesting characters to say the least. Never a dull response.
Interviewed some of the local Nashville 'Occupiers' for a news package I did today. Interesting characters to say the least. Never a dull response.

You must be one hell of an interviewer to get a sharp answer from a group of dullards.



Problems with federal employees (limited to administrative, bureaucratic positions):
- Difficult, if not impossible, to fire.
- Many positions are redundant or flat unnecessary.
- Their work environment offers no incentive to work hard.
- Any value they might provide is offset by the fact that their employment costs taxpayers money.
- Lockstep promotions and pay raises.
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You missed the most important problem. Almost none of them engage in an activity that contributes wealth to the economy. Some do perform necessary functions so that the private sector can work. Well over half are engaged in activities that redistribute wealth from the productive to the unproductive.

Even if you think those things should be done by the Feds instead of privately or by states, it is absolutely undeniable that federal spending is a tremendous drag on the economy. That is precisely why the stimulus was doomed to fail.

If the money had gone to only infrastructure then that might have helped. If it had even gone to making parks more attractive to visitors... that could have helped a little. But it went largely as payola to political supporters with no real return or residual benefit to the economy.
Occupy ATL tried to have a rally in Buckhead today but they all got lost riding Marta......brilliant.

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