The Official “Regular Posters of the Basketball Forum” Thread

The 2021 team also lacked a ball handler and was incapable of scoring consistently. The defense was stellar but the inability to score clearly mentally weighed the team down by the final month of the season. There’s too many similarities there right now to not be slightly alarmed.
The 2019 team was very good. The 2021 team was poo and anyone who was paying halfway attention to them in February knew it. There’s plenty of time to turn this around, but we are 1/4 of our way into a similar February collapse as that team had.

Pretty much all of the same issues the 2021 team had during their February collapse this team has shown. Lack of offensive identify. No real inside presence. General apathy on the court. Couldn’t drive to the basket all that effectively.

2021 also had a good defense though!! That always seems to be true…..
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I've been pounding the table on this for a while: the lack of guard depth (and the inability of Barnes and staff to land a real PG in the portal) is hurting this team, because SV and ZZ are playing a lot of minutes, they work their asses off on defense, and I think their shooting legs are failing them. But the only real sub you have for them is Key, as Mashack is such an offensive liability that he's stuck at 3-5 minutes a game.
Pretty much all of the same issues the 2021 team had during their February collapse this team has shown. Lack of offensive identify. No real inside presence. General apathy on the court. Couldn’t drive to the basket all that effectively.

2021 also had a good defense though!! That always seems to be true…..
Ball handling was also a major issue on that team. Santi split duties with KJ and JS if memory serves. I really just hated that team by the end of the season and it seemed like they hated playing. I really hope this year does not end like that.
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I know it’s easier said than done, and Barnes has shown himself willing to adapt even as he ages, but I wouldn’t mind if this off-season Barnes decides to prioritize the offense a bit more even if it comes at the expense of defensive efficiency.

We seem to be bringing in a class with a lot of offensive upside (Estrella, Dillione, Carr) but I would by lying if I said this trend of great defense, uninspiring offense the last 3 years doesn’t have me concerned that Barnes might just zap the scoring right out of these guys if they don’t play perfect defense.
also worth pointing out: we got a VERY favorable whistle vs. Auburn (for once) - if that doesn't happen, we don't win that game.
Well, we finally fell out of the #2 spot on Ken Pom, down to #4. On the plus side we're still ahead of Purdue...
also worth pointing out: we got a VERY favorable whistle vs. Auburn (for once) - if that doesn't happen, we don't win that game.

Didn’t get a favorable whistle when Vescovi was pushed out of bounds or when ZZ tried to fight through an illegal screen. So no. It’s not worth pointing out.
I already had a general low opinion of our fanbase when it comes to basketball IQ, but tonight is taking the cake. Look Phillips screwed up, but as I said it can be a learning moment. But the number of "fans" attempting to somehow blame Barnes for Phillips not doing what should have come natural is just mind blowing. Barnes has to tell 5 star players that if they have a chance to do a breakaway dunk to actually dunk it and not just dribble out? Really?

That's not even me trying hard to "defend' Barnes, that's just common basketball sense. ZZ missed a point blank bunny, was that Barnes' fault too? Barnes get criticized for not drawing up plays and then draws up a play that puts a player in prime position to score but it's still Barnes' fault for not specifically telling Philips to dunk it? What is happening?
I know it’s easier said than done, and Barnes has shown himself willing to adapt even as he ages, but I wouldn’t mind if this off-season Barnes decides to prioritize the offense a bit more even if it comes at the expense of defensive efficiency.

We seem to be bringing in a class with a lot of offensive upside (Estrella, Dillione, Carr) but I would by lying if I said this trend of great defense, uninspiring offense the last 3 years doesn’t have me concerned that Barnes might just zap the scoring right out of these guys if they don’t play perfect defense.
Come on down BJ Edwards, a guy who could probably have helped this year, but gets 0 playing time because he doesnt defend to Barnes liking. Youre talking to a brick wall with this one.
Barnes has had quite a few good teams here, he had one great team when Bone, Grant, Admiral, Kyle were all in their last seasons here and even then that team didn't win the SEC regular or conference tournament and only made the Sweet Sixteen.

What's clear to me about this team is two things, having watched nearly every single minute of every game.

1. Inexperienced and lacking confidence, when you see a team that plays down to its opponent (Ole Miss, Colorado, Florida, & Vandy) but also play better when facing better competition that's one reason it happens.
2. When they play within themselves and just do what they do at a high level they can not only beat good teams they can embarrass bad teams. (Kansas, Maryland, Texas).

When we settled for Key in the portal I was worried, 19-5 is better than I expected before the season with us losing KC, Fulky, BHH, Powell, Bailey, & Diboundje not that all the guys we lost were better players, but they were experienced in the system and we all know that the longer a player plays for Barnes the better they are in his system. ZZ and Santi both are pressing bad, ZZ on offense and Santi on defense they are each trying to do too much. The only real bright spot right now is that Awaka seems to really be settling in and with more minutes keeps looking better. Phillips is another JJJ for us it seems, high rated 5 star that's more project than lottery pick, don't mind that if he actually comes back and we get to see him reach his full potential while still here. At this point I'm just confused why BJ Edwards and Mashack aren't getting more minutes. JJJ has been banged up, Key had all but vanished in SEC play until finally having a good game last night, Santi and ZZ are both exhausted and pressing. These young guys need court time to learn, one reason I think Aidoo has regressed.

Also, what has Uros done? He's not played 15 minutes in a game since the Mississippi State game.
I hate this place right now lol. These bozos are quiet when we beat a team that's currently in the top 5 (Texas) but come here after we lose.

The decade + of negaVOL being the "in" thing when bashing the football team leaks over. They do the same **** when Tony V's baseball team loses, it's annoying when your own "fans" are your biggest trolls.
Barnes has had quite a few good teams here, he had one great team when Bone, Grant, Admiral, Kyle were all in their last seasons here and even then that team didn't win the SEC regular or conference tournament and only made the Sweet Sixteen.

What's clear to me about this team is two things, having watched nearly every single minute of every game.

1. Inexperienced and lacking confidence, when you see a team that plays down to its opponent (Ole Miss, Colorado, Florida, & Vandy) but also play better when facing better competition that's one reason it happens.
2. When they play within themselves and just do what they do at a high level they can not only beat good teams they can embarrass bad teams. (Kansas, Maryland, Texas).

When we settled for Key in the portal I was worried, 19-5 is better than I expected before the season with us losing KC, Fulky, BHH, Powell, Bailey, & Diboundje not that all the guys we lost were better players, but they were experienced in the system and we all know that the longer a player plays for Barnes the better they are in his system. ZZ and Santi both are pressing bad, ZZ on offense and Santi on defense they are each trying to do too much. The only real bright spot right now is that Awaka seems to really be settling in and with more minutes keeps looking better. Phillips is another JJJ for us it seems, high rated 5 star that's more project than lottery pick, don't mind that if he actually comes back and we get to see him reach his full potential while still here. At this point I'm just confused why BJ Edwards and Mashack aren't getting more minutes. JJJ has been banged up, Key had all but vanished in SEC play until finally having a good game last night, Santi and ZZ are both exhausted and pressing. These young guys need court time to learn, one reason I think Aidoo has regressed.

Also, what has Uros done? He's not played 15 minutes in a game since the Mississippi State game.
One thing last night has me wondering if it's a lack of continuity. 2 new assistants and half the roster was just turned over. Does this group just not gel well?
One thing last night has me wondering if it's a lack of continuity. 2 new assistants and half the roster was just turned over. Does this group just not gel well?

Roster turnover is just part of the game now. Teams will have to be able to adapt to it. It's going to happen again this off-season. We very likely lose anywhere from 4-7 players off the active roster again. Most teams are dealing with it, so I don't think we can use it as an excuse.
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Roster turnover is just part of the game now. Teams will have to be able to adapt to it. It's going to happen again this off-season. We very likely lose anywhere from 4-7 players off the active roster again. Most teams are dealing with it, so I don't think we can use it as an excuse.
It was just a thought I had last night. My personal thoughts is we shouldn't have too much next year
ZZ, Freddie, Phillips, Awaka, Transfer center
Edwards, Transfer, Aidoo.
6 out 8 would have some experience in the system.
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I’m curious, does anyone wonder if JJJ missing time could be the kick in the pants this team needs to improve? It happened last year with ORN when he went down. It forced Rick to change things up, and we went on a tear to end the season.

JJJ has been pretty putrid on offense recently. I do wonder if forcing other guys to step up might ultimately help the offense in a weird way?

I think the one glaring difference between the ORN and JJJ injuries though is that last year we had an undeniably great point guard duo and Kennedy put the team on his damn back. We don’t have that depth this year, so I’m still not sure how much will change.
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I’m curious, does anyone wonder if JJJ missing time could be the kick in the pants this team needs to improve? It happened last year with ORN when he went down. It forced Rick to change things up, and we went on a tear to end the season.

JJJ has been pretty putrid on offense recently. I do wonder if forcing other guys to step up might ultimately help the offense in a weird way?

I think the one glaring difference between the ORN and JJJ injuries though is that last year we had an undeniably great point guard duo and Kennedy put the team on his damn back. We don’t have that depth this year, so I’m still not sure how much will change.


Awaka got a lot more minutes yesterday for instance and I’m conflicted about it.

Awaka has a lot of intangibles and potential. And yesterday he demonstrated those. But he also makes a lot of goofy mistakes that seem like they are because he lacks experience.

Getting him more playing time will help that, but it will be at a cost.

Awaka got a lot more minutes yesterday for instance and I’m conflicted about it.

Awaka has a lot of intangibles and potential. And yesterday he demonstrated those. But he also makes a lot of goofy mistakes that seem like they are because he lacks experience.

Getting him more playing time will help that, but it will be at a cost.
Mistakes from Awaka are to be expected though, mistakes from JJJ, the TO straight into a rushed shot the next possession, are inexcusable.
And you've likely lost JJJ for at least a couple weeks.

This has to be one of, if not the worst defensive performance of the year.
It was, but the likelihood of probabilities played a huge role as well. Robbins shooting 18% and hitting 3 threes early. Five things had to happen in the end, and those 5 things happened in 22 seconds. Vandy had to get 5 fouls to force free throws, then Phillips had to pass on the shot, and Vescovi had to miss at the line. Fourth, Vescovi had to come off his man to help down low, and he did. Lastly, the 22% 3-pt shooter had to make the 3. The statistical likelihood of all those things occurring in 22 seconds was very low.

Awaka got a lot more minutes yesterday for instance and I’m conflicted about it.

Awaka has a lot of intangibles and potential. And yesterday he demonstrated those. But he also makes a lot of goofy mistakes that seem like they are because he lacks experience.

Getting him more playing time will help that, but it will be at a cost.
Goofy mistakes? If you’re talking about getting blocked by a 7-footer, yeah maybe. Just remember ON taking shot after shot against Broome with little likelihood of making a bucket.

The 3-point play was tough, but he didn’t come close to body contact and it was debatable on whether there was much hand contact, if any. I can see where that might be goofy, but nothing our more experienced players haven’t done a good bit.
I’m curious, does anyone wonder if JJJ missing time could be the kick in the pants this team needs to improve? It happened last year with ORN when he went down. It forced Rick to change things up, and we went on a tear to end the season.

JJJ has been pretty putrid on offense recently. I do wonder if forcing other guys to step up might ultimately help the offense in a weird way?

I think the one glaring difference between the ORN and JJJ injuries though is that last year we had an undeniably great point guard duo and Kennedy put the team on his damn back. We don’t have that depth this year, so I’m still not sure how much will change.
The optimist in me hopes the same. We did look good without JJJ to start the season. If that doesn’t happen, maybe this will be an Okeke auburn 2019 injury that sparks the team around the vet leader to make a run. I’m not overly confident in either after the last week tho.

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