The Official #1 Tennessee @ FSU CWS Game 3 Thread (Wed. June 19 3:45PM EST) (ESPN)

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What impressed me the most about this game was how composed we were the entire game...we could have easily went out with "something to prove" and brought a lot of emotional/mental baggage due to the "check swing" call the first time around. From that we could have pressed too hard and tried to do too much and end up not doing what we had to do to win.

Instead, this team showed a ton of emotional maturity and just took this as another game, another day at the office. Did not look back at the previous game, did not look forward to the next game...just went about their business on an even keel and did what they had to do.

This team has a ton of that--maturity. Maybe the last few years of falling short in about any imaginable way was needed to get to this team and their business approach to each game. I do not know, and I do not know how this will end, but I think any previous team might have had some problems with pressing too much in yesterday's game.

Go Vols.
No substitute for experience. This team has been on the big stage enough that it doesn't affect them negatively.
As for the FSU coach, I didn't hear him say anything I thought was ungracious. He could have been more complimentary of our team, but he chose to focus on his own team. I don't blame him for that. Of course, he and his players and their fans are going to talk about all the opportunities they had and what could have been. That's natural. It's also natural that they ignore that we could do the same thing about the opportunities we missed.

One thing I hear losing coaches say that I like is something along the lines of, "We fought hard, but they were the better team tonight..." or "they deserved to win." If he had said something like that, his other comments would've landed better, IMO.
Lady Vols won it all in basketball in 08 and the softball team played for it all and lost a couple times since then. We won it all in men’s track in the early 2000s.
This. 👆🏻
We won an indoor and an outdoor track title when Justin Gatlin was a Vol. Pretty sure outdoor was in ‘01, not sure about indoor, was either ‘00 or ‘01.
As for the FSU coach, I didn't hear him say anything I thought was ungracious. He could have been more complimentary of our team, but he chose to focus on his own team. I don't blame him for that. Of course, he and his players and their fans are going to talk about all the opportunities they had and what could have been. That's natural. It's also natural that they ignore that we could do the same thing about the opportunities we missed.

One thing I hear losing coaches say that I like is something along the lines of, "We fought hard, but they were the better team tonight..." or "they deserved to win." If he had said something like that, his other comments would've landed better, IMO.

I watched his post game press conference and came away really liking Jarrett and the two players that were up there.

Competitors hate to lose and in these games with high stakes it can be tough to immediately switch from competitive fire to gracious loser.

Here’s the link if anyone is interested in watching:

24 appearances without a title, that's in their/his head. He came home to get that title for FSU and he failed in his first attempt. FSU brought a great team to the CWS, we sent them home and frankly, I couldn't give a rat behind what he thinks about the outcomes.

Imagine if the Vols had gone 24 appearance without a title...the BVS would have melted the entire internet down
I believe it's 25 now. Maybe.
Talk about a curse. 🤣

If it was one game I suppose they could claim the better team did not win.
But we beat them twice. The first time was one of our worst showings of the season. Still beat them. Run along Link, you'll get em next year. 😂
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And at the post game presser, Coach Link really struggled to just openly and graciously congratulate the Vols - he couldn't say the words. "Clearly thats a good team"? A weak compliment at this level. You could tell he absolutely thought his team was better than ours and it showed in his presser. Makes it even sweeter to beat them. This one really got him, and its one that he wont get over soon. Go Vols
Cause he doesn't know of hell ever make it back to that game again. I hope he never does so it will burn in his soul that he fell short to Tennessee.
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I watched his post game press conference and came away really liking Jarrett and the two players that were up there.

Competitors hate to lose and in these games with high stakes it can be tough to immediately switch from competitive fire to gracious loser.

Here’s the link if anyone is interested in watching:

Yeah, I don’t see how anyone could be mad at this.
He noted our pitching, athleticism all over, making plays around the diamond, and structure. I felt like for a competitive person, he did a good job complimenting the game and I agree with everything he said.

James Tibbs just gained a fan out of me. Very well spoken young man and great ball player.

Rooting for Stubbs going forward but Link can suck for the next 10 years. Lol

Body suit with short sexy blue jean shorts over it - check

Beautiful golden tan legs that are mostly bare - check

Elevated selfie that shows off cleavage - check

Sleeve arm tattoo - check

Platinum dyed hair that definitely doesn't match the small patch of carpet [probably hardwood floors] - check

Vols fan - Check and Mate
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