The Official #1 Tennessee @ FSU CWS Game 3 Thread (Wed. June 19 3:45PM EST) (ESPN)

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And at the post game presser, Coach Link really struggled to just openly and graciously congratulate the Vols - he couldn't say the words. "Clearly thats a good team"? A weak compliment at this level. You could tell he absolutely thought his team was better than ours and it showed in his presser. Makes it even sweeter to beat them. This one really got him, and its one that he wont get over soon. Go Vols

I dunno, what did you expect him to say?
I dunno, what did you expect him to say?
What he said is exactly what I expected him to say. This loss and the game 1 loss really got to him, and he couldn't find it in himself to be entirely classy and gracious. If you didn't catch his tone, watch it again.....I'll just tell you he essentially said the Vols got fortunate bla bla. And while we did catch a few breaks, it is more classy to not dwell on that in your post game. Its just how I thought he would imply the Vols were a bit "lucky". Just my take on his tone.
It’s incredible to see our Vols in a national
Championship Game (series). The last time we played for a natty was in 1999 (98 season).

Now it’s time to bring home a ⚾️ natty!

It feels great!
Lady Vols won it all in basketball in 08 and the softball team played for it all and lost a couple times since then. We won it all in men’s track in the early 2000s.
What he said is exactly what I expected him to say. This loss and the game 1 loss really got to him, and he couldn't find it in himself to be entirely classy and gracious. If you didn't catch his tone, watch it again.....I'll just tell you he essentially said the Vols got fortunate bla bla. And while we did catch a few breaks, it is more classy to not dwell on that in your post game. Its just how I thought he would imply the Vols were a bit "lucky". Just my take on his tone.
I don’t like him. Didn’t like him before this CWS and still don’t. Something about him just rubs me wrong. He’s a GREAT coach and I think he’ll finally bring a NC to FSU. But I don’t like him. It’s something about the way he talks.
I think we've all felt like that at one time or another.
StarBearette turned off the 2021 regional Wright St. game..... I went in after it was over and told her the BaseVols won and she could not believe it... now she sticks with it and was rewarded with games like last Friday.
What impressed me the most about this game was how composed we were the entire game...we could have easily went out with "something to prove" and brought a lot of emotional/mental baggage due to the "check swing" call the first time around. From that we could have pressed too hard and tried to do too much and end up not doing what we had to do to win.

Instead, this team showed a ton of emotional maturity and just took this as another game, another day at the office. Did not look back at the previous game, did not look forward to the next game...just went about their business on an even keel and did what they had to do.

This team has a ton of that--maturity. Maybe the last few years of falling short in about any imaginable way was needed to get to this team and their business approach to each game. I do not know, and I do not know how this will end, but I think any previous team might have had some problems with pressing too much in yesterday's game.

Go Vols.
And at the post game presser, Coach Link really struggled to just openly and graciously congratulate the Vols - he couldn't say the words. "Clearly thats a good team"? A weak compliment at this level. You could tell he absolutely thought his team was better than ours and it showed in his presser. Makes it even sweeter to beat them. This one really got him, and its one that he wont get over soon. Go Vols
Wasn't he the coach of the Notre Dame team that knocked the 2022 out of the World Series? Why is the press not playing that up more.
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I don’t like him. Didn’t like him before this CWS and still don’t. Something about him just rubs me wrong. He’s a GREAT coach and I think he’ll finally bring a NC to FSU. But I don’t like him. It’s something about the way he talks.

Agree. Great coach who will have FSU in the mix every season, but listening to him and Tony you can hear such a difference in approach.

Tony is all about building a program and bringing in kids that buy in and want to be part of the "family", so to speak, to the point of telling recruits not to bother if all they're looking for is a 'bag'. Jarrett talks about the portal and what JUCO players can be added to get back to Omaha every season.

Listen, whatever approach works for you is fine, but as an old school type college sports fan, it's refreshing and a hell of a lot easier to root for a guy like Tony V. and the kind of players he wants representing UT than it is a coach who will bring in whatever mercenary will give him a better shot at a national title. But maybe that's just me.
And at the post game presser, Coach Link really struggled to just openly and graciously congratulate the Vols - he couldn't say the words. "Clearly thats a good team"? A weak compliment at this level. You could tell he absolutely thought his team was better than ours and it showed in his presser. Makes it even sweeter to beat them. This one really got him, and its one that he wont get over soon. Go Vols
He is not that type of person to purely congratulate the other team. He is what they call a sore loser. He takes his ball and goes home whenever things don’t go his way instead of shaking his opponent’s hand like a grown man. He will blame losses on the small things and not give the other team credit for taking advantage of opportunities. What I always tell people like this is if you don’t want to be crying about missed opportunities then fix your team’s mental game. Continually giving the opponent extra opportunities while not capitalizing on the ones provided to you shows your guys are not mentally focused to a high enough level as the other team. That is a direct reflection of the coach. He even admitted that he didn’t know what to tell his players and he himself kept thinking about that Game 1 loss for 2 days. The inability to wash that away and move on as a coach is a sign of weakness. Instead of b****ing and moaning about blowing a lead, walk in front of your team like the leader you are suppose to be and tell them to forget about. That game is now in the past and when (not “if”) we see them again we will handle business. Instead he chose to do the opposite and complain like a loser after that loss.
At 3:30 CT PM parts of Franklin County TN experienced a massive Xfinity outage. Xfinity could have let us know and plan around it in advance but…noooooo. Thankful for the new Jefferson’s in Winchester and the Vol Fans there who cheered on the Vols. Great game, great team, great University. Three games left to win two. Let’s do this! Thanks VN for posting scores and Sirius for carrying the game as well. Very disappointed in Xfinity Comcast. Looking for alternatives.
I don’t like him. Didn’t like him before this CWS and still don’t. Something about him just rubs me wrong. He’s a GREAT coach and I think he’ll finally bring a NC to FSU. But I don’t like him. It’s something about the way he talks.
My sentiments exactly. Loser mentality that one has.
And at the post game presser, Coach Link really struggled to just openly and graciously congratulate the Vols - he couldn't say the words. "Clearly thats a good team"? A weak compliment at this level. You could tell he absolutely thought his team was better than ours and it showed in his presser. Makes it even sweeter to beat them. This one really got him, and its one that he wont get over soon. Go Vols

While Florida State is a fearless great team, Tennessee is a top dog team that outplayed them last night, and they did find a way to win an ugly game because Florida State couldn’t close in the 9th.

He can’t take off the rose colored Florida State glasses to see that Tennessee simply is the better team.
What he said is exactly what I expected him to say. This loss and the game 1 loss really got to him, and he couldn't find it in himself to be entirely classy and gracious. If you didn't catch his tone, watch it again.....I'll just tell you he essentially said the Vols got fortunate bla bla. And while we did catch a few breaks, it is more classy to not dwell on that in your post game. Its just how I thought he would imply the Vols were a bit "lucky". Just my take on his tone.
24 appearances without a title, that's in their/his head. He came home to get that title for FSU and he failed in his first attempt. FSU brought a great team to the CWS, we sent them home and frankly, I couldn't give a rat behind what he thinks about the outcomes.

Imagine if the Vols had gone 24 appearance without a title...the BVS would have melted the entire internet down
What impressed me the most about this game was how composed we were the entire game...we could have easily went out with "something to prove" and brought a lot of emotional/mental baggage due to the "check swing" call the first time around. From that we could have pressed too hard and tried to do too much and end up not doing what we had to do to win.

Instead, this team showed a ton of emotional maturity and just took this as another game, another day at the office. Did not look back at the previous game, did not look forward to the next game...just went about their business on an even keel and did what they had to do.

This team has a ton of that--maturity. Maybe the last few years of falling short in about any imaginable way was needed to get to this team and their business approach to each game. I do not know, and I do not know how this will end, but I think any previous team might have had some problems with pressing too much in yesterday's game.

Go Vols.
I agree totally. Did you notice how subdued the post game "celebration" was? Very calm, all about business - an eye on the prize kinda team. Doesn't mean they win it all, but I love their mentality and demeanor.
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