Guess the hope is we can keep shutting them down looks like if they score two or three more were in serious trouble. Beam probably back out there would think this could be his last inning.
We've had this guy in trouble so many times. The issue is that we have nothing to show for it. A single run would run this guy out the game because his pitches are unreliable.
Then I guess youve slept thru the fact that we’ve scored more runs than any team we’ve ever put out there. You’re acting like we see 100+ mph pitches all the time.
Man I’m trying to stay positive but it’s getting harder. And when TV says his guys are seeing the ball well - I immediately thought that is one of the few times I have heard TV use coach speak. That did not encourage me at all.
If you don’t come close to hitting this guy they will just keep trotting him out there. He’s still throwing gas and we can’t hit him. Elite arms can make any line up look bad.