I would say that anyone on any message board forum that calls a collegiate athlete “trash” or ”worthless” is not someone I would hang around with. Unfortunately, I have seen it far too often over the years. We all have opinions on what goes on during the unfolding of a game (to bunt or not to bunt), but I detest the blatant chastisement of any college athlete.
Respectfully, in regards to your words that UT is the worst of anyone you’ve seen, I would take exception to that. I’ve travelled all over the SEC and the country watching the Vols, and in my 5th decade of doing this, I’ve observed about every fan base imaginable, and watched every sport played. The clear conclusion I have reached based on my experiences is that every fan base has its fair share of luniacal fans that can sour the experience for others. The sheer numbers in each fan base are probably similar, in my opinion. Obviously, your experience seems to be different, but I respect that. However, my experience and the experience of many I have travelled with are similar.
I will end by saying what I‘ve said a lot in my life, and that is, ”God don’t make no junk.”