The Official 2nd Amendment Appreciation Thread

Picked this up yesterday. Is all the hype warranted for this handgun? Possibly.
Great overall trigger, wish it had a little bit more of a tactile feel on the reset. So far, that's my only complaint. Well, the stupid glow in the dark sights are kinda lame, other than that, it's excellent.
I just hope I don't have to deal with HK customer service any time soon. Which is basically, "you suck, and we hate you."

I've been thinking of one of those as well. And it's coming down to it or the Sig 320.

Give us a range report when you get the chance.
I think your example falls into the mint in box exception. All I know is the cash prices I see at shows and that are floated among collectors and resellers here in Nashville Tennessee. A customary asking price for a used sweet 16 with some finish wear on the wood and some bluing loss is $400-500 and most cash buyers are going to offer less. I bought a remington humpback 12 last year in that condition for $125.

I can't tell the condition of that gun but if the bluing is 90% and the barrel isn't pitted, I'd say you made a really good purchase.

Having said that, there is no comparison in value between a Remington 12 and a Belgian Browning 16 for collector value.
I'm not sure that the average shooter can tell the difference in yardage between modified and improved cylinder. 30" barrel is preferred by a lot of clay shooters for follow through. In the 70s, which I lived through and remember, the 16 was marketed as the gentleman's 12. 12 was considered a shoulder killing thunderstick. Of course, the .357 was considered a wristbreaker back then. Of course, this info is just based on my observations and experiences.

If nothing else, I've learned that the next time I let go of an A5 I'm going to ship it to my cousin in the Woodlands since it's apparently a seller's market over there.
Picked this up yesterday. Is all the hype warranted for this handgun? Possibly.
Great overall trigger, wish it had a little bit more of a tactile feel on the reset. So far, that's my only complaint. Well, the stupid glow in the dark sights are kinda lame, other than that, it's excellent.
I just hope I don't have to deal with HK customer service any time soon. Which is basically, "you suck, and we hate you."

I'm taking credit for your purchase.

Try the Sig 320 or the H&K VP9 as well. Both have outstanding triggers.

Kind of an offshoot from the thread going on in the PF. But what flavor of HD/SD ammo do you guys carry?

I've gotten great groupings and reliability from the standard Remington Golden Saber in my pistols. But have recently started swapping it out incrementally with the Federal HST in both 124 grain 9mm and 230 grain .45 ACP.

My AR has a "zombie apocalypse load" of the 5.56mm Winchester RA556B bonded 64 grain soft points as the go to round. With a mag of the .223 Black Hills 60 grain V-Max loaded for varmints and such.

The AR10 has either the factory Hornady TAP LE (red box) 155 grain AMAX or 168 grain AMAX depending on application.

What's your favorite of the 31 flavors?
Kind of an offshoot from the thread going on in the PF. But what flavor of HD/SD ammo do you guys carry?

I've gotten great groupings and reliability from the standard Remington Golden Saber in my pistols. But have recently started swapping it out incrementally with the Federal HST in both 124 grain 9mm and 230 grain .45 ACP.

My AR has a "zombie apocalypse load" of the 5.56mm Winchester RA556B bonded 64 grain soft points as the go to round. With a mag of the .223 Black Hills 60 grain V-Max loaded for varmints and such.

The AR10 has either the factory Hornady TAP LE (red box) 155 grain AMAX or 168 grain AMAX depending on application.

What's your favorite of the 31 flavors?

I mostly run standard Winchester ranger 147 grain in my glocks and the HK I'm now carrying (blush)
AR's get black hills Sierra matchkings either 68 or 77 grain (when I can afford it)
In the .45's, I always either used power ball or full metal jacket black hills 230 grain stuff.

M14's get the 175 grain black hills match load. Scary accurate through the smith enterprises built LRB. I've got a ton of the old Portuguese surplus ammo that I'll practice with from time to time.

M1's will get the Greek surplus ammo that I stocked up on years ago. That stuff is nice and hot and very accurate.

AK's will get wolf military classic in the 47, and silver bear or the 7n6 "banned" ammo in my 74's

If I'm honest, I mainly shoot AK's these days. Cheaper than anything else to shoot.
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I've been thinking of one of those as well. And it's coming down to it or the Sig 320.

Give us a range report when you get the chance.

Honestly, it's everything it's cracked up to be. Typical hk quality, and very accurate. It's honestly hard to miss, if you do your part. I've shot it a bit and its eaten everything I've thrown at it. (I'm hell on gear)
I can give it no higher endorsement than the fact it's riding on my hip right now. Buy it and forget the ppq and the sig.
I do wish the trigger reset was a little more positive though. Although, I'll admit I'm used to glocks. That's really my only gripe, well the cost of mags as well. Although, p30 mags will work as well, (same mag)
I'm very happy with it, and my Modified G17 is in the safe (for now)
Just picked up a Yugo M70AB2. My first Kalashnikov. Only took months of research to figure out what I wanted. Almost wound up getting a VZ2008 instead of the AK. Had a hard time with choosing what variant and ultimately decided on the M70AB2. I wanted something for closer ranges that was very maneuverable.
Honestly, it's everything it's cracked up to be. Typical hk quality, and very accurate. It's honestly hard to miss, if you do your part. I've shot it a bit and its eaten everything I've thrown at it. (I'm hell on gear)
I can give it no higher endorsement than the fact it's riding on my hip right now. Buy it and forget the ppq and the sig.
I do wish the trigger reset was a little more positive though. Although, I'll admit I'm used to glocks. That's really my only gripe, well the cost of mags as well. Although, p30 mags will work as well, (same mag)
I'm very happy with it, and my Modified G17 is in the safe (for now)

The trigger reset was what had me leaning towards the Sig. Very crisp and not a lot of travel. But I love the modularity of the grips on the VP9. And H&K redesigned the trigger angle so you don't swipe the trigger guard anymore. But the grip on the 320 isn't that bad for not being adjustable.

Tough choices.
Just picked up a Yugo M70AB2. My first Kalashnikov. Only took months of research to figure out what I wanted. Almost wound up getting a VZ2008 instead of the AK. Had a hard time with choosing what variant and ultimately decided on the M70AB2. I wanted something for closer ranges that was very maneuverable.

If you buy Tapco mags, make sure you try one out first. The AK, no matter who makes it, is picky about anything polymer from that manufacturer. And the new production Bulgarian polymer like these:

30 Round AK-47 Mag - New Bulgarian Made Polymer 7.62x39 Caliber Magazine |

I couldn't get a good fit into either that I owned. Best bet for mags is the standard steel surplus.

If you buy another, check out Arsenal. The SLR-107F is a nice setup.
Just picked up a Yugo M70AB2. My first Kalashnikov. Only took months of research to figure out what I wanted. Almost wound up getting a VZ2008 instead of the AK. Had a hard time with choosing what variant and ultimately decided on the M70AB2. I wanted something for closer ranges that was very maneuverable.

That's the under folder right? Solidly built rifle. The VZ isn't a bad choice, well the ones from century are spotty in quality, the ones from Czechpoint are very nice, I've got one that I've got all painted up. The VZ is nice because it was basically built as a screw you to the soviets. Lol
If you buy Tapco mags, make sure you try one out first. The AK, no matter who makes it, is picky about anything polymer from that manufacturer. And the new production Bulgarian polymer like these:

30 Round AK-47 Mag - New Bulgarian Made Polymer 7.62x39 Caliber Magazine |

I couldn't get a good fit into either that I owned. Best bet for mags is the standard steel surplus.

If you buy another, check out Arsenal. The SLR-107F is a nice setup.

I have heard Arsenal is top of the line for AKs. I am partial to anything Yugo related. The maternal side of the family is all from there.
If you buy Tapco mags, make sure you try one out first. The AK, no matter who makes it, is picky about anything polymer from that manufacturer. And the new production Bulgarian polymer like these:

30 Round AK-47 Mag - New Bulgarian Made Polymer 7.62x39 Caliber Magazine |

I couldn't get a good fit into either that I owned. Best bet for mags is the standard steel surplus.

If you buy another, check out Arsenal. The SLR-107F is a nice setup.

Indeed. Cannot agree with this enough. If is a 47 stay with Warsaw pact mags and you'll be fine, the Yugos even have last round hold open.

The arsenal may seem like a lot of money for an ak, but it's worth it in the end. I wish they would do something with their finish though.
I have heard Arsenal is top of the line for AKs. I am partial to anything Yugo related. The maternal side of the family is all from there.

Arsenal is the best you can get. And the Russian made receivers are pretty much the equal to a Colt AR. But the Bulgarian models aren't shabby either. The biggest problem is the Tapco fire control group they put in. Some have bad habits for sticking until they are broken in. If I were you, I'd drop some additional coin and go with the ALG Defense drop in trigger if it had the Tapco parts kit already.

Yugo makes a decent one as well. Just be careful about using Yugo surplus ammo if you come across it. It's corrosive and you'll need to clean immediately after firing. Same for most of the Warsaw Pact surplus ammo, but new production stuff has corrosive free primers.
Everyone keeping an eye on this breaking the past couple of days!

Cabela's Attention Firearms Enthusiasts: Proposed Ban: 5.56 M855 Ball Ammunition

Proposed Ban: 5.56 M855 Ball Ammunition

Attention Firearms Enthusiasts:

You may be aware that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recently announced its intent to ban certain types of 5.56mm/.223-caliber ammunition commonly used for sporting purposes, such as target shooting.

The ATF is taking public comment on the proposed ban of commonly available steel-core ball ammunition until March 16.

While this ATF initiative doesn’t appear to affect traditional ammunition, the proposed ban has potentially far-reaching implications for shooting, hunting and outdoor enthusiasts. We encourage our customers to get informed and express their opinions to the ATF and their elected representatives.

More information is available at the National Shooting Sports Foundation website at:
Oppose ATF's 5.56 M855 Ball Ammunition Ban | NSSF Blog

Through the NSSF website you can also take action and contact the ATF and your Congressional representatives.

ATF email: Follow the instructions for submitting comments
Fax: (202) 648-9741
Mail: Denise Brown, Mailstop 6N-602, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Enforcement
Programs and Services, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 99
New York Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20226: ATTN: AP Ammo Comments

Stop ATF's Ammo Ban: Urge Your U.S. Representative to Sign Congressional Letter to ATF on Proposed Ammo Ban

Stop ATF's Ammo Ban: Urge Your U.S. Representative to Sign Congressional Letter to ATF on Proposed Ammo Ban

As NRA has been reporting since the night the news broke, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) is moving to infringe upon the rights of law-abiding gun owners with a drastic reinterpretation of a nearly 30-year-old law regulating so-called “armor piercing” ammunition. So draconian is BATFE’s new “Framework” that it would prohibit the manufacturing, importation, and sale of M855 ball ammunition, one of the most popular cartridges for the most popular rifle in America, the AR-15. Not coincidentally, the AR-15 is among the firearms the Obama Administration has unsuccessfully sought to outlaw. If they can’t ban the pie, so the thinking apparently goes, they might at least get the apples.

In an effort to thwart BATFE's attempted action, NRA has worked with U.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, to draft a letter to BATFE expressing the lawmakers' opposition to the proposed Framework. To read a copy of the letter, please click this link.

According to the letter, “The idea that Congress intended [the ‘armor piercing’ ammunition law] to ban one of the preeminent rifle cartridges in use by Americans for legitimate purposes is preposterous.” It goes on to state that the law “should be construed in accordance with the American tradition of lawful firearms ownership, as protected by the Second Amendment.” This includes due consideration of “the many legitimate uses Americans make of their firearms including target practice, hunting, organized and casual competition, training and skills development, and instructional activities.“ The letter concludes with several pointed questions for B. Todd Jones, BATFE’s director, including why the agency bypassed the Administrative Procedures Act in proposing such a radical change to its prior interpretation and enforcement of the law.

NRA will also be submitting its own detailed comments to BATFE in opposition to the ban and is continuing to work with Members of Congress on legislation that will put a stop to this abuse.

In the meantime, gun owners and other affected members of the public must act now to help ensure BATFE does not get away with this attempt to deprive Americans of ammunition for their favorite rifle and to squeeze ammunition markets between converging bans on both lead and non-lead ammunition. BATFE is accepting comments on their proposed ban and will consider all comments received on or before March 16, 2015.

Please be sure to submit your respectful comments in opposition to the ban. For more detailed information on the proposed ban and how you can submit your comments to BATFE, please click this link.

Finally, please contact your U.S. Representative and urge him or her to sign Rep. Goodlatte's letter and to oppose BATFE's proposed "armor piercing" ammunition Framework. To contact them by phone, call the Congressional Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or CLICK HERE TO WRITE YOUR REPRESENTATIVE.
The trigger reset was what had me leaning towards the Sig. Very crisp and not a lot of travel. But I love the modularity of the grips on the VP9. And H&K redesigned the trigger angle so you don't swipe the trigger guard anymore. But the grip on the 320 isn't that bad for not being adjustable.

Tough choices.

I am looking at those two or the PPQ.
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Yep, just as soon as prices were somewhat back to normal and supply was perfectly fine, someone decided to go through a ****monkey wrench into everything and drive up prices yet again.

The NSSF needs to honor Obama as gun salesman of all time.

VN Store
